Dear Honorable:
President Barack Obama
President Enrique Peña Nieto
President Laura Chinchilla
President Otto Pérez Molina
President Porfirio Lobo
President Mauricio Funes
President Daniel Ortega
President Ricardo Martinelli
Attorney General & Minister of Foreign Affairs Wilfred
April 30, 2013
We, the undersigned civil society organizations from
throughout the region, are writing to you on the eve of your meetings in Mexico and at the Summit of the Central
American Integration System (SICA) in Costa Rica.We welcome the opportunity for our nations to discuss
cooperation on critical cross-border issues and urge our States to address our concerns about the dire human
rights crisis in Mesoamerica.
Our organizations have documented an alarming increase in
violence and human rights violations. While we recognize that transnational crime and drug trafficking play
a role in this violence, we call on our governments to acknowledge that failed security policies that have
militarized citizen security have only exacerbated the problem, and are directly contributing to increased human
suffering in the region.
It is time to refocus regional dialogue and resource
investment to address the root causes of violence,
understanding that for many citizens and communities, drug
trafficking is not the principal cause of insecurity. Harmful “development” policies have similarly caused
increased conflict and abuses, while forced migration and criminalization of migrants and human rights activists
continues to divide families. Most importantly, the region’s challenges must be addressed without violating
fundamental rights and human dignity.