Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Babies and Missiles - America's Trump Ca(r)d.

A few days ago we witnessed the might and triumph of the magnificent American Avenger - that of the 45th President of the USA Donald Trump.

President Donald Trump then unilaterally attacked Syria with 59 Tomahawk Missiles - effectively dismantling 20% of Syria's airforce - a very "emotional" response by a caring father and grandfather who by the way does not care two hoots about the plight of the fellow citizens of these victims of chemical warfare in Khan Sheikhoun.  After all he  has endorsed a blanket ban on immigration from Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Iran.   They are all Muslim majority countries and have been and still are victims of American imperialism - especially the first four.

From Alison Weir

Will the UN and global media ever forget this drama at the UN on 5 April, performed by the American Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley?

May my 'umble self suggest more images for the Ambassador to parade?  They are all victims of American and Allied bombings, missile strikes and drone attacks - no grief or crocodile tears for them, no hand-wringing cry of "babies, innocent and beautiful babies."


Remember Operation Shock and Awe in Iraq?

2.  When two American mothers Nikki Haley  and Samantha Power (Samantha Power was Obama's American Ambassador to the UN) stood up in the UN to challenge the 'absence of shame' and the inhumanity of Assad,  we should not forget another American "hand that rocks the cradle" - Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright, President Clinton's US Secretary of State from 1997-2001.

A financial and trade embargo was imposed on Iraq by the UN Security Council (at the behest of USA and her Allies)
to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait.  It lasted from 1990 to 2003.  The 2nd Gulf War, Operation Shock and Awe was carried out in 2003.

3.  And now, we have this scenario after the 59 Tomahawk (why do they use words from the Native American vocabulary, why not words like 'chainsaw' or 'Lincoln Continental' ?)  missiles that fell on Syria.

Besides the two swooners above there's the applause from a certain "foreign country" - which itself is responsible for the massacre of countless babies, and which somehow does not get tears or outcry or retribution from the likes of  Donald, Nikki, Theresa and their predecessors.

Three of the four Bakr boys killed by Israel on the Gaza beach in 2014, fleeing for their lives. (From Mondoweiss)

These are just little drops of  dead, innocent Palestinian babies in a huge ocean of  'collateral damage'.   After the last major cleanup of Gaza, groups like Save the Children could not digest the atrocities much more and they came out with this conscience-tickler,  a tad touching but not drastic enough to be accused of anti-Semitism.

What can we expect after this trumped-up farce?  For them Assad will have to go the way of Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.  Look forward to another cliff-hanger and a pent-up bloodlust scenario in the White House as seen in the "Let's get rid of that SOB Osama"  movie clip.

Obama and Clinton have had their satisfaction - next will be Nikki Haley and Donald Trump.



Monday, 26 December 2016

Christmas - looking from the back of other eyeballs

Colin, photographer and photography-technician extraordinaire was coming for dinner on the 22nd.

so on the 21st, I took Bus  Number 22  into the city centre to do the shopping.  The bus stopped at the Railway Station to pick up a tall, strapping young man, somewhere in his mid-thirties.  He was carrying a big and heavy rucksack on his back.  He also had a name-tag on a string draped around his neck.

To put it simply: he looked absolutely knackered - but he also wore a grim and dignified countenance. From his build he could have been a policeman, a sports coach or even a British Airways pilot - of someone holding a job that required authority and responsibility.

As the bus approached the City Centre, a comfortably-dressed, middle-aged English lady proceeded to the front of the bus where the young man was sitting, as she was about to get off the bus.

As she went past, she gave him a nice smile and said  "Merry Christmas"

With a wan, worn smile, he replied, "Merry Christmas to you."

This was the rest of the conversation.   (W=English woman;  M=English man.)

W  Are you looking forward to Christmas?

M  Well ..... it's okay, I think ......

W  It's a happy time, isn't it - sharing with family and friends.....? (and she went on and on)

M  (He began to look fed-up as it was obvious he was not prepared to natter on about the joy of Christmas)  To hell with fucking Christmas.  All for one man's birthday.  What has he done for the world?

W  (gasping with shock) Oh .. oh ...

M  I'm sorry, please, I apologise.

The bus stopped and as the woman got down, he wished her, "You have a happy Christmas, love."  

He was a Big Issue vendor.    The Big Issue is a weekly current affairs and entertainment magazine - put out specially to help the homeless......And his rucksack was heavily laden with copies he was hoping to sell - and this he will do without a kiosk or a covered stand.   If it rains or snows, he will stand in the biting cold, for the sake of a tiny income.


