Showing posts with label Tickling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tickling. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2011

3BT: Random Days

1. Tickling hubby's bald patch and then scratching it and hearing him sigh in relief HI HI...

2. A regular customer asked, "Why do you always look happy?" ---> GLAD to know he thinks that way, he notices it, and he mentioned it to me. :-D

3. I managed to control myself during a certain occasion after having been forced to do a drastic measure.

4. I was taking out three shopping carts out of the store when a customer who was about to come in offered me some help, though I didn't ask for any help. Thankful for this person's helpful spirit!

5. Having an opportunity to make a snowman and having fun making it.

6. Yesterday the thoughtful grandpa who had given me flowers a few times already in the past gave me a pot of pointsettia. BLESS HIM!!!

7. The store I'm working for has been getting more and more customers near Christmas (I think even more than last year's busy season), so I'm happy to know that business is going well.

8. This conversation with a coworker:

Cw: So, how are you going to spend your Christmas?
Me: Nothing much. Just spending time with my MIL.
Cw: (grimacing in sympathy) Oh...
Me: (quickly correcting her) NO NO NO NO's actually REALLY nice to spend time with her!
Cw: Oh, so you have a nice MIL.
Me: Not just nice, but she's like my own mother.
Cw: (relieved) Ahhhhh, I see...

The convo made me feel that she had heard too many bad stories about in-laws and thankful to have such a MIL.

9. Seeing reindeer tracks on the yard after it had snowed so much. I could just imagine it trailing across our yard at one point in time.

10. Accidentally opening up another Christmas gift for me which came through the mailbox (I thought it was hubby's order for himself) because it meant I still had time to find another gift for him, too (which came by mail yesterday!). Phew! That was close!

11. Trustworthy, reliable friends whom I can count on, including those I've never met in real life.

Monday, January 24, 2011

3BT: Random Days

1. Flat landscape and less high-towered buildings around mean that I can enjoy a less obstructed view of nature even though I'm merely walking or standing or riding my bike.

2. Love, respect, and devotion that my MIL shows to FIL. She always asks him what he wants even though sometimes I'm not so sure anymore if his mind is capable of truly understanding what the questions are.

3. Making love gets better and better and even BEEEETTTTEEERRRR!!! *WIDE GRIN* (FYI, never in my wildest imagination would it even occur to me that making love would even improve like this as time went by).

4. Being the only Asian inhabitant in this village means that it's easy for people to remember my face. For example: after having my work shifts reduced as per my own request, some regular customers have asked me, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time." Bless them! :-D

5. A cute, little girl who's been pretty friendly with me came over the other day after we hadn't met in a while and when I said hi to her while waving at her, she said, "Amelia!" Yep, she knows my name! :-D Bless her too!

6. Winning a free scrapbook page in a fun contest. YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!

7. Laughter from joking around with R2 and friends.

8. Teasing my friends in an email. :-D

9. Having a washing machine and a dishwasher. They truly help me out esp. when I've been busy.

10. SAUNA pillow! (a Christmas gift from R2) I can't tell you how relaxing it is to lie down in the sauna with a pillow and enjoying the heat when it's cold outside.

11. The ecstasy I get from tickling R2's face all over and then scratching the itchy parts and knowing how much he enjoys it. :-D

12. Chocolate biscuit and hot milk tea with honey.

13. WARM SOCKS and BLANKETS!!! I'm more in love with them after moving to Finland HA HA HA HA HA...

14. Being able to sleep and poo regularly without help.

Almost forgot:

15. I heard from one of my best friends what my Mom told her when she went for a visit to my parents' place. Mom said that she always supported my decisions 'coz she knew that I always thought everything out first well enough before making a decision, so she never had to worry about me. That's one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL things I've ever heard in my life. :-D

Saturday, September 20, 2008

3BT: Random Days

1. Sweet hot milk tea on a cool day. Yum warms me up from the inside.

2. Tickling hubby's back all over and then scratching away the itch and hearing him purr in delight HO HO HO HO HO...MEOW!!!

3. Hubby doing the same thing to me this morning. And I purred in delight too HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...

4. Feeling a little bit frustrated when I saw the list of vocabulary and word changes (pages and pages long) I had to learn by heart in my grammar book, but I managed to drive it away with my determination and I managed to scream inside, "I AM NOT GIVING UP, you hear?!?!?!?! Just you wait and see in the next few years!!! I AM going to conquer YOU!!!"

5. Being able to take a nap without any interruption. :-))))

6. Feeling useful. No more explanation needed, right? ;-D

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

3BT: September 24, 2007

1. Buying a cute pipo that I'd been wanting for some time and found one with a reasonable price. *grin*

2. Watching X-Men 1 again with my hubby (we're both big fans of X-Men) with our new stereo surround system ---> he won a kind of F1 guessing game so he used the money to buy that.

3. Helping my hubby untangle the cables of the many speakers he he he he...

4. Helping him find a place to put his VHS videos ('coz now one of the shelf's used to put one of the many speakers).

5. Talking to my friend via Skype and finding out that she was fine. She's 6.5 month pregnant and the other day she told me that she felt contractions already over and over again, so she was treated in a hospital to make sure the fetus was fine. Actually, she's a doctor who works in a mission hospital in Borneo, Kalimantan. I haven't heard her voice since last November, so it felt SO nice to talk to her, even for just a few minutes. ;-D

6. Tickling my hubby and hearing him purr contentedly like a cat ha ha ha ha...

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Blogging Star Award + 3BT Weekend Wrap

Max has bestowed me this award. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for this award, Girl!!!

I'd love to share this award with these following bloggers:

Agnes and Matt
for having been cracking me up with their sense of humour and for having shown their opinions blatantly (BRAVO for that) and for having been informative with a twist. *wink*

for being such a WONDERFUL writer. She has a special way with words. She makes me almost able to see, smell, or taste anything she wants to tell the readers and I keep coming back for more to see, smell, or taste. It's addictive!!! I admire her for that ability. She's also been there in the toughest period of my life, the first 2-3 months in Finland, and I'm FOREVER grateful for that! :-D

Amber for having written such intelligent, mind-tickling, informative, and creative posts. I admire her for being her. :-D

for having been courageous enough to face her demons and ghosts without being cynical or bitter. I admire her for that, for holding on to the good and the present and future, not to the past. I also LOVE the way she writes her stories. I LOVE how she shares her most intimate feelings honestly even though she may have a hard time pouring the words out in her posts. You ROCK, Girl!!! ;-D


Now on to my 3BT Weekend Wrap:

1. Tickling my hubby's face with my hair when he was just waking up from nap. *tee-hee*

2. Watching my hubby exert extra determination not to laugh or giggle or move any part of his face while being tickled by me, yet ending up shedding tears as he couldn't handle it any longer. LOL!!!!!

3. Having lots of trees around this apt. building means I can always figure out how hard the wind blows. This is vital for me as the wind chill factor affects the temperature and thus it affects which kind of clothes I have to wear before I go out.

4. Mother-in-law told us to buy the kind of bread we wanted to have along with the meal she had prepared. In the end she gave us the bread!!! I chose the bread and I ended up bringing it home. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Thank GOD for such a KIND mother-in-law!!!

5. Pancakes! I made my own pancakes on Friday - the first time I made them myself using my hubby's fave recipe. I only busted one piece. The rest came out nicely enough. YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY for me!!! ;-D

6. Hubby kissing me and saying thank you right after he had my pancakes. Boy, that felt GOOD!!! ;-D

7. Listening to the radio on our road trip (it took 25 minutes by car to my in-laws) plus being surrounded by nature. MMMMMMMMMMM...