Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The girls and we moved!

With every child I get worse and worse with this. It sucks. 

Evalette started walking at 10 months. She figured that out fast and was climbing on things shortly after. 
She has been a very smiley baby. Demanding of me. But very smiley to everyone. 
At 14 months she has 8 teeth
I can't remember exactly when she figured out sign language but she definitely knows the basic signs we also taught Pria. 
I stopped nursing her around her birthday. I just was not feeling it. I nursed Pria until she was 2. She must have nursed differently or something. After Evalette got a couple teeth she was a biter for a while and I started to dislike doing it. I faded her out slowly. Eventually she only nursed at night. Once I got her to stop night nursing I slept much better. I feel bad a little bit because she won't get as much benefits from nursing as much as Pria did but I had to do what was best for me this time. 

We bought a bunk bed last month for the girls. Pria loves being on the top bunk and is excited for when Evalette will start sleeping in there. I just started Evalettes 2 daytime naps in the bottom bunk. I haven't yet tried putting her to sleep at night in there. I don't know if it is because I don't want to have to go in there every night if she wakes up and cries possibly waking up Pria or if it is because I am not ready to take her out of our bed at night.... Either way I know I should start trying soon so she can get used to it. 

Pria is so big now. I feel like she grew a ton since Evalette was born. So crazy. 
She still for some reason has this thing where she needs us to walk her to the bathroom if she has to pee. But if she needs to poop she gladly does it by herself and wants to be alone. 🤔
Pria is FINALLY enjoying Primary and is excited to go. She never wanted to when we were at the Peterson Ln church building. Not sure what changed. I think when we moved into a new ward after moving into a new house she just liked the teachers, being in a class with older kids and was a different feel. Either way I am happy about it. 
Evalette and I have been chilling in nursery even though she is not 18 months yet. Because Michelle (Ampuero) is in there and their class is small. Evalette enjoys it until a big kid takes her toys of course. 

So yeah we moved the end of August into a cute house in Southeast Santa Rosa and I am so happy about it. Clean, newer, dishwasher, enclosed backyard, maintained by a landscape company, close to the freeway and shopping, bigger, garage and most of all it has a heater. Hallelujah!
We are now in the Bennet Valley ward which is very small and has a teeny tiny primary but it works for us! We are comfortable with this one so far. 
Only sad part is we had to part with the chickens and cats. We have the chickens to my friend Joy who already had chickens. Her daughter is a friend of Prias so she felt good about leaving them there. We kept FooFoo because she doesn't take up much room and we felt bad getting rid of all a Prias animals...

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