Figure 1

Figure 2 - A homeless man sleeping outside a big department store House of Fraser

Figure 3

Figure 4 -The East London Mosque contributing to helping the homeless in London.

We Malay-Muslims in Malaysia, have a lot to learn from the Ummah  at the East London Mosque.

Remember these?


Hari Raya 2015
See  -

Eid in Gaza 2014  (see reference to the above image)

 And there are also the Syrians, Yemenis, Iraqis, Libyans and Rohingyas to remember in their dark days. 

Are the Muslims' pockets so shallow and our hearts so grudging?   

Finally, an anecdote from my childhood to close this post about Christmas.

Makcik Ayik was my mother's best friend (during the 1940s to 1960s) from their days of being neighbours at Kampung Chantek, Dunearn Road, Singapore,

Makcik Ayik and Pakcik Mat (late 1950s)

When I was about 10 years of age my mother would 'park' me at Makcik's  during the school holidays.  As Makcik had no children, my mother thought I would be good company for the dear lady.  Also it got me 'out of her hair' and gave her some peace with her other three brattages.

I quite enjoyed being the only child at her kampung house at Batu 10, Bukit Panjang.  I remembered walking along a rickety wooden bridge across a river  to get to the kampung from Bukit Panjang. Road.

That was over 60 years ago.  Today Batu 10 has been gentrified and un-Malaydified to  TEN MILE JUNCTION.

BATU  10  aka Ten Mile Junction

Just over 60 years ago, on the 25th day of December, I was chatting to Makcik Ayik and I said,

Makcik, hari 'ni hari Krismas.  (Auntie, today is Christmas Day)

She replied, with a quizzical look on her face.

Krismas 'tu apa 'nak??  (Child, what is Christmas?)

Looking back, I reckon my mum's good friend must be thinking what a weird Malay child I am - must be because of all that schooling!!  Christmas ??!?!!

Indeed, we have come a long, long way from those dark days of ignorance!!!!

However, we're no better or kinder than Makcik Ayik's generation.

May next year's winter be happier and more peaceful  than that of  2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 etc etc.


Tuesday, 1 November 2016


They say you cannot make a silk purse out of sow's ear.

Still, some people - belonging to groups like Agape Community Church - do make it their mission to turn  pork burgers into a very profitable swine enterprise.  TJ and Janice Tee, the parents of Ninja Joe were so successful in their porcine venture that they managed to get their capital back within a year.

How can you lose when a catchy name like Ninja Joe .....

or perhaps Ninja Ah Beng?!?

becomes the carrier to transform the pig ....

into ..

Though , according to the website below - while "pork is becoming a bigger deal in the U.S., its popularity is positively exploding in nations where per capita incomes have surged in recent years,  In both China and Mexico, for instance, pork consumption has grown more than 140 per cent since 1990."


So, the Tees have cottoned on to a win-win market , " to a brilliant idea to sell non-halal burgers in Malaysia!' - although it's nothing like as daring as selling beef burgers in Hindu India!

You have to admire their cheek and guts.  But when you can deploy the name of such a popular halal outlet like

 ... and appropriate the name of Malaysia's much-loved cultural icon as the Malay-Muslim  P. Ramlee (just a slight change of spelling but we know who you are referring to) you cannot go wrong.  What a brilliant marketing tactic - to use Malay-Muslim packaging to sell pork products..

But above all else, the Tees have a much bigger agenda, one inspired and aided by ...

Throughout this whole time, we were blanketed with overwhelming calmness that could only be described as supernatural.  Looking back, it was clear that the peace of God was with us on our journey.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7, NIV)

Running a business of this scale didn't come naturally, and every step we took brought us further into uncharted territory.  We didn't have any friends in the industry whom we could call on for advice, but we felt assured knowing that God would lead us according to His Will.

What was God's Will I wonder -  for the food outlet Ninja Joe and its P. Ramly pork burger??

But, listen to this :  Through a series of miraculous events, we were introduced to a Singaporean partner in July this year, and 3 months later opened our first restaurant in Singapore!  Early reception from customers and local media has been positive and we trust that God will pave the way for greater things because he is faithful just as we are faithful to him.

In closing, my favourite Bible verse:

"for I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)

God is good indeed.

Extracted from TJ Tee and family, AGAPELINE 16.  (Issue 4, December 2014)

Do I think Soros, the Gates, Robert Kuok, and all the other Financial High Flyers  have a line to the same Connections as the Tees?

I'll be telling porkies if I said "yes".

By the way, the Ninja, according to Wiki, is a spy, a covert agent, sabotage infiltrator, assassin in guerilla warfare.

