Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Talk About Detached From Reality

You have bankrupted your business, the Federal government has to bail you out to the tune of $85,000,000,000.00 so what do you do?

Send your top executives to an exclusive spa for an all expenses paid vacation.

Less than a week after the federal government had to bail out American International Group Inc., the company sent executives on a $440,000 retreat to a posh California resort, lawmakers investigating the company's meltdown said Tuesday.

The tab included $23,380 worth of spa treatments for AIG employees at the coastal St. Regis resort south of Los Angeles even as the company tapped into an $85 billion loan from the government it needed to stave off bankruptcy.

Granted, it was arranged prior to the bailout, and in the big scheme of things it is not a huge cost, but you would think that all the bright minds at this firm might see how this trip might make the firm look a little less than responsible.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

When Goodies Morph Into Something Else

We all see them, and many of us get them. Hand outs from representatives of companies that we do business with. Most of the time they are small items, post-it notes, pens, and other odds and ins. A great goodie might be a lunch box, or computer backpack. Back in the good old days, as a travel agent, I was given trips. One year I was able to get 14 different trips in.

At some point you reach a dangerous point, when the goodies get so juicy that you have to wonder what is expected of you if you accept these little gifts.

It looks like Jim Johnson is the latest example of what happens when the goodies just get to good.

The questions about Johnson began after the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday that he received more than $2 million in home loans that might have been below average market rates from Countrywide Financial, a partner of Fannie Mae and a leading purveyor of the kind of subprime mortgages that spawned a national housing crisis.

I love that the whole dust up is because he might have gotten a below average rate on a jumbo loan. Not that he got an unprecedentedly low rate, or actual evidence that the loan he got involved favors. No discussion of who else, and under what circumstances they might have gotten loans under similar standards.

But, for me, it doesn't matter. We do not need the people in our next administration looking for, or accustomed to getting goodies. Because eventually you begin to expect those pens, or muffins, or lunches, or trips, and eventually you quit asking yourself, what are your trading to get these next goodie.


Friday, May 09, 2008

Some Links For Your Fridays Enjoyment

From Crooks and Liars, a review of some of McCain's out of touch moments

A very well timed reminder about the Republican party and George Bush is presented at Agitprop (Excellent point, but some strong language, you are warned)

At Pam's House Blend, a look at how yet another Republican protects the sanctity of marriage


Thursday, May 08, 2008

What Is Wrong With Our Govenrment

Special interest have far to much access. A perfect example has been presented to us, the US Telecommunications companies have presented Congress with a plan to grant them immunity for their past illegal actions.

Telecom companies have presented congressional Democrats with a set of proposals on how to provide immunity to the businesses that participated in a controversial government electronic surveillance program, a House Democratic aide said Wednesday.

Talk about access to power. They break the law, and then get to craft the changes to the law that will allow them to avoid responsibility for their past law breaking.

I wonder if congress will give equal access to those who have have had their communication intercepted and give equal consideration to what they think the proper course of action should be?


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Classic Republican Corruption

It seems that there is a real mess a-brewin in Philly.

Investigations indicate that the director of Housing and Urban Development has a friend in Philadelphia who had his eye on a piece of land. There was only one problem, the land was owned by the Philadelphia Housing Authority.

So, the director of HUD asked (told) the Philadelphia housing authority to cut a deal and transfer the ownership of the land to his friend. When the folks in Philly said, thank you but no, this propriety is to be used for the benefit of the many poor, not the well connected rich, Alphonso Jackson (head of HUD) got angry and then got busy working on his revenge.

E-Mails indicate that his form of revenge was to strip about $40,000,000.00 in Federal funds from the Philadelphia housing authority.

How typically Republican: When their efforts to work an insider deal that appears would benefit few, at the expense of many are blocked, they decide that the way to punish those who made the morally correct choice by striping funds from the disadvantaged in our society.

Disgusting, but in no way surprising.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Honest Republican

The House just approved a new outside panel to review ethics complaints against lawmakers. This is a necessary step in the never ending battle to clean up D.C. . In arguing against this bill, one Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R- Ks) made a statement that makes it very clear exactly what is wrong with to many of the politicians in DC.

"If you have a single ounce of self-preservation, you'll vote no."

In effect, we are screwed if anyone every looks at how we behave while we are in office. Not a very reassuring statement coming from an elected official in a party known for it corruption.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Political Parties May Change

But as long as we have corporations willing to pay, and politicians who are willing to take their money, the game will remain unchanged.

Executives at the two biggest phone companies contributed more than $42,000 in political donations to Senator John D. Rockefeller IV this year while seeking his support for legal immunity for businesses participating in National Security Agency eavesdropping.

