Showing posts with label Fast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fast. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Alternative Home Building Cheap and Fast

Alternative Home Building Cheap and Fast
At first glance , the name Risha as a woman's name , but in fact he is short for Simple Instant Healthy Homes , the home construction technology developed Research and Development Center in Cileunyi Settlements , Bandung .
TO address the needs of the community , housing development can be accelerated through a simple fabrication healthy home ( RSH ) with Risha system that can be assembled .
RSH components with this system can be made in manufacturing which is expected to meet the needs of communities , especially low-income , self-help homes , home emergency , or as refugee housing in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra were recently hit by the earthquake and tsunami .
Alternative Home Building Cheap and Fast

Risha development pattern refers to a child's game , and the lego tamiya . This type of simple house built by assembling components. According to Arief Sabaruddin , a young researcher from the Center for Housing , variation in the number of components and easy Risha few assembled ( knock down ) and can be assembled directly instant alias .
" That instant , all the development activities with Risha system does not involve casting activities at all , " Arief said that this lean . The idea of ​​building a simple house with Risha system refers to a concept of assembling ( of Lego ) and instant ( from fast food) .
CONCEPT basic building simple houses with Risha system is lightweight , can be quickly constructed , can be dismantled , and its components can be produced by small and medium businesses . This system can also reduce construction costs , particularly for a modest home . At the launch of the construction technology home with Risha system in Cileunyi dated December 20, 2004 , the cost to build a simple house with this system is only Rp 500,000 per square meter .
That way , if low-income people want to build a simple house type 21 by using the system Risha , they simply spend Rp 10.5 million ( for London and surrounding areas ) . This home can also be built horizontally or vertically .
Risha consists of three main components , namely the structural components , filler , and utility components . For people who want to change the appearance of his home every year , Risha also can be reengineered as it can be assembled without having to dispose of the material that has been used and can be reused for other designs or design desired .
In addition , said Arief , in the process , the system Risha also did not take long and only requires a little effort . " That's why the motto of the Risha development is a message in the morning , afternoon habitation , " said Arief promotion. If we order one unit Risha morning , then more or less in just eight hours , the house was going to stand up and be ready inhabited afternoon .
Various components used is also quite mild and can be done by three people. Who can assemble the components can Risha entrepreneur small medium enterprises ( SMEs ) as well as developers who will build the RSH . Components used in the system is comparatively mild Risha . Panel 1 structural component measuring 1.20 x 30 inches and weighs less than 50 pounds .
COMPONENT is lightweight and can be produced by the community in the form of home industry and SMEs . As for linking one with the other components used bolts ( dry joint ) . For reinforced concrete structural components using printed on mold steel . " Making steel is relatively easy to print using profiled steel channel 10 , " said Arief explained .
Risha entire main components consist of three structural components , three components of the partition , and the three components of the horses with foundation and sloof fabricated . Frame structure consisting of three components , namely the two panels and the structure of the node , while the construction is made ​​of reinforced concrete with the main reinforcement diameter 8 mm and diameter of a circle diameter of 6 millimeters .
Similarly, the knot , made ​​of reinforced concrete reinforced by steel plates at the joints , while the panel with the panel or panels with vertices connected by bolt diameter 12 centimeters is given a ring . This structural framework is able to bear the burden of the house with two floors Risha .
According to Arief , Risha instant home can be built on any land . However , in special conditions such as soft ground , the foundation must be adapted to the soil conditions . In terms of the strength of the vibrations , this house has been tested with test equipment quake . " So far Risha be built in earthquake areas up to zone six , " he added .
Seismic testing is also done on the system house with two floors Risha Center for Settlement in Cileunyi . In addition to the seismic testing , Risha also already meet the requirements of a healthy home as stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure No. 403/KPTS/M/2002 . A home health standards among others should have access to safe sanitation and adequate ventilation .
AT the launch of construction of the house with the present system Risha in Bandung Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto , Minister for Housing Asy'ary Muhammad Yusuf , chairman of the DPP Real Estate Indonesia ( REI ) Lukman Purnomosidi and DPP Chairman Developers Association of Small House Indonesia ( Apersi ) Fuad Zakaria .
According to Yusuf Menpera Asy'ary , Risha has enriched the development of alternative technologies RSH . One reason for the development of the construction of RSH with Risha system is in order to cope with the increasing prices of building materials as well as cope with the limited supply of natural building materials such as wood are a major part in the construction of simple houses .
However , further Menpera , Risha 's effective use of technology still needs to be proven in the field , especially for areas that do not allow it to be mass produced .
" We recognize and accept that the use of concrete in building materials Risha would be more effective if supported by the active role of the business community to be able to produce significant amounts that can be traded in the market ( hardware store ) to be used widely by the community , " said Joseph Ash ' ary .
If only produced on a small scale , let alone having to go through the process of delivery of one region to another , the cost will be expensive . On the other hand if it will be developed by local small industries , economic feasibility needs to be linked also with the market demand for the building material .
When it is asked of developers , Chairman of the DPP REI Purnomosidi Lukman said all there is demand from the public and the banks want to give credit to the development of RSH with Risha system , it will build a house with the new technology .
In the era like now , a new technology no matter how practical , effective and cheap , but if it is not interested in the community can not necessarily be used in bulk .
If technology development with Risha system can not be used in bulk , then the cost will be expensive . Therefore , to apply the concept of the development of RSH with Risha system , the necessary commitment and implementation of consistent and integrated among all parties related to the housing industry . ( Tjahja GUNAWAN )