Showing posts with label Labour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labour. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Ken

Baby Ken arrived at the PERFECT timing for many reasons. I'll explain them all to you in this post. First of all, Arttu and I got to see the little bundle of joy 1,5 days before we were about to fly back to Finland.

On October 22nd at around 5.30 pm, we got a phone call from my SIL's father, saying that my SIL was taken to the hospital earlier and they told her to stay there. We didn't know much more about what was happening. So my Mom decided to go there. Since I was worried of her having to take a public transit alone, I decided to go along with her and I took Arttu as well. I was torn between leaving R2 at home or taking him with me, but he said he'd come.

About half an hour later, we arrived at the hospital and we could pop in to see my SIL who had an IV already by then. The doctor put her on an IV since her water broke at around 5 pm, but still no signs of contractions. So they had to make her start having contractions right away. When we got there, my brother was feeding her in the labour room. They told her to eat so that she could get enough strength to push.

So we waited in the waiting room in front of the labour room she was in. There were already my SIL's parents and younger brother. Not long after that, her aunt and uncle came by to wait, as well. The contractions started becoming steady at around 7 pm (she was 2 cm dilated by then). So started the hellish hours!!! At one point, I could hear her crying softly for a little while from outside. My Mom was SO worried about her already that she also cried and she started praying right then and there.

We waited and waited...and at around 8.45 pm, the nurse said that she was already 7 cm dilated. So we were sure that it wouldn't take until midnight before the baby was born. At around 9.30 pm, the doctor came in to assist the labour. The baby was born at 9.45 pm and my SIL only needed to push twice. She half-screamed on the first push, but then I heard nothing else (I was standing right in front of the room to listen to the progress). Then I heard a baby's cry HE HE HE HE HE HE...and everybody who was sitting in the waiting room came out and praised the Lord! ;-D

A while later, the nurse came out with the bundle of joy and she asked if we wanted to look at him. He was SOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEE, even though he was still "damp" he he he...However, he looked so small, too! He was born 3.1 kgs, 51 cm tall.

I saw him sneeze while we were looking at him hi hi hi...then he was taken to the baby's room. A while later, my brother came out and we congratulated him. My SIL was still "being taken care of" inside. Only after some time could we get in to congratulate her. Her legs were still shaking slightly, but she was smiling so widely. She said she was hungry he he he he he...

Almost forgot...the doctor came out afterward and said, " many supporters!!!! Congratulations to all of you!" and then he shook hands with all of us he he he...

We were all SO glad that it went smoothly and fast!!! It's considered very fast, esp. for a first baby!!!

Anyway, another reason why the baby was born at perfect timing was that my brother had decided that the next day (October 23rd), before he found out that the baby was going to be born on October 22nd, he'd start taking his leave (he hadn't taken any leave this year). So that day, October 22nd, he went straight to the hospital from work and the next day he could stay by his wife's side without worrying about work he he he...

The other reason about the perfect timing is that the baby and the mother went back to my parents' house a day after Arttu and I went to Jakarta by bus to fly back to Finland. SO, my parents didn't have time to miss us too much since the baby would occupy so much of their time. Isn't that WONDERFUL????????

OK, now here are two pics of the baby. Unfortunately they're not too clear, esp. since he was put in that "warming box". He was feeling cold, so the doctor decided to put him in that warming box for a few days. (Note: My bro's promised to send more pics of Ken later on, so hopefully I'll get clear pics to share!)

Here's Ken's crib he he he...

And here's a short video clip R2 took of Ken. :-))))

Monday, February 11, 2008

Notes to Self #1

1. I don't understand people who bully other people. Even though there were definitely groups in the schools where I went to in Bandung, there were never any bullies there. I've heard that bullies are the products of their parents' upbringing as well, but still I just don't understand people who bully other people in front of everybody to make themselves feel better, bigger, bolder, braver, etc.

Yes, I've seen plenty of bullies in Hollywood movies, but it still doesn't penetrate the grey cells in my brain. Or maybe it's because I live in a country where it's better to talk about somebody behind his/her back instead of face-to-face or in public places. After all, most people who are brought up in Indonesia aren't taught to speak up in the classroom. False humility is one of the things that is cultivated in Indonesia. At least that's what I think.

2. In pursuit of becoming wiser, faster, better, more knowledgeable, more skillful, I find that it has to be balanced with the ability to accept oneself despite oneself, despite the fact that you're NOT THERE YET. Otherwise you'll never feel that you're enough.

I know it's GOOD that humans have the drive to be wiser, faster, better, more knowledgeable, more skillful, but then again, if they can't accept themselves, what good would all those knowledge and skills be?

Over and over again learning balance has proven to be one of the most difficult, yet essential things on earth.

3. I think one of the toughest things about being parents is the feeling that you're not good enough. A friend of mine recently experienced such feelings since she read a book and she couldn't do what the book said. I think it's tough to know the best way to take care of your babies when they're still too young to speak, especially if it's your first baby and you don't have much help. When you lack too much sleep, it's SO easy to think negatively and to be stressful.

4. I was SO curious about seeing actual labour that I decided to look up some videos at youtube and I found that all of them were...BEAUTIFUL!!! ;-D Hubby shuddered when I told him about this, though HUA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...Ahem!!!

5. Before I moved to Finland, I had read other expats' experiences in Finland Forum. Half of them complained about the weather and the long dark period. I had prepared myself for the worst when I moved to Finland, especially about the long dark period. However, I find that it's not that bad. It's actually enjoyable for a sleepyhead like me, since when it's dark outside, I don't have to close the curtain or blinds in order to take a nap. Besides, since there's plenty of snow for months, it doesn't really get THAT dark here in Finland. ;-D

Life has been WONDERFUL to me................