There is nothing wrong and nothing new here, right? A politician needs money to get elected, and private citizens have to be allowed to contribute to these politicians, right?

Well, there are a few details that make the story a little more interesting.

It appears that all these politically minded folks from AT and T and Version came upon their passion for the political efforts of Sen. Rockefeller (D-WV) of late. From 2002 to 2006 the total contribution from the executives of these firms came to a bit less than $5,000.00. Then, like a rampaging infection of political activism and altruism, more than 50 senior executives independently decided in a period of about 3 months to fork over big money to Sen. Rockefeller (D-WV).

One is left to wonder what may have motivated this spontaneous generosity, and if there may have been any coordination of the efforts these phone company executives.

Naaa, a corporation would never do anything like compel political contributions from their staff.

I do have to admire this efforts as spin on behalf of AT and T.

“Many AT and T executives work with the leaders of both the House and Senate Commerce Committees on a daily basis and have come to know them over the years,” Ms. Jones said.

She added that although industry executives and politicians might not always agree, it is “commonplace for AT and T employees to regularly and voluntarily participate in the political process with their own funds.”

Of course, this participation, that has been totally lacking for years, may eventually come in massive torrents of cash but only when a Senator is in a position to do the company a huge favor.

And people still wonder what is wrong in DC. Only when we have a politicians who are not so eager to prostitute themselves to corporate interest can we hope to see improved governance.

Sadly, I have grown expect this type of behavior from both parties. While it is an obvious and historic principal of the republicans to protect business interest over everything else, it is also a trait that many Democrats embrace. One of they keys to long term improvement in Government, reducing corruption, development of a more equatable economic policy, improvement of heath care and countless other issues, is radically reducing the amount on influence that big business has in DC. Unfortunately, I see no path that will lead to this.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Republican Senators Having a Bad Week

Although Sen. Vitter (R-La) keeps deigning it, the working girl that claims he was a regular visitor is speaking out about his actions.

"I want the truth to be known," Ellis said. "It was a pure sexual relationship. He would come in and do his business."

In light of this latest development, one has to wonder his Vitter's wife still thinks the Bobbit option is best.

And on the non-hypocritical traditional corruption front, Sen. Stevens (R-Ak) has again been tied to by a collection of rather unsavory friends.

During a secret meeting to discuss what prosecutors say was a dirty deal to keep Alaska oil taxes low, two oil contractors said they had a powerful ally coming to town who could help build support for the plan: Sen. Ted Stevens.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


But in no way surprised.

Bush lets one of his convicted evil minions go free.

It is one heck of a great system we have here: Break any law you want, obstruction investigations, lie to those investigating, and once your are brought to trial and become aconvicted felon, get released by the man who was in charge during the whole process.

It makes one wonder why the Bush administration is refusing to answer congressional subpoenas, since it is clear that Bush is willing to pardon criminal wrongdoing done in his name.

And there appears to have been a great deal of criminal wrongdoing in his name

Firedoglake covers this very well

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ravelel Shows Us How To Keep Those

Bank accounts and campaign coffers full, start trafficking in drugs.

South Carolina Treasurer Thomas Ravenel has been suspended from office, following his indictment by a federal grand jury for distribution of cocaine.

He is innocent till proven guilty, but, a federal indictment is a very serious step.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Jefferson (D-La) To Be Indicted

All I can say is what took so freakin long.

A Justice Department official familiar with the case said the indictment outlining the evidence against Jefferson is more than an inch thick and charges the congressman with crimes that could keep him in prison for up to 200 years. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Another Bushie Cops A Plea

This time it is a result of the Abramoff coruption investigations. He, like scooter, is taking the fall for obstruction of justice.

The former No. 2 official at the Interior Department has agreed to a felony plea admitting that he lied five times to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and its investigators about his relationship with Abramoff

The plea somehow seems appropiate for an administation who wants to be able to lie with impuniy.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Well, I Am Shocked

It turns out that Karl Rove was involved the overtly political decision to fire various federal prosecutors, and replace them with political hacks that avoided Senate approval.

The whole process clearly displays how morally bankrupt most of the Bush administration is. Years ago they wanted the power to appoint federal prosecutors without Senate oversight. To get this power they used the confusion and rush surrounding the Patriot Act to have a provision added granting them this power. 2 years ago the administration starts talking about replacing all the federal prosecutors and using their new powers to get a new batch in place that the congress has no say over. Last year, while giving testimony when he was trying to gain his appointment as attorney general, Gondolas swore he has no intention of using the Patriot Act provision to replace any federal prosecutors, and now we see that all along this was being considered inside the Bush's White house.

As I follow this story the term perversion of the course of justice keeps popping into my head. Now with confirmation that Karl Rove was in the middle of the scheming to make this happen, I know why.