Showing posts with label Robert Burns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Burns. Show all posts

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year and to Auld Land Syne

Have you ever been at a New Year's celebration and at the stroke of midnight the party goers break out in singing Auld Lang Syne? Have you notice that many didn't know the words to the song and even fewer people knew what they mean?

Poet/Lyricist Brother Robert Burns modified a traditional Scottish folk song that became an internationally known song in 1788.

The lyrics of Auld Lang Syne consist of five verses. The words literally translate from Old Scottish meaning 'Old Long Ago'. I think its about reminiscing or reflecting about old times. In Minnesota I think it's very fitting that we usually will conclude a Table Lodge with all participants in holding hands and singing a few verses. I'm always touched by the lyrics in the song "We'll take a cup of kindness yet." To me that symbolizes our current friendship.

I am always touched as I gaze into the faces of all my Brothers and friends as we sing that phrase.

So on the New Years Eve I raise my glass and think of you. Happy New Year Brother!