Showing posts with label seattle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seattle. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Punch Gallery in Seattle

I've just returned from Seattle where the Ring A Day exhibit is being held. The show runs through May 29th if you happen to be in the area. Bryan and I flew out last thursday for the opening night, what a great time we had.

These are just a couple of the cases. I've posted more images of the rings on my Flickr site. What an honor it is to be part of this, it's such a beautiful and exciting show. Seattle is gearing up for the SNAG(Society of North American Goldsmiths) conference at the end of the month so many of the galleries were exhibiting metal artworks. I can't tell you how inspiring and thrilling it was to see jewelry and metal objects in the galleries rather than just gallery after gallery of paintings.

We took lots of pics of our time in Seattle so I'll be posting throughout the week.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

RAD exhibit

1. street sign swoop, 2. Mini Citybird, 3. ring #46, 4. Lucky #7, 5. Ring 50, 6. ringmaster, 7. elephant, 8. roger rockstar, 9. brush, 10. diamond2, 11. #279(rad pack), 12. dec.26-#360, 13. dec.29-#363, 14. Ring#365/365

These are the rings from my ring a day challenge last year that will be on display in Seattle at Punch gallery this May. I think Bryan and I are going to try and be up there for the gallery opening. It would be so exciting to see some of the other rings in person and to meet a few of the friends I made online through this challenge.