Showing posts with label Love Notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love Notes. Show all posts

Saturday, October 04, 2008

3BT: Random Days

1. Having warm-hearted in-laws that always accept me as who I am and they never make me feel like a stranger. They never get involved in our affairs and they always accept our visits lovingly and warmly. I LOVE the homey atmosphere I always feel when I'm there. The house is never filled with angry voices or criticism. Instead, it's filled with laughter and comfort.

2. Having a hubby that never raises his voice at me. This morning before he left for his trip (I was still sleeping - BLESS him for accepting me for who I am!!!), he left me a love note. It's been a while since he did that and I was secretly hoping that I'd get one this morning...and I DID!!!!!! HURRAHHHH!!! ;-D

3. A few times hubby warmed my foot up with his big hand (my shoe size is only 35-36) when he realizes that it's rather cold. Mmmmm...I LOVE it when he does things for me when I don't ask him to do!!!

4. My own family (my parents and brother and his wife) always support me. My Mom even supported our going to Singapore even though that meant that our time together in Bandung would be shorter. What would I do without them, without her?

5. Found out from Mom when I called her yesterday that my brother's wife's Dad has volunteered to take us to one mall in Bandung at around 4 am later on to catch the bus to go Cengkareng Airport when it's time for us to go to Singapore. He's not even my Dad, but he volunteers to do it for us???????? GOD BLESS THAT MAN AND HIS FAMILY!!! My brother's LUCKY to have in-laws like that!!!

6. Missing hubby. It is good that he's away like this for one tomorrow I can run to the door and shower him with kisses and wag my tail HE HE HE hE HE HE HE...

7. Hearing birds chirping loudly outside this morning. The sound was so loud and clear.

8. Excitement to meet my family, my friends, and (hopefully) my Singaporean blogger friends SOON HO HO HO HO HO HO...And excitement to eat Asian food again, of course. Yum yummmm...Foodvaganza, here I come!!!!!!!!!! ----> The other day when I was rather stressed, I didn't feel excited, I just wanted to stare at the floor all day and do nothing hi hi hi...that's why I count "excitement" as a beautiful thing he he...

9. Sauna on a cold night (it was 0'C already yesterday when we got back from Kelujärvi).

10. Since it was already so cold, the sky shown beautiful pink color near the horizon...mmm...I LOVE staring at that type of sky. Wish someday I could capture the moment with my camera, though photos won't do any justice to its beauty.

11. Anticipating some kind of spa activity either in Bandung or Singapore. OH OH OH I MISS having a massage!!! Especially a side-by-side massage with hubby ho ho ho ho ho...

Friday, November 30, 2007

Can't Take My Eyes Off You

I just remembered something I haven't shared with you. During our long-distance relationship, I used to call my hubby once a month. One time I suggested singing to each other hue he he he he...and he said that he had to write down the lyrics first so that he would be able to sing for me on the phone. He had NEVER done it before and after he was done singing, he said he would NEVER do that again HA HA HA HA HA...

Wonder what he sang? He sang "500 Miles". Yeah, that classic song! He sang the WHOLE song as he had the lyrics with him when I called HE HE HE HE HE...I don't remember anymore what I sang for him, but it wasn't a complete song (yeah, I cheated HA HA HA...).

This morning hubby left me a VERY sweet note again. I want to SQUEEZE that guy SO tightly in my arms right now...He wrote the note in Finnish (I requested this so that I could learn more Finnish), but the English translation of it would be something like this:

"Morning, Love. Today's the last Friday of the month, or should I say 'again'? Time does fly so fast, but my love for you only grows with time. You're the best. I don't know if I can go home for lunch, but I'll see you when I see you. Love you."

On a sad note, I just received an email this morning from my missionary friend, Daniel Huisman (his name is on my blogroll) that his beloved sister died two days ago. She had been suffering from cancer for a while. :-((((

Then I also received a message from my close friend yesterday about one of her acquaintances. She's married and she has a little boy (around 2 years old, I think). Her Dad has glaucoma and Parkinson's disease and he's lost one eye already. She just found out months ago that her son's autistic (it can cost A LOT for the child's education 'coz in Indo there are no benefits like in Finland for example). And that's not all. On top of that, turns out that her husband's got tumor and they don't know yet how acute it is.

This reminds me how fragile life is. I told the above story to my hubby last night and said to him, "Health is PRICELESS." It seems to me that ever since I moved here, I'm reminded again and again about cherishing everything I have.

I'd love to share this song with all of you. I ADORE the "refrain" part 'coz it feels SO fragile..."Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by Damien Rice.

I LOVE gazing at my hubby - sometimes it bothers him, but I just LOVE watching his gorgeous facial features...mmm...and I wanna remember EVERY single thing about him...I wanna make the most out of the time I still have left with him. I don't wanna live my life with regrets. Enjoy the song and remember how fragile life is...

Friday, June 08, 2007

3BT: June 8th, 2007

Still in the mood to start the day by remembering 3 beautiful things in my life. I know they're not the things I've seen today, but I still want to write them down to give me a boost of zest and joy.

1. Getting a compliment not after you've done or achieved or given something. Last night just as we were cuddling before we went to bed, out of the blue my husband said, "You're wonderful." I shed a tear (he didn't realize it as the room was semi-dark and he wasn't wearing his glasses) as I didn't expect those words (he's not the too romantic type but I LOVE the way he can surprise me sometimes just when I least expect him to). Plus I LOVE his love notes that he writes almost every day before he goes to work (yeah, sleepyhead me still curls up under the blanket LOL).

2. Lidl's started selling more Asian food products since yesterday. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Maybe they notice that I've been their regular customer or something. LOL!!!

3. There are still PLENTY of good/honest people out there. One example: over here if some stores have items on sale, they put two baskets of stuff (clothes or shoes) right OUTSIDE the store.
Back in Indo, one can NEVER do such a thing. And in flea markets here, people can go in and browse around and then go out again without being monitored or suspected.