Showing posts with label image dive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label image dive. Show all posts

May 27, 2010

Image Dive 7

A Journey Round My Skull is now 50 Watts

I'm importing the archives to the new site and posting new material daily.
Please visit and update your links. Thanks.


05 Denise Bellon, Jean Benoit in Necrophiliac's Costume, 1965
Denise Bellon, Jean Benoit in Necrophiliac's Costume, 1965

01 Julio Ruelas, Las Critica (Criticism), 1906, etching
Julio Ruelas, Las Critica, 1906, etching

02 Masson, cover for Glossaire j'y serre mes gloses (Glossary - where my gloss err) by Leiris, 1939
Masson, cover for Glossaire j'y serre mes gloses by Michel Leiris, 1939

03 Masson, "Amour," a page from Glossaire j'y serre mes gloses (Glossary - where my gloss err) by Leiris, 1939
Masson, "Amour," a page from Glossaire j'y serre mes gloses by Leiris, 1939

04 Francis Picabia, drawing for Litterature cover, 1923
Francis Picabia, drawing for Litterature cover, 1923

06 Jindrich Styrsky, cover for Brouk
Jindrich Styrsky, cover for Bohuslav Brouk

07 Jindrich Styrsky, cover for Fantomas
Jindrich Styrsky, cover for Fantomas

08 Josef Vachal, Mystical Fortune-Telling Cards, 1911 1
Josef Vachal, Mystical Fortune-Telling Cards, 1911 1

See also The Monk and the Ghost

09 Josef Vachal, Mystical Fortune-Telling Cards, 1911 2
Josef Vachal, Mystical Fortune-Telling Cards, 1911 2

10 John Buckland Wright, 1935, Beauty's Anadems
John Buckland Wright, 1935, Beauty's Anadems (engraved woodblock)
I think I found this at the University of Florida library

Recently featured his works for Poe

11 Christoph Jamnitzer, Zwei Manne aus dem, Neuw Grottebken Buch, 1610
Christoph Jamnitzer, Zwei Manne aus dem, Neuw Grottebken Buch, 1610

Sorry for the bad quality here. If I remember correctly I scanned a thumbnail from a German caricature book. Giornale Nuovo covered this material in 2005.

12 Champalal, 1915, Sanjhi or Phul Mandali viewing
Champalal, 1915, Sanjhi or Phul Mandali viewing

Two images from the book The Artists of Nathadwara. (Nothing else in the book looks quite like these, unfortunately.)

13 Champalal, 1915 (Dan, Lila manorath)
Champalal, 1915 (Dan, Lila manorath)

14 Herbert Bayer, cover for Dec.39-Jan.40 issue of PM magazine
Herbert Bayer, cover for Dec.39-Jan.40 issue of PM magazine

see also Seven Convolutions

15 Alex Steinweiss for AD magazine, 1941
Alex Steinweiss for AD magazine, 1941

Jacob McMurray turned me on to Steinweiss's amazing album covers. I found this in a book on modern American graphic design.

16 CA, The Journal of Commercial Art, August 1959, issue 1, cover by Freeman Craw
CA, The Journal of Commercial Art, August 1959, issue 1, cover by Freeman Craw

also see this nice flickr set of CA covers from fast-times

17 Polish Writing Today (Penguin paperback 2752), cover by John Sewell, 1967
Polish Writing Today (Penguin paperback 2752), cover by John Sewell, 1967

By request of a LibraryThing friend who said the Penguin Paperback Spotters' Guild needed this cover to (nearly) complete its collection. Sewell did a lot of covers for Calder (including this Walser cover). The back cover is interesting (hilarious) for Penguin's plea for people to read translations.

18 Lewis Heriz, Vegan Robot (beatmag)
Lewis Heriz, Vegan Robot (made for Beat Mag)

Thanks Lewis!

19 Max Walter Svanberg, The String of Pearls of the Imaginative Conversation, 1953 (watercolor and pastel on paper)
Max Walter Svanberg, The String of Pearls of the Imaginative Conversation, 1953 (watercolor and pastel on paper)

20 Oscar Dominguez, Nostalgia for Space, 1939
Oscar Dominguez, Nostalgia for Space, 1939

21 Plan du port du Carenage ou petit cul de sac de l'Isle Se. Lucie
Plan du port du Carenage ou petit cul de sac de l'Isle Se. Lucie

22 Homer Boss, illus. for Heaven Folk by Waldemar Bonsels, 1924
Homer Boss, illus. for Heaven Folk by Waldemar Bonsels, 1924

An odd book I recently picked up and know nothing about yet. This the frontispiece, one of four color plates. The caption reads: "They saw a tiny, tiny mortal standing pale and speechless."

23 John Roddam Spencer Stanhope - The vision of Ezekiel - Valley of the Dry Bones
John Roddam Spencer Stanhope - The vision of Ezekiel - Valley of the Dry Bones

Compliments of frequent AJRMS contributor Richard Sica

24 Jose Clemete Orozco, Cristo Destruye Su Cruz (Christ Destroying His Cross), 1932-34, mural, Dartmouth College
Jose Clemete Orozco, Cristo Destruye Su Cruz (Christ Destroying His Cross), 1932-34, mural, Dartmouth College

I found the handful of Latin American works featured in this post in the giant book Latin American Art.

25 Marco Tobon Mejia, Murcielago (bat), c. 1910, bronze
Marco Tobon Mejia, Murcielago (bat), c. 1910, bronze

Previous dives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Click images for larger versions

February 28, 2010

Image Dive 6

A Journey Round My Skull is now 50 Watts

I'm importing the archives to the new site and posting new material daily.
Please visit and update your links. Thanks.


Bruno Munari, 1970, Presence of the Ancestors 1
Bruno Munari, 1970, Presence of the Ancestors 1

Stephen Gooden, illus. Aesop's Fables, 1936
Stephen Gooden, illus. Aesop's Fables, 1936

Blair Hughes-Stanton, wood engraving for Alone by Walter de la Mare
Blair Hughes-Stanton, wood engraving for Alone by Walter de la Mare
from the collection of Richard Sica

Blair Hughes-Stanton, wood engraving for Alone by Walter de la Mare
Blair Hughes-Stanton, wood engraving for Alone by Walter de la Mare
from the collection of Richard Sica

Cyril E. Power, The Vortex, 1929 (color linocut)
Cyril E. Power, The Vortex, 1929 (color linocut)

Sybil Andrews, The Gale, 1930 (color linocut)
Sybil Andrews, The Gale, 1930 (color linocut)

The above two images come from the book Rhythms of Modern Life: British Prints 1914 - 1939.

Etienne Delessert, illus. for Ionesco, Story Number 2, 1970
Etienne Delessert, illus. for Ionesco, Story Number 2, 1970

Excluded from my posts of French kids' books (1, 2) because of the late date.

Kees Van Dongen, pochoir illus. for Hassan Badreddine el Bassraoui, 1926
Kees Van Dongen, pochoir illus. for Hassan Badreddine el Bassraoui, 1926

Louis Wain, from Tinker Tailor
Louis Wain, from Tinker Tailor

Roland Topor, Popiersie, color lithography
Roland Topor, Popiersie, color lithography

Werner Klemke, The Golden Spider, Film poster, East Germany. From Graphis Annual 59-60
Werner Klemke, The Golden Spider, Film poster, East Germany. From Graphis Annual 59-60
compliments of Sandi Vincent (see her flickr and tumblr)

Hayv Kahrman, Fashion in the UAE 11
Hayv Kahraman, Fashion in the UAE 11

It was really hard to select only ten images for this post of Hayv's work, so here's another one. Visit her website.

Hermann Finsterlin, Die Insel der Sirene, 1917
Hermann Finsterlin, Die Insel der Sirene, 1917

One of my favorite posts is Wandering from Organ to Organ with Hermann Finsterlin. Read those quotes!

Humoristische Karte von Europa im Jahre 1870
Humoristische Karte von Europa im Jahre 1870

Map caricature
Map caricature

I cannot remember the name of the book the above two maps come from. It was a giant 1980s German-language book on caricature.

Jan Marcin Szancer, Proj. kostiumu nr 26 do "Symfonii Fantastycznej," watercolor, gouache
Jan Marcin Szancer, Proj. kostiumu nr 26 do "Symfonii Fantastycznej," watercolor, gouache

Intense work from Szancer, whose children's books I featured twice before.

Mervyn Peake, illus. for Joad
Mervyn Peake, illus. for The adventures of the young soldier in search of the better world by C.E.M. Joad, 1943

Recommended purchase: Mervyn Peake: The Man and His Art (I don't think anything from this odd little book is included)

Mervyn Peake, illus. for Joad 2
Mervyn Peake, illus. for The adventures of the young soldier in search of the better world by C.E.M. Joad, 1943

Martyrdom of St. Denis by Leon Bonnat
Martyrdom of St. Denis by Leon Bonnat
from the collection of Richard Sica

Richard Sica, Death
Richard Sica, Death

A personal work by frequent AJRMS contributor Richard Sica

Russian book cover
Russian book cover

Sinedeg Gandolgor, Za blagodenie chitrostu, 1973
Sinedeg Gandolgor, Za blagodenie chitrostu, 1973

Felix Labisse, illustration for Desnos poem, 1944
Felix Labisse, illustration for Desnos poem, 1944

Hadiah-i Shah-i Parian, Layla Iman (Ahi)
Hadiah-i Shah-i Parian, Layla Iman (Ahi)

Leftover from Iranian Kids' Books 3

Josef Lada, illus. for Svet Kricka by Petr Kricka, 1936
Josef Lada, illus. for Svet Kricka by Petr Kricka, 1936

I featured Lada in this post.

Josef Lada, Kalamajika - Rikadla a drobne pribehy, 1936
Josef Lada, Kalamajika - Rikadla a drobne pribehy, 1936

Kay Nielsen, illus. for De ce feu sortit un petit oiseau, 1929
Kay Nielsen, illus. for De ce feu sortit un petit oiseau, 1929

Printed in an edition of 400, this seems to be harder-to-find than many of Nielsen's books

Design ideas by Benedictus, printed in pochoir by Jean Saude, 1930
Design ideas by Benedictus, printed in pochoir by Jean Saude, 1930

Mr. Ed, Vivo poster
Mr. Ed, Vivo poster

See more of Mr. Ed's work.

kapitankamikaze, czacha
via kapitan kamikaze

Check out Kapitan Kamikaze's skull signs

Bruno Munari, 1970, Presence of the Ancestors 2
Bruno Munari, 1970, Presence of the Ancestors 2

Previous dives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

A reminder that I'm now posting images on tumblr

3/1/10 update: I totally forgot about "Image Dive 5" (a good one too!), so I retitled this "6"