Readers will note the title of this post is derived from last week's Parsha "Balak" and the story of Bilaam's chatty donkey. A week later the AJN's ass has opened his mouth.
Maybe Donkey Adam was running short on smut and neither could he find a way to poke fun about a seriously injured child. So AJN Watch was given the 'honor' of his attention.
His imbecilic name-calling proves (if there was any need for proof) that Bilaam's donkey had far more seichal than the AJN's ass.
Note his delicate discharge attacking the AJN Watch blog and that post:
"balls-out, Mariana Trench-depth, plumbing faux pas, holier than thou hypocrites, pests, fundamentalist fanatics, taking cues from unhinged religious zealots, virulent vitriol, idiotic histrionics", while equating us with the Klu Klux Klan and Hizb ut-Tahrir. Nice, no?
Unsurprisingly, Eeyaw Kamien distorts our post, by lying that we 'gleefully' 'quipped' about the NZ earthquake tragedy.
But then what can one expect from an individual who derives his income via the stench of the smutty filth he pushes into so many Jewish homes.
Meanwhile our post suggesting an association between the Shechita ban and earthquake (and, Eeyaw, it was only a suggestion) was picked up and discussed in a number of sites (including some that we prefer not to be associated with). We were quite surprised at the interest shown.
One such site, Shirat Devorah, seems to agree with our sentiments, even mentioning the possibility of Holland too getting a 'heavenly' warning after its politicians recently decided to ban Shechita.
And while we can understand donkey's and smut-peddlers denying that anything that happens comes for a reason and from Hashem, we were rather stunned by comments from some in the 'frum' community who seem to have reservations about 'signs' from Above.
So for their benefit here is a quote from the Talmud Yevamot 63:
And here's how the Hebrew Artscroll explains it: