Showing posts with label spinning wheel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spinning wheel. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

SAL/KAL in true...

...Nordic Style: 2 color knitting! Here is how it began:

I am so excited about the December PhatFiber box! Here's how I got there and I hope you enjoy my plan.

When I was chaining up fiber getting it ready to label I was saying to myself, wow, this would be awesome spun with this or that with this, etc. You get my drift. I kept working...then it came to me again...I wonder if I could incorporate a combo of fibers in a PhatFiber box??? That would be fun! So, I immediately went to my computer to see what December's theme was...not sure at first and I did a little more thinking. Nordic knitting...true Nordic style coming from the Nordic countries Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland is color-work! YES! I've got it...I will pair up colors combos and send them out for the box. I got right to work and it was fun indeed.

I've always loved to spin different color combos, it's not boring and makes spinning much more fun and interesting. Whether I spin the singles and ply them together or spin and ply them alone and then knit them together.

I chose a set to spin myself and did an N-ply with each.

I am hosting a SAL/KAL in honor of Nordic Culture and we will spin and knit a 2 color project 
of your choice.  SEE DETAILS HERE!

These are the other 6 color combos that I put together for the box; each are a total of .5 ounces so you can really play with them. To get a PhatFiber Box click here to find out more information!

This is a direct link the fiber, which is 40/40/20 Merino, Superwash Merino/Silk. I love spinning this fiber. Normally superwash is very slippery on it's own, so the 40 added with non-superwash is wonderful to spin, not too slippery. Merino has a shorter staple than BFL for example, so the added 20% silk makes it longer than straight merino, thus easier to spin. It is an all around fantastic fiber to spin!

Don't think you have time because of the Holiday's coming?? No fear, the deadline won't be until at least February, maybe later. I'm taking suggestions here. 

Early birds get a discount on their fiber! 15% off now through November with coupon code Nordic12 (it will get you a discount on everything in the shop actually :) Just in case you want to use a different fiber combo or knit with mill spun yarn. The options are endless!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blinded by...

...Science is the PhatFiber theme for March. Here is what I submitted for my samples to the box. Thank you all for your contributions via my Ravelry Group contest! It would not have been so easy without your help, I'm not much of a science fan. Although I was inspired pretty easily by the eye images. As a former Surgical Technologist I was drawn to the eyes! Fascinating don’t you think? I primarily worked in Neuro Surgery, but occasionally got to work in the eye rooms as well and I enjoyed it.

I hope you enjoy the fibers that were inspired by all of these fantastic images! Some are one of kind, get them while they are available here at AFLoY Shop!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wings n' Things Fiber Club and Spin Along

More details and participation can be found here in my Ravelry Group: All for Love of Yarn
Shop listings can be found here: All for Love of Yarn! Shop

I have been so inspired by the gorgeous submissions in the Butterflies and Flutterbys Contest that I’m planning on a fiber club inspired by the beauties! I will be adding a few of my own that I have used for inspiration and taking a few of yours. It should be a really fun club and Spin Along (SAL)!


The fiber will be 4 ounces of 80 Merino/20 Silk or 75 BFL/25 Silk. Depending on how many you choose you may get some of each or both. If you want it carded into a batt there will be no extra charge, just let me know.

You will get some of my favorite things that I use regularly and love that make life prettier, feel better and easier!

~ You will get to tell me your top three favorite Wings and I will do my best to accommodate you; order early to get your top pick! There is a limited number available in each colorway.
~ Spin along! Post your photos in this thread of your spinning; I’ll post mine, too!
~ Shipping will start in April!

Spin Along (SAL) Details
~ Prizes! To be eligible enter your finished skein made with the wings colorway. The dates are yet to be determined, depending on when, if and how well they sell.
3 prizes!
April's PhatFiber samples are yet to be determined by the contest in my Ravelry group and these will also be eligible for the prizes!
  1. $20.00 towards anything in my shop.
  2. $15.00 towards anything in my shop.
  3. “Things package” You’ll get a package of all the “things” that I will be sending out in the club shipments and some fiber, could be a batt or top!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I did it on fiber...
It's 21.5 micron Merino Wool. Wonderfully soft! There are 4 of them listed in the shop. I'm temped to keep one for myself to spin!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Check this...

...out! My first real handspun on a wheel, something that can actually be called a skein of yarn that is. I'm borrowing a friend of mine's wheel. Thank you to you!! Anyway, I spun this a while ago when my kids were sleeping, both at the same time, yippee. It took me about 2 hours, I couldn't believe it! I started out with 4 ounces of carded roving, a domestic wool blend of some kind, I got it from someone with no label and I ended up with 3.6 ounces of singles, thick and thin. I was playing around with the tension and things on the wheel trying to get to know it. Some of it has too much twist and some not enough. Although I think it is still usable to knit with for sure, I'm just not sure what I'll make with it yet. I have too many other projects on the needles to get to this anytime soon.  I hate spinning with boring fiber so this made it much more fun as a learning experience.