Showing posts with label Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graham. Show all posts

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Graham (R-SC) Making A Fool Of Himself (Again)

Our Honorable Senator Graham is trying to defend the Republican VP choice by complaining about Obama's Senate attendance. There are only 2 problems with that:

1) He lies about Obama's absentee rate, claiming that it is over 50%, it isn't

2) His man, John McCain, has missed about 30 percent more Senate seasons than Obama.

At this point I tend to ask, is he dishonest or stupid, but with our man Graham it is a safe bet that he is both dishonest (he knows he is lying about Obama, but thinks it's OK) and stupid (did think about how this line of complaint would look when reflected onto his one candidate).

But I must admit, dishonest and stupid to seem to be a perfect combination for a Republican from South Carolina.

Friday, June 13, 2008

South Carolina's Lindsay Graham

Has been crying now that his military commissions law has crashed and burned, as it has now been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. He was sure that his effort to bypass constitutional protections would be acceptable, but it is clear that our Senator should get an F in constitutional law


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), Stupid or Dishonest?

I know I have used this phrase a number of times, with a number of public officials, but it applies oh so often. In this case, Sen. Graham's overblown cheerleading for the war in Iraq (and the Petraeus and Crocker testimony in congress) is perfect example of a man who is clueless about the truth, or willing to lie to support his past and current beliefs.

When you listen to Graham you get the feeling of great success and overwhelming victory, but when you listen to the officers in charge you get a much more restrained, nuanced and ultimately somber review:

This approach does not allow establishment of a set withdrawal timetable, however it does provide the flexibility those of us on the ground need to preserve the still-fragile security gains our troopers have fought so far and sacrifice so much to achieve.

We have not won, we are not kicking Al-Qaeda's rear. We are, at best, fighting a holding position that offers little hope for long term improvement. The problem is, Graham (and McCain and Lieberman and many others) fails to recognise that the key to victory is not on the field, but within the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. Until the people of Iraq embrace their government, until the Iraqi government becomes viable, functional, and semi-competent, there is no way the surge will work. And all of the cheerleading and pretending that all is well just makes those who engage in this foolishness look either stupid or dishonest.

So, Sen Graham, what is it, do you truley not understand the nature of the conflict and just how remote that chance is that we will 'win', or are you lying to us?


Monday, March 17, 2008

McCain Campaigns In Iraq

Staging yet another photo op with SC's own Sen. Graham, John McCain dropped in on the folks of Iraq look around.

Unfortunately for Lindsay and John, they were not able to visit the market where Lindsay got such a great deal on floor covering. It appears that it is no longer under friendly control.

But, I don;t think that will prevent them from claiming that everything is coming along wonderfully.


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Why All The Rush To Embrace Inhumanity

The last couple of weeks has been quite fascinating. We have politicians of all types who appear eager to embrace inhumanity and what are quite likely highly illegal actions.

We have a flock Republican Presidential candidates who all want to be seen as the next Jack Bauer. One, Rudy Giuliani, going as far as to try to tie police questioning that he oversaw, with the torture our government is now employing. We have a confirmation mating dance in DC, where all parties are afraid to talk plainly about the subject, and instead chose to focus of what 'is' is. The President still foolishly parrots his false claim that the US doesn't torture. He apparently thinks that if he redefines torture to remove from the list all the acts of torture we want to use, we are not torturing.

Everyone is acting like the issue of the propriety and legality of waterboarding (and other unnamed forms of torture) is in question. Well, it is not. The US has viewed this act as illegal for over 100 years. In the past, the US has denounce other governments for using this, and other forms of torture. We have prosecuted war criminals who have used waterboarding to question captives.

And now we seem to be trying to claim that this act is no longer torture.

Another way to look at this is to consider the company you keep. Who else is known to have embraced the use of water boarding? Well, Japan during WWII, North Vietnam and the Vietcong , The Stalin's KGB, Pol Pot of Killing Fields fame, and now George Bush.

In the next day or two, more names can be added to the list of those who think torture is an acceptable way of doing business. Including a number of Democratic Senators and of couse both Senators from South Carolina. DeMint, who is a reliable vote for Bush, and Graham, who knows better, but lacks the courage to do the right thing. When Mukasey is approved as AG, those who vote to install him are also voting to approve the use of torture. In his confirmation it was made very clear the he is also willing to twist the law to allow us to try to redefine torture, and allow its continued use.

And, no matter what our politicians do, no matter how they justify it, how they redefine it, no matter how much makeup they apply, it is still torture. Keith Oberman again nails the truth, and the disgustingly viable reasons for Mukasey nomination, and acceptance.

Dispatches From The Culture Wars also touches upon this theme.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Geese and Ganders

Our two towering paragons of virtue, Senators DeMint and Graham, were among those who were oh so eager to denounce Move On for a pun. They joined the whole of the Republican membership of the Senate (and a collection of weak willed Democrats) and participated in this absurd political Kabuki in an effort to score a few popularity points by pretending to defend the honor of our armed forces by passing a resolution that said in part:

2) to strongly condemn any effort to attack the honor and integrity of General Petraeus and all the members of the United States Armed Forces;

Now we have the chance to see if they were really serious about this. For if they were it would mean that they would now have to aggressively lead an effort to pass a condemnation of Rush Limbaugh for his anti-armed forces rant.

On his radio show yesterday, right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh attacked the “honor and integrity” of some members of the Armed Forces. Limbaugh attacked troops who hold a different viewpoint than his own as “phony soldiers.”


I strongly recommend that you not hold your breath waiting for their action. Our Senators have shown a strong partisan streak that makes it clear that the actions of those on the left, if they are an effort to overturn their political goals must be condemned, but those exact same actions on the right (the questioning the impartiality and honesty of members of the armed forces) are just fine.

It goes back to the rule of ethics and political discourse that has existed for at least the last 10 years at least, IOALAYAAR. (It's OK as long as you are a Republican)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sen. Graham (R-SC)

gets a little attition from Firedoglake.

They make a very good point. For a man who is said to have no ambition for a higher office, he sure gets a lot of face time with the national media.