Go to your photos folder in your computer. Go to the 6th folder of photos. Go to the 6th picture in that folder. Put the picture on your blog and description of it. Invite six friends to join the challenge. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.
kat area mane?cabaran untuk org Johor.....hik...hik...
Aduiyai....nak invite sape yek???kwn2 pun tak ramai lg ni...aku pun tak berkesempatan lg nak p ziarah umah ke umah...takat lalu dpn umah je...tak sempat nak masuk lg bersalam-salaman.pg ni baru leh online...ni pun tak leh lame...kejap lg nak blk kg lak....waaa...hu..hu..yg aku sedihnye,aku tak leh nak masuk umah sis inahar tu...macam2 aku nak ambik kat umah tu...hee...