Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Preschool Thoughts

Pria going to preschool for the first time has been bittersweet for me. One day I will be like, " It will be to have one less kid for a couple hours a couple times a week. " And then the next day I will be like, "how can I let her go with these strange people I don't really know? How will the other kids treat her? Will they know how to be respectful but encouraging with her shyness? Will she be/feel safe without me? Am I doing this at the right time?" I almost want to back out. But Pria has been so excited for school and has been asking when she will go just like her friends. So I don't want to tell her she won't be going after telling her she was starting soon. I know she has to start and earlier since she needs it socially and since I am not a very good consistent teacher for her at home. Maybe I could if I didn't have a smaller one to look after as well, limiting Pria's learning activities. It makes me very sad. I always want my kids close to me so this is a huge step for both of us. Hard for me to let go. She's my baby. My big baby. I want the best for her. But I also want her to feel safe. And I just don't know sometimes what to expect. I don't like the unknowing. I don't like being forced to do big life changes or chapters and not on my schedule. Pria is similar in that sense. Which is why I waited until now when she finally said she wants to go and knows I won't be with her and is ok with another 'teacher' taking care of her for the most part. I don't want to be the reason she isn't progressing in her learning. I just want the assurance that this is all the right thing, the right timing, the right place... The assurance that I can do it too.

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