Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas 2007 Holiday Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope you don't mind how high tech I've gone this year, but it was certainly easier to post this letter here. We have been greatly blessed this year and hope that the Lord has blessed you as well. Here is just a quick synopsis of our year.

Chris-I've never seen a busier person than he has been this year. He finished up his first year of nursing pre-requisits in the spring and was accepted into the nursing program this fall. With the nursing classes during the day he had to change jobs to work at night to accomadate his school schedule. He started employment at Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital in July. He LOVES it there. But it is in Nashville so he has an hour and a half commute 4 days a week. He works the 11p-7a then goes to class and comes home and sleeps then goes to work again. He also has thrown in officiating some basketball games in there the last 2 months. He is managing very well and doing very well in school. Only 18 more months and he'll be done with his nursing, but I don't think that will be the end of his schooling.

Noah- Other wise know as "Bubba", Has had a lot of new things this year. The biggest being that he is attending public school this year. It was a difficult transition but has settled into a good routine and is getting fantastic grades. He also turned 8 and was baptized in September by Dad. That was a wonderful experience. He is always full of energy and things to talk about.

Eve- or "Sunshine" as we call her is 3 1/2 and Is my little mother hen. She is a great Big Sister to Amelia and Ethan. She seems to be my shadow these days and is wanting to do more "BIG" things like play games on the computer. Eve likes to look at books and read stories. She and Amelia love to dance. When ever there is music playing you will find them wiggling and dancin.

Amelia- AKA "peaches" is a my sweet . She is a lot more layed back than Noah and Eve. She just turned 2 the first of Dec. She is potty training Yeah!! She follows after big sister and they 2 are best of friends. She is my artist. I think almost every wall in the house have evidence of her handiwork. Paint, crayons, markers, you name she loves them. She knows most of her colors and is already interested in learning her numbers and letters. She's a smart one.

Ethan- or as Eve calls him "Boogie Bear" arrived in Aug. He was healthy at 8.8 lbs. We had a scare when he returned to the hospital a week later for an unknown infection and stayed for 2 1/2 days. But he has recovered and is healthy as a horse. Weighing now at over 16 pounds he is a bright happy boy with an infectious smile. He has beautiful BLUE eyes. I believe he will keep them which will make him the only one in the family. He does have a stubborn streak as he will NOT take a pacifier or bottle. Only mommy will do and that is a little frustrating.

Amy-As for me I am kept busy with all of the above. Raising a family up unto the Lord is hard work but rewarding. I play the piano at church for choir and for the congregation. I have started running. I'm going to be running a 5k in April. It has helped to get the baby weight off. I still have a ways to go before the 5k though. I enjoy scrap booking and get together once a month with friends to feed this addiction. It is a wonderful outlet for me. I am amazed at how much our family has grown and learned this year. I am truely blessed.

I pray your Holidays are Wonderful and full of the true spirit of Christmas. Love and prayers to you all.


Nursing Graduation 2009

Ethan Rocking

Those of you who have been around Ethan Know that he rocks himself. This morning he found that he could bounce him self off of a balloon. Watch the video. He is soooo funny.

Feeling Scrappy Sketchapaloosa Class

I just finished this on line calss and thought I'd share what I got accomplished. I loved it. It was lots of fun and it's more scrapping than I've done in a long time. Enjoy!

Ethan's Birthday Party at the Argo's

Stone Bridge Park-Fayetteville, TN

Eve's Birthday 5-5-08

Snow---March 2008


How to make Cream Puffs

How to make Cream Puffs

We take what we can get!!

February Family Fun