First off, I changed to a different template, because I'd messed up the other one so much trying to make it do what I wanted, and failing. This one doesn't do everything I want, but I'm liking it OK. Comments welcome.
I also added a thingy over there on the right, underneath the archives, that is a widget I agreed to beta-test. It's that AutoRoll box, and you can learn more about it at their website. Maybe it's totally bogus, but we'll see, I guess. It accumulates links based on the other sites that my visitors visit, and ranks them according to how frequent the visits are. Or something. I have it set to only display one link at a time, until it accumulates a little more data. It will only ever list other AutoRoll members, though, so I guess it's one of those "join us" type deals.
And another thing is I'm still on the fence about having a blogroll. I got kind of soured on the whole idea back during a recent skirmish in the ongoing feminist wars, where some bloggers didn't want to be on the same blogroll as other bloggers, and then I lost the password to my blogrolling account, so it was a major pain in the ass to keep up with that kind of thing, as well as with keeping links up-to-date and adding new stuff, etc. And then there's been some discussion about blog rankings, and how they're based on links and how it's all just a big old popularity contest out there, plus I know that ad revenue depends on rankings and links and so on. And ad revenue is important to a lot of folks. So I don't know what I'm gonna do about it.
I'm certainly not going to police the blogs I link to in order to make sure that I agree with everything they say and that they're all getting along with each other. And if people want to de-link to me on account of my potty mouth or my occasional patriarchy-blaming or they don't like my recipes, that's cool. I don't have any ads, and won't be adding them any time soon. It's not like this is a really high-traffic site anyway. In fact, I accidentally deleted my site counter a while back (like, sometime in December, apparently) and just noticed that it was gone a couple days ago when I checked to see if there'd been any amusing search strings lately. There hadn't.
And the last thing is that a couple people have asked me lately where's my tip jar and whether they could advertise something or another on my blog. There is no tip jar, and no, I won't advertise your products. I also don't want review copies of books or CDs. If you feel I should be showered with gifts, my wish list at might help you choose something.