Like most of the news stations in the US, our here in Columbia have message boards where you can comment on each news story. The recent
disagreement about and eventual
approval of a gay-straight alliance for the school has generated alot of discussion, some of which makes is clear
just how stupid and uninformed many or our residents are. Here is a truly frightening example:
Let's not forget that this nation was founded on Christian princples. This nation is allowing the minority to rule. As a parent I do not want educators teaching my children about the gay life style,or allowing my tax money to fund such a thing. Homesexuality is a choice not a right, it is an abomination against God! No wonder this country is falling a part. I for one think poverty, health care issues, homelessness amongst a few can be solved and handled without sacrificing this great christian nation of ours.
In only 90 words we find a mountain of stupidity.
Let's not forget that this nation was founded on Christian princples.
A common lie of the uneducated or dishonest christian. Our nation was founded during the enlightenment, or the age or reason. Our founders were looking for a form of non religious governance. The had countless options to force religion into the national mix and didn't do it a single time. The few time religion is mentioned it is to push religion out of government.
Our nation was founded primarily by Europeans, and they had basically christian heritages, but when building our nation they looked to logic and reason not the christian religion to craft the laws of our land.
This nation is allowing the minority to rule.
I am not sure how allowing gay students to from a club, like allowing chess players, or bible studiers or
cheese lovers to form a club is letting them rule. One of the basic points of our laws is the protection of minority rights. It is quite simple, if the government allows some to do it, they have to allow all. Anyone who has done any reading of the history of our land knows this. It is a shame the this commenter is so uninformed.
Only those who are frightened about no longer being able to use the power of the state to deny rights and freedoms to others hold on to this stupidity.
I do not want educators teaching my children about the gay life style,or allowing my tax money to fund such a thing.
More stupidity on parade. The school is not teaching a single thing about homosexuality, this is an after school club. Your tax money is funding this club to the exact same extent as that they are funding the FCA or meet at the flag poll, which is about zero dollars. That said, homosexuals exist and I see no harm in their existence being acknowledged (and can anyone tell me, what the heck is the 'gay lifestyle'. Every gay couple I know has a lifestyle about as exciting as mine. They go to work, pay their bills, etc. I see nothing that unique in the lives of all the gays I know).
Homesexuality is a choice not a right,
Someone should have been paying attention in science class, or at lease done a little research prior to spouting off. Homosexuality is no more a choice that heterosexuality is, we are attracted to who we are attracted to. The only argument is; Should everyone, no matter what their sexual orientation, have the same rights.
it is an abomination against God!
Some rather backward Christians spout off this point of view, but there is little logic to their arguments. Other Christians see homosexuals as part of gods creation and see no sin in how they were created. In either case the argument is not relevant to the issue of how the state should relate to gays, since the state is designed to be neutral on religious issues, and this persons view on a homosexuals place in society is clearly motives by religious bigotry.
great christian nation of ours
Just to make this point clear, while we are a nations of Christian, we were not created as nor are we now a
Christian Nation.
GSA, South Carolina, Stupidity