Aww shucks ... must not over react.  We're all Malaysians aren't we?

We do not play such nefarious games with our fellow citizens.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Dispensations for Miscreants

If nonagenarians are allowed to be vexatious, septuagenarians like Ash can be as grumpy as they please.

My non-negotiable human rights.

Every Monday (from 9am to 2pm) is Tung Shin Hospital Day.  Ash risks life and limbs on the outward journey and the spouse takes over  the skirmishes on our way home.

Today is the 20th day of Syawal and Muslims are still on overdrive celebrating the end of Ramadan.  But the air of joy and the bloated stomachs, it seems,  have dulled the need to be as good as gold when those Muslims get into their cars.  I have categorically chosen Muslims because the selfish cretins we encountered today- five in total - were all garbed in their tudungs  oops hijabs!

The incredible stupidity, the audacity. the egotistic behaviour when these sisters are behind their wheels belie the devout and pure expression that the hijab is supposed to represent. One screamed past us from the left on AKLEH, another dashed across our 'bows' from the right because she could not wait to make her left turn which was just a couple of metres in front of us.

At Ampang, just past KLCC another hijabed sweet and sour young thing displayed a daring swing from the left lane to the centre lane (where we were) and straight on to the right lane - her ultimate destination without any indicating.  With that kind of guts and skill she would be a good candidate for Formula One  Racing, hijab or no hijab!

When you drive in KL you put your life into the hands of idiots, male and female, Muslims and non-Muslims!

The most frightening display of  a Muslim woman driver's asinine behaviour was at Wangsa Maju.  This sister was too busy getting herself and her shopping into the driving seat while parked on a very busy road - completely ignoring her little hijabed daughter (of around five years old), and leaving her to dash across the road.  Thank goodness the septuagenarian spouse was alert enough ( we over-70s are supposed to be gaga and slow-minded drivers) to grind to a halt and save himself from being beaten up for running over a child!    And this is just one of many such experiences with errant Muslim drivers - including actual collision.

These drivers who think they are invincible and  somehow protected from the fate of other miscreants drive anything from Proton Saga to Suzuki and BMW - with a high proportion of hijab-clad sisters driving huge SUVs..

Let's see.... as Muslims in Malaysia are so susceptible to imitating everything Arab and Arabic, and especially Saudi Arabia - why not go the whole hog (ugh!)and ban Muslim women from driving!?!!?  We can then leave the field wide open for the menfolk to do their utmost to ignore every rule in the man-made Highway Code.  (After all, you can't be ensured a foothold in paradise if you obey all the rules that licensed you as a driver and motorbike rider.)


AND IN THE BEGINNING: The child is father of the man. (William Wordsworth)

During the last 40 years or so, Malaysia (and Singapore too) have seen the "revival" of Islam and the "purification"  of Muslims.

In tandem with that: in Malaysia we have also observed the rise and rise of  wealth and the good life as well as hypocrisy, corruption and the lust for power - basic ingredients for a nation's moral and spiritual bankruptcy.

On Hari Raya , a collection of emptied packets of  duit raya was strewn just outside our gate.

The remains of manna from Hari Raya.  The blob of cat-shit ( within the red square) is such a symbolic attachment.

 I can just picture this.  After their visits to the various houses for Hari Raya Salam Alaikum, these kids could not wait to tear into their packets to count their 'loot', and then discard the rubbish at the scene of the big count.  I was told they cock a snoot at any gift below two ringgit. From little acorns large fat cats grow!  Sorry for the mixed metaphors.

Is this what Hari Raya is all about - for the children and grandchildren of the Baby Boomers, for Generations X, Y and Z?

AND AT THE END - Takkan  Melayu hilang di dunia.  I reckon it will not be a matter of 'if' but one of 'when'.  It's an imitation of the fate of a gibbon being given a flower. 


Sunday, 24 January 2016

TrumpCam - The Anglo-American Fetish - Act I

I've been hibernating, keeping away from the goings-on in my kampung - and the spouse's kampung too.  I've figured I'll just have to sit back and observe in despair - as the Lunchais  and the whippersnappers get on with their circus and shenanigans.  Certainly, this is not a time fit for a Septuagenarian,.. a Senior Citizen..... an Old Fogey, a Diddy, a Warga Mas, a Geriatric .... a Superannuated codger and crone.

So, ......

But even geezers like Ash  have to sit up and glower at the mouthings of present (Cameron) and future (Trump) leaders of the Free World.  More and more I observe an outbreak of these modern ailments - "constipation"  of the brain and "diarrhoea" of the mouth.

There's firstly Donald Trump, the Prime Contender for the throne of the Presidency in the US of A.

