Showing posts with label "Hillary Is 44. Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Hillary Is 44. Show all posts

Monday, June 09, 2008

Hillary Guerrillas

The candidate herself has conceded, firmly and graciously, but the diehards at "Hillary Is 44" are fighting on to the last ounce of purple type and pink background in their arsenal.

Their reaction to Sen. Clinton's support of Obama: "(A) few words of advice to Hillary: If you lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas."

"Action Item 1," reads the next day's call to arms: "First thing for everyone to do Monday morning: Contact every superdelegate, everyone you met during the Hillary campaign, every fundraiser, every Hillraiser, every endorser, every friend, every relative...and let them know--I will not vote for Obama nor any person who endorsed Obama before June 3, 2008 when I vote during the general elections in NOvember. Obama is NOt qualified to be president. I reject NOw and in NOvember the Obama race-baiting, gay-bashing, woman-hating campaign of division and distraction."

Today they stopped mincing words: "Democratic Latinos, White Working Class voters, and women, will not come home in NOvember. Women will NOt vote for race-baiting, gay-bashing, women-hating Barack Obama in NOvember...Democrats Are Not Coming Home In November...Only The Chickens Are Coming Home...To Roost."

The site is still selling "Hillary Is 44" (for 44th president) T-shirts and buttons while emphasizing: "We are not affiliated with the Hillary For President Exploratory Committee, or any official Hillary Clinton organization in any way."

No word where the sales proceeds will go, but they may well be cranking up for "Hillary Is 45." A better investment would be tranquilizers for the operators of the site.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bill Clinton's Backside: Political Issue

The “Hillary Is 44” guerilla bloggers are giving her campaign a new dimension by attacking MSM. Their weapon of choice yesterday was the former President’s derriere.

Between Obama-bashing and enthusing over Joe Wilson’s endorsement is an item: “Big Media writers prove themselves to be numbskulls on the most basic of human levels.”

The object of ire is a passage from the New York Times account of the Clintons campaigning together in New Hampshire:

“Mr. Clinton seemed to struggle with the proper posture for him at his wife’s side, alternately sitting up straight on his stool or slouching slightly, crossing his legs or crossing his ankles, keeping his hands in his pocket or putting a hand on his chin.”

A “Hillary Is 44” media critic deconstructed this sabotage of the Clinton campaign:

“Why does such drivel make it onto a writer’s pad and through the filter of any conscious editor? Answer: because that silly drivel, not the news, is actually the center of the Big Media narrative. Notice, earlier in the article we learned that Bill Clinton ‘took a seat on a stool on stage’. Have you ever tried sitting on a wooden stool on a platform in summer heat?

“Ask any person the size of Bill Clinton how it feels to sit on a wooden stool?

“Padding foam does not help. ‘Natural’ padding does not help. The only thing to do is fidget. Move from one buttock to the other, hook shoe heels to foot rests, fold arms, unfold arms, elbows on knees, hands under buttocks, move head forward, move head back...Our plush padded princes of Big Media don’t know about plain wooden stools. They do know how to disguise the drivel as news to push their narrative.”

Now that this mainstream media villainy has been exposed, on to other serious issues: Bill’s hair styling? The war in Iraq? Hillary’s pants suits?