Thursday, July 31, 2008

Stone Bridge Park

Sunday July 20, 2008

After nap times, we all wanted to get out of the house for a little bit. We loaded up and headed into town to go to the Stone Bridge Park. First let me say that every time we go to town we pass over the Elk River. Eve always says it's "her river". The Stone Bridge Park is a memorial Park of the orginal Bridge that used to go over the Elk River but was destroyed in a flood in 1967. Some of the orginal stones were used to recreate the replica in the park. To get to the river they have a path from the park that goes under the now new exisiting highway. They have picnic tables and swings by the river which is where most of the pictures of the kids were taken. Back over in the park area there is a path to walk, more swings a picnic pavillion and a big water fall and winding river that goes down to the replica Bridge. There also in the park is an old cabin. In side is set up to what it would have during that time period. The kids thought that was cool to look in side and see what the houses looked like in the "old days". The gate that was on the old jail is memorialized there. We read about that. Noah especially thought that was neat. We enjoyed the family time together, though it was very hot and humid even though it was in the evening. Noah picked up trash, and we read all about the historical bridge and had a family outing, all of which he could sign off in his cub scout book. Yeah!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some times the best things come in two's

Joey and Kristina invited all the family to come see their sweet baby boys and have dinner with them last Sunday. Her Uncle fixed all the side dishes and Joey deep fried 2 turkeys. MMMMmmmm good! They babys look very much a like to me. In fact now I couldn't tell you which one I'm holding in either of the pictures. They are sooo tiny. Now Ethan is like a GIANT!!! We got there about 3:30 and left about 5:30 so didn't over stay our welcome but It was a nice Sunday afternoon.

Sheets, Clothespins, and a little Imagination

Early this morning my very good Friend Trudy, dropped off her daughter Sadie to spend the day with us. Trudy was going to the Temple and we were glad Sadie could spend the day with us.

After about an hour the kids decided they wanted to make a fort, but the old wood we had lying around was icky and had bugs on it. Sadie does NOT like bugs. So I , being the greatest mom ever, grabbed my flat bed sheets out of the closet and headed outside to make a fort/tent.

After ponder a few moments how to do this the A frame of the swing set would be perfect. So I grabbed some clothespins from off the clothes line and walla. The kids have taken some blankets, pillow, games and I'm sure will be out there most of the day. In about an hour thought I told them they could get in the pool. Sadie, kept telling me I was really talented. Out of the mouths of babes! Not! I've just been a stay home mommy for a long time.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


These are just a few pictures of the many that I took of Ethan playing in his new toy. We've had that little chair from a couple of Christmas' for the girls.

Ethan crawled into the girls room and found when he pushed on the seat it sang songs and lit up. He really liked it.

So I moved it out to the living room so that he could sit in it and play. He'll sit for a long time on it. Mostly because he didn't know how to get out of it. But now he is getting braver and leans down to touch the floor and plops forward onto the carpet. He is sooooooooo CUTE!!!!

Nursing Graduation 2009

Ethan Rocking

Those of you who have been around Ethan Know that he rocks himself. This morning he found that he could bounce him self off of a balloon. Watch the video. He is soooo funny.

Feeling Scrappy Sketchapaloosa Class

I just finished this on line calss and thought I'd share what I got accomplished. I loved it. It was lots of fun and it's more scrapping than I've done in a long time. Enjoy!

Ethan's Birthday Party at the Argo's

Stone Bridge Park-Fayetteville, TN

Eve's Birthday 5-5-08

Snow---March 2008


How to make Cream Puffs

How to make Cream Puffs

We take what we can get!!

February Family Fun