Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Baby's not a Baby anymore

Quite a few have been on me to cut Ethan's hair and I just didn't want to. To me if I cut his hair he wouldn't look like my baby anymore. And since he is my last baby I guess I wanted to hang on to it for as long as I could. BUT, giving him a bath the other night and after wetting his hair in the back the length of his hair was almost to the middle of his back and earlier this week I had picked up one of the girls' hair pretties and I stuck in his hair for that moment while I finished what I was doing and I could no longer rationalize NOT cutting his hair. It was getting to long. So after our adventure with the derby race and we were home and he had a nap I commenced to giving him his first hair cut.



Down & Derby

Today was the Pine wood Derby and I have to say our experience was mostly down this year. First off they don't have individual pack derby races here which is the way I've always seen in done. Then the winners from the dens of the packs go to the district Derby race. Well here in good ol'e Fayetteville (and across our whole district) all they do is a district race. So about 100 boys not including parents and syblings (they can race in and "open class" race) get together and race. Last year we had to travel about 45 minutes to the place where it was held. This year we got to drive 1 hour and 20 minutes away (oh goody). Chris worked last night so we met up with him by the interstate and then he rode with us. It was held at a skating rink, of all places. The sound system they were using kept screetching and scarrying Amelia so bad that Chris had to take her out side because she was scared and wanted to go home. The boys as you can imagine after walking in soon forgot about the race since there were walls and walls of video games and an open snack bar. FINALLY they called all the boys to the other end of the rink floor. That sure cleared it out up where we were at and then the girls sat up in the video games and played while they got the races started. Noah raced 3 times down the track. Lost all 3 times......and that was it. We were done. Up at 6 am, traveled almost an hour and a half waited more than an hour after getting there and 3 runs (5 minutes) and it's over!!!. We could have stayed and watched some of the other boys from our pack but Chris needed to be back to Fayetteville because he is taking some call for the hospital so we packed up and headed out. Noah got a participation certificate and a patch and that was all she wrote for this year.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our March 1 2009 Snow Fall

Nursing Graduation 2009

Ethan Rocking

Those of you who have been around Ethan Know that he rocks himself. This morning he found that he could bounce him self off of a balloon. Watch the video. He is soooo funny.

Feeling Scrappy Sketchapaloosa Class

I just finished this on line calss and thought I'd share what I got accomplished. I loved it. It was lots of fun and it's more scrapping than I've done in a long time. Enjoy!

Ethan's Birthday Party at the Argo's

Stone Bridge Park-Fayetteville, TN

Eve's Birthday 5-5-08

Snow---March 2008


How to make Cream Puffs

How to make Cream Puffs

We take what we can get!!

February Family Fun