Showing posts with label Award n Tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Award n Tag. Show all posts

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tag n Award

2nd time receive award....terharu makcik

Thanks a bunch to Zaki and Wifee for the award..

With this award, I would like to nominate 12 of my bloggy frenz below in no particular order, your blog has inspired me in so many ways….keep it up and blog your heart out

1. Lady of Leisure

2. Semuanyer Manis

3. Damia Aleesya dan Damia Ayunie

4. Being Me

5. Mummy Ayu

6. My Life and My Loves

7. Notti Netti

8. My Life with Mr. Zuar

9. Alwiz B3 My baby

10. N the Story Goes

11. Yatie Chomeyl

12. JL Bunch Cafe

Kengkawan sumer, sila follow these guideline when writing about this award...

i. Nominate 12 more bloggers.
ii. Put the logo onto your sidebar or within a post.
iii. Link the nominees within your post.
iv. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their respective blogs.
v. Share the love and link to the person from whom you have received the award.

Yang ni plak nak jawab tag....

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the cow (jgn lupa copy picture sekali)

Thanks yer Kamalia sebab sudi tag kita

2. Bagi balik wasiat ini kat 7 bloggers yg paling active atau 7 paling tak active

1. Lady of Leisure

2. Kamalia

3. Damia Aleesya dan Damia Ayunie
4. Being Me
5. Mummy Ayu
6. My Life and My Loves
7. Notti Netti

3. Bagi tau diorg ini yang diorg dapat wasiat dari org kaya kg sepening lalat
Here yee...Here yee....Orang Kaya Kampung Sepening Lalat menganugerahkan wasiat ni kat u all!!!

4. Cerita 3 perkara apa yg anda selalu buat sambil tgk tv
1. baring sambil layan FB
2. gomoi anak2 dan ... oopppss…terlebih sudahhh

3. tidur, kasi can tv tengok kita plak

5. Bagitau 3 makanan pelik yg pernah anda makan
never in my life, I am what I eat..hahah

6. Cuba bagitau berapa orang dah kawan anda kat FACEBOOK
Tak seramai 1Malaysia punyer FB

7. Feveret soalan ni.. camner korang berjumpa spouse korang or pakwe or makwe..
kat tempat practical….PNBIT dalam kenangan……kwang..kwang..kwang…

ok..kpd kekwn, sila jawab tag yer