Showing posts with label Gruesome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gruesome. Show all posts

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Pap Smear in Indo

Judging by the comments on my Pap Smear test post, I should tell you something that may be shocking hi hi hi hi...In Indonesia, since Pap Smear isn't free, there aren't that many women who would volunteer to go for that kind of check-up.

Gyneacologists there also wouldn't really recommend to do the test on virgins (they suppose unmarried women are virgins since it's very impolite to assume otherwise), unless the patient insisted on it (I've heard of a virgin who insisted of being tested, so she must've been very sure about it so that the doctor finally gave in). My own mother has NEVER had a Pap Smear test in her entire life. She just doesn't want to do the whole thing and she says she just prays that nothing bad happens.

So yes, even until today women are still expected to marry as virgins there, even though I know these days there are less and less virgins there. Among my married friends who live in Indonesia, I've only heard one of them who's ever done Pap Smear test on her own free will.

In Indonesia, in everybody's mind, a Pap Smear test is "too gruesome" and "painful" to endure. That was what one friend told me (she has never had a Pap before even though she's had a kid), so I guess we can concur that most women in Indo think that way.

Today I'm home alone. Arttu has an office trip to Rovaniemi (bowling, etc.). My plan is just to take it easy and to watch "Sex and the City" he he he...Our suitcases are packed. The only thing we need to pack more neatly is the backpack and we also need to bring some more last minute details like toothbrush, my moisturizer, etc.

OK, time to blog-hop nowwwww...