
Showing posts with label Menu Planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Menu Planning. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2009

Menu Monday

I'm trying really hard to get into the rhythm of a schedule again. It seems like I never truly got back into a groove after Charlotte was born, and now that Baby Tres is on the way (which, by the way, it simply cannot be moving toward the end of April already!), I know that it's time to get my act together so I don't go into a total tailspin come September. So, as much as I've come to loathe a rigid schedule (I used to thrive on them, but boy did having two small kiddos change that!), I am working on making some changes for consistency in what I plan out for each day of the week. Monday is grocery and my big laundry day, Friday has become my cleaning day (I love a clean house for the weekend!), etc. It is amazing how much more at ease I feel after just a couple of weeks!

So, since I'm back in planning mode, I thought I'd start sharing our menu plan each Monday. I know I sometimes hit a rut when it comes to what's on tap week after week, and I know I can't be alone in that boat! Here's this week:

Monday - Vegetable-Quinoa Pilaf with Salad and Crusty Bread
Tuesday - Lamb with Mustard-Cream Sauce, Asparagus and Roasted Fingerling Potatoes
Wednesday - Spaghetti with Salad and Crusty Bread
Thursday - Beef Stroganoff with Peas and Salad
Friday - Homemade Pizza with Salad
Saturday - Grilled Venison Loin with Grilled Zucchini and Twice-Baked Potatoes

One thing we're going to try to do is eat more vegetarian meals, especially as the farmers' markets open this week and fresh produce will be so abundant.

A recipe I've been going to a lot lately for breakfast is for delicious oatmeal pancakes that Stacey Lokovic shared on Feeling Scrappy a few weeks back. We all love them around here! And with Arkansas strawberries on the brink of readiness, I can't wait to serve those pancakes with fresh berries in the coming weeks. Yum!

By the way...there is a fun blog party going on this week to celebrate two years of Feeling Scrappy, so you should all venture on over. I know I will!

Just three more days until our big ultrasound on Thursday morning. We are still staying strong in not wanting to find out if Baby Tres is a he or a she, but any stay-strong vibes you can send our way are greatly appreciated!! :)

Happy Monday!