We have been super busy this summer. I like to call it the summer of fun. We started our summer of fun by going to my moms family reunion in Yellowstone. I've never been and it was amazingly beautiful. We always leave for car trips in the middle of the night cause Joe has no problem being awake, even with only a couple of hours of sleep. Anyways so we got up at 3 in the morning and Patrick was so excited that he didn't go back till sleep till bedtime. It was ridiculous. We were looking forward to a couple of hours with the kids alseep. Oh well, maybe when we're retired.
Yellowstone was amazing and the reunion was actually really fun. Not to mention we found a really nice hotel for only $89 a night. It was their grand opening and they wanted to get the word out. Joe and Patrick went on a river rafting trip the first day. I stayed and took a nap with Lyd and Robbie. Totally worth it with 4 hours uninterupted quiet time. Anyways the guide put Patrick in the front of the boat. He got soaking wet, but he really loved it and was so proud of himself for going. I'm just glad I didn't know he was up front or I would have been really worried. So the next day we actually went to Yellowstone. Lydia's arm pulled out of socket about 5 min into the park, so me and Joe went to find the clinic. It was so scary. It looked like a hospital from a horror movie. The nurse came out to take Lydia back and I was just praying she wasn't the doctor. She was nice but completly incompetent. I'm not even sure she was a real nurse. She popped Lyd's elbow back in and then gave her a really old white piece of chocolate to eat. I was cringing but it stopped Lydia from c
rying. When she left she gave Lydia a tongue depressor to play with and said" now careful with that it's a stick." I think even she realized that that was stupid thing to say cause she looked like she felt dumb. And I felt bad for her. Then they wanted to take x-rays just to be sure. So Joe had to go back with Lydia cause they told me I couldn't come back because I was of child bearing age. I had to wait outside, by myself,in the scariest hallway I've ever seen. The flourescent lights were flickering and everything was teal and yellow. When I came back in the room 20 min. later I noticed and old 1950's medical book sitting on a desk next to Joe. So I asked him what it was all about and he told me that the "nurse" had come out with this ancient book opened to the xray page and said"well between you and me we should be able to figure this out." I'm not kidding. It turns out Joe did most of the work and she pushed the button. Then when I went to look at the xrays with her she pulled her trusty book back out, which I'm sure was at least 50 years out of date, to see if there was problem. I had to even find the page for her. 3 awkward hours later we left. But turns out Robbie had really bad diarhea and his bum was really sore. He pooped every 5 min or whenever we put him back in his car seat. At first we thought this was a coincidence, but after the 20th time we realized that he was doing it on purpose. Really clever. But it was fun and we saw a lots of animals, even a bear.
The next night we went to a rodeo. The kids loved it and Patrick and Lydia informed me that they want to be cowboys and cowgirls when they grow up. They were fascinated.
So other than the hurt arm, scary hospital, diarhea and Patricks lack of sleep, it was really fun. I'm not kidding. We want to go back, but maybe when the kids are a little older.
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