Repeating his wild suggestion for eliminating terrorism in his country would just be more publicity for his bigotry.  Perhaps a look at what he's made of would be more illuminating, to understand why the world has become what it is - especially in the geo-politics of the Middle East.

When Whites and Christians and non-Muslims express their racism, extremism and bigotry they are regarded as merely offensive and crazy.  Most devious of all:  their views and practices are just an aberration, a little blip on a spotless and civilized culture.

For instance, in the case of The Holocaust, we have the Holocaust deniers - but there are also the mollifiers, who deem the Holocaust as deviant and unrepresentative of European-Christian culture.  I reckon it is far easier for them to demonise and pulverize Muslims because the latter have no political and financial clout.  And best of all for the West - Muslims are hopelessly divided, they are their own worst enemies.  ( PS just like my bangsa Melayu)

DONALD TRUMP  - and his true colours.

Firstly, take the big news about Trump here in Britain:

.......  and here are the reasons why.

1.  According to the powers-that-be in the British Parliament  .....



Secondly, why should anyone condemn a man with such a fervent and relevant religious faith?  After all, we have his own word for this:

Not only that ......

This can be seen in the company he keeps.......

Thirdly, Donald Trump is no maverick outsider:

 There have been outbursts of dismay and anger in the United States about Trump's display of bigotry.  Concerned Americans and other Americaphiles have been very vocal in denouncing him, saying that his "incivility, his racism, his phobia about everything .... is un-American".  They claim Trump does not  not represent  "American values".

As for the meaning of "American values", it all depends on how susceptible you are to a belief in myths, and on the severity of your myopia  (or the  'inability to see distant objects clearly').

But do read the above article from Counterpunch - which should help to remove the scales from one's eyes. 

Here's an extract: 

Fourthly, Trump's opinion and bigotry are not new or outrageous.  They are also practised  by
their closest ally, Israel.

Finally, why should Muslims and non-Muslims be surprised?

But that is America.   What about here in my spouse's kampung?   Well, some would say it's not much better.   Take the Great British Prime Minister David Cameron ......

Here's an appetiser by Steve Bell, one of the best satirist-cartoonists from The Guardian 18 January 2016

TrumpCam - An Anglo - American Fetish

See you later in February.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Alvin - A serenade for Ah Bin

This video I hope will bring a degree of  meaning and explanation to Ah Bin's and his cronies'  (the Ah Kows' ) raison d'etre.   (Who let the dogs out)

Just to add a bit more punch, here's a little comment from Mah Lai Kwai.  (It is written mostly in Singlish - a hybrid language of Sino-Singapore-English.  It is also the 'lingua franca' in Malaysia).

Mah Lai Kwai says:

Aiyaah Ah Bin why you soo..  ah beng one?   Why this video show you topless - you a reel attention seeker.

You want people to see your body becos you tink you can look like Bruce Lee ah ....

  .... or mebbe now you run away to 'Melika you want to show off like the ang mo Aidan Turner - throbbing heart throb from Engerland.

You want to know how Aidan Turner got  that rippling muscles?  He say he use special " baby oil".  He no need go to gym - orso he never eat 'Bak Kut Teh.  You remember how you recommend this to Muslim?

You so terok, lah.  Muslim cannot eat pork, not like you, who can eat anything that got 4 legs ... and moves.

You know or not, when you pose with no shirt on, you don't show respect to your forefathers who come to Malay country from Tongsua, to work and make and save money.

 You know how your forefathers work so hard, and build up a prosperous life for your parents and you - so dat you can afford to escape and live in 'Melika?

Now you make fun of Muslim  Azan.  You forgot ah?  You so 'chickopet', so 'hamsab' you make  sexy video of you and your girlfriend  until Singapore garmen take away your scholarship.

Alvin Tan :  The former Asean Scholar was stripped of his scholarship after he posted sexually explicit photos of himself and his girlfriend in an online blog in October 2012.  The National University of Singapore (NUS) law student who is a Malaysian, also earned himself a semester's suspension for the brazen acts.  Mr Tan did not complete his law studies.

You really one kind - sooo typical - the kind my office people call the shit-stirrer.  Long ago, in Singapore, we have the night soil man who work clearing the 'jamban' .

The Jamban

The Night Soil Man - from Wikipedia

With you, only one difference - the night-soil man do public service and remove the shit.  You only stir and stir the same bucket of sai.  No wonder you cannot finish your law degree!

You tink you want to be 'hero' - like "Je suis Ah Bin" !!

I hope my Muslim friends in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia 'boh chap' this sicko. