
Showing posts with label airsoft gas pistol repairing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label airsoft gas pistol repairing. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Airsoft Gas Pistol Repairing

Yes we repair gas blow back airsoft pistols, I get calls from our customers asking me this all the time. Well my son you see...well it broke and he thought maybe...well ya uh that he could fix it and well, can we just pack up all the pieces and send that to you and maybe you can put it back together and find out whats wrong? Sure no problem, Just secure all the tiny pieces in a ziplock or other secure envelope or bag, pack the frame and envelope of pieces in a box and ship it to us.
I guess my whole point of this is you should know your airsoft gun well before you ever attempt to repair it yourself. There are hundreds of springs and small levers and gears all just waiting to jump out of the little confined spaces they normally live in. Above is a M190 full metal gas blowback shown fully disassembled. Below is a numbered parts diagram that normally is included with airsoft handguns. Notice how they show the parts in great detail but this offers little guidance with assembly. I encourage airsoft owners to learn there weapons, clean them, Yes the barrels of airsoft guns need to be cleaned. Take off slides, clean and oil the rails and valves on both the gun and the magazine.
Just keep in mind the deeper you go into your airsoft guns internals the more technical the parts become. I have done mechanical work my whole life as well as holding a journeyman electrical license and I would rate airsoft gas gun repairing as a 8 on a hardness scale of 1 to 10. Repairing an airsoft gas blowback pistol is not a task a novice should try. Typically it will lead to much frustration, possibly more broken or lost parts, and usually ends with a phone call that will sound very much like the one I described at the beginning of this blog.

Should you try these repairs at home yourself I have begun posting pictures and tutorials for AEG repairs as well as Airsoft gas pistol repairs for customers to use as home guides. The tutorials are beginning to fill up but we still have many models of airsoft guns to add and the process is extremely time consuming. If you find yourself stuck with a airsoft pistol in parts and pieces check out the airsoft gun repair tutorials and pictures today.
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