I'm trying really hard to get into the rhythm of a schedule again. It seems like I never truly got back into a groove after Charlotte was born, and now that Baby Tres is on the way (which, by the way, it simply cannot be moving toward the end of April already!), I know that it's time to get my act together so I don't go into a total tailspin come September. So, as much as I've come to loathe a rigid schedule (I used to thrive on them, but boy did having two small kiddos change that!), I am working on making some changes for consistency in what I plan out for each day of the week. Monday is grocery and my big laundry day, Friday has become my cleaning day (I love a clean house for the weekend!), etc. It is amazing how much more at ease I feel after just a couple of weeks!
So, since I'm back in planning mode, I thought I'd start sharing our menu plan each Monday. I know I sometimes hit a rut when it comes to what's on tap week after week, and I know I can't be alone in that boat! Here's this week:
Monday - Vegetable-Quinoa Pilaf with Salad and Crusty Bread
Tuesday - Lamb with Mustard-Cream Sauce, Asparagus and Roasted Fingerling Potatoes
Wednesday - Spaghetti with Salad and Crusty Bread
Thursday - Beef Stroganoff with Peas and Salad
Friday - Homemade Pizza with Salad
Saturday - Grilled Venison Loin with Grilled Zucchini and Twice-Baked Potatoes
One thing we're going to try to do is eat more vegetarian meals, especially as the farmers' markets open this week and fresh produce will be so abundant.
A recipe I've been going to a lot lately for breakfast is for delicious oatmeal pancakes that Stacey Lokovic shared on Feeling Scrappy a few weeks back. We all love them around here! And with Arkansas strawberries on the brink of readiness, I can't wait to serve those pancakes with fresh berries in the coming weeks. Yum!
By the way...there is a fun blog party going on this week to celebrate two years of Feeling Scrappy, so you should all venture on over. I know I will!
Just three more days until our big ultrasound on Thursday morning. We are still staying strong in not wanting to find out if Baby Tres is a he or a she, but any stay-strong vibes you can send our way are greatly appreciated!! :)
Happy Monday!