Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts

25 December 2010

Venezuela partners with Petropars, OFAC designated Iranian company

Published in Gaceta Oficial no. 39.577, on Monday 20 December 2010 (page 2 & 3), Hugo Chavez's lame duck congress announced the creation of a partnership ("empresa mixta"), with Petropars UK Limited, a London-based entity that is wholly-owned by Petropars Ltd [board]. Petropars UK Limited, and its parent company, are part of a list of sanctioned U.S. Department of the Treasury designated companies, determined to be controlled by the government of Iran. The designation is the first from the United States in implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929, and builds upon actions mandated by the Security Council.

Seyyed Mehdi Mir MoeziGholamreza Manouchehri, and Nematollah Alirezaei are the names associated with Petropars UK Limited, whose records in Companies House show a Statement of Capital, dated 25 March 2010, of £100,000. In addition, records show the company as being dormant. In spite of this, Venezuela's congress has published creation of a partnership, between Venezuela's Corporation of Petroleum and Petropars Limited UK, whereby the latter is granted 25-years rights to exploration, production, transportation, and storage of petroleum, of a 353.15 square kilometre concession, located in Dobokubi oil field. (Note: Setty wrongly claims in the article linked that potential issues will be sorted by international arbitration, when in fact, clause 12 of agreement establishes Venezuela "legislación de la República" as jurisdiction).

OFAC shows record of Petropars in Venezuela as PETROPARS LTD. (a.k.a. PETROPARS LIMITED; a.k.a. "PPL"), Calle La Guairita, Centro Profesional Eurobuilding, Piso 8, Oficina 8E, Chuao, Caracas 1060.

24 November 2009

Lula hugs Ahmadinejad, proves Olavo de Carvalho right

Just over a month ago I published a long interview to Brazilian journalist and intellectual, Olavo de Carvalho, about the Foro de Sao Paulo, and Lula's interference in other countries affairs, among other things. Lula's latest faux pas -apologists call it Brazil's coming of age in the international scenewas to be seen embracing Iran's dubiously-elected leader Ahmadinejad. But Lula went further, and took Brazil along with him, to join the hardly illustrious group of rogue nations that have supported Iran's nuclear ambitions, against world consensus: Syria, Cuba and Venezuela.

With this action Lula has proven Olavo's opinions right. Furthermore, by supporting such a deranged fundamentalist and Holocaust-denier, as he has done with Chavez and Zelaya, Lula is simply reaffirming that he has no regard whatsoever for democracy, human rights, and peace. Be it Venezuela, Honduras or Iran, victims of State-sponsored terrorism have very little to expect from the  Brazilian president, whose deeds speak louder than words. It's all very well to maintain a business-friendly facade, and dupe the media with Obama type "change we can believe in" jargon. However schmoozing liberals is one thing, supporting a regime bent on annihilating Israel quite another, as leftist but sane Governor of Sao Paulo Jose Serra said.