Sunday, January 30, 2005

Blogger ate my first post already

Wow. I haven't even posted anything yet and already I clicked on the wrong button and deleted what I had just written. Oh well, second drafts are better, right? I will be more careful from now on. What I was saying, though, was that I was trying to figure out how to use Blogger, so please just ignore these first few posts.

I don't really have a clue what I am going to be writing about here at first, but I know if I say right now that this is a blog about anything in particular, then I will immediately get distracted and start writing about something else that I read somewhere or heard someone talking about or stayed up all night fretting about. Currently the thing I am fretting about way more than I should is premillenial dispensationalism. I'll post some links when I figure out exactly how to do that. I know I just saw some instructions somewhere. But it's this whole Armegeddon/rapture thing whereby god is going to somehow grab all christians right where they are and bring them to heaven, and then -- apparently to entertain the new arrivals -- torment the rest of us for like a thousand years. Or something. I should never have read those awful 'Left Behind' books in the first place.

OK now I click 'save as draft?'

That worked; it's all still here.

Now I'll save it again and click on 'publish post.'

[note added 2/17/05: It's not so much that Blogger ate the post, I realize now. I fed the post to Blogger is what happened. Live & learn, eh?]

About the name

I started using the name alphabitch for an old web project that mostly contained writing about my wonderful dog, Miss Garbo (not her real name). Alas, that website is gone, and poor dear Miss Garbo died last spring. I like the name, though, and I will keep it in her memory. And, well, there's the obvious ... it does kind of suit me.