Friday, October 12, 2007

What I really think

Tidying up my desktop, I found this list. I think it was written in response to some skirmish(es) in the ongoing feminist blogwars. I try not to get too intensively involved in online discussions of these topics, because it activates my PTSD. But I do have an opinion or two:

  • The Patriarchy: Heavily armed and oppressive as fuck-all, and it's everywhere you look -- including inside your own head. And mine. Largely imaginary and mostly useful as a metaphor, it nevertheless must be dismantled, or at least seriously marginalized and its effects neutralized. Pointing at it and laughing sometimes helps, as long as you're not in a situation where that would compromise your physical safety. Also known as "The Man," "The System," and western civilization.
  • Racism: See above. They are in fact related (and might even be the same); they feed each other and give each other power. Neither is "worse," and it doesn't matter which one we dismantle first. Both have got to go. Also known as "The Man," "The System," and western civilization.
  • The Transsexual Menace: As menaces go, not a very menacing one. Some of my best friends, etc. I don't really care which restroom they use, unless they're ahead of me in line, in which case I'll use the other one if I'm in a hurry.
  • Sex: Fun! Also funny and embarrassing and weird and full of emotional peril. Frequently re-purposed into a surprisingly effective weapon by The Patriarchy. Is it political? Yep. So is everything. Be careful about what thrills you. Not fun for you? Do something else. No need to apologize or explain. "Fun!" just happens to be my experience of it. YMMV.
  • Blowjobs: Hilarious! Also wildly entertaining, unless you'd rather be doing something else, in which case: do something else. No need to apologize or explain.
  • Rape: Not at all funny. Way too popular. Not in fact caused by alcohol, skirt length, chicks who leave home unsupervised, lipstick, high heels, or even pornography. Caused primarily by rapists, working on behalf of The Patriarchy.
  • Shoes: I like them. I want more of them, no matter how many I have already. I don't care if that makes me a tool in the hand of the retail/advertising arm of The Patriarchy. Life is fucking complicated. Shoes support your body and comprise the very foundation of your relationship to the planet.
  • Lipstick and the removal (or not) of body hair: Surely we have better things to quarrel about. Call me a sparklepony; I don't care. Be as pretty as you wanna be. Or don't. You're under no obligation, either way. You are free to ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.
  • But alphabitch, what about the men? Yeah, yeah, you're oppressed too, dude. Quit yer whining and help us smash the damn patriarchy already. It's keeping us all down. You didn't build it, I know that, but you happen to benefit from it a little bit more than I do (just as I benefit every day from the structures of racism, which I did not cause and do not support). Yes, of course it limits you too. That's part of the problem. Join us.
Any questions?


Daisy Deadhead said...

I've never gotten the thing with shoes. I do, however, have about 50 different bags, mostly fabric tote bags of various designs and colors and styles, from virtually every country in the world... and I love those.

I have always assumed the shoe thing is similar. :)

Anonymous said...

I love it! "Sparklepony"? ha ha ha ha ha

What is "YMMV"?

alphabitch said...

YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary

"Sparklepony" totally cracks me up, especially when employed as an insult to describe feminists who are insufficiently serious, as evidenced by their lipstick, hairdos, breast implants, or femme-y clothes. It's really not the case that I give a shit about any of that (rather more likely to get breast reduction than implants), but I just can't get worked up about women who do.

Daisy - I get the handbag thing, and have a mild case of it myself. The shoe thing is similar, for sure: I have one closet in my house that contains only shoes, handbags, and out-of-season coats. I do have a strict rule with shoes: I have to get rid of a pair that I haven't worn in a year or more every time I buy a new pair.

One time a certain gentleman caller commented on the number of shoes in evidence and (after remarking that it felt like a party) asked how many pairs of shoes a gal needed, anyway. This is a man with spreadsheets keeping track of his guitar and motorcycle purchases. He got it when I pointed out the connnection. He also tried to claim he only had one pair of shoes. And one pair of sandals, and boots for regular motorcycle riding, and for racing, and some sneakers, and a couple pairs for contradancing ... You get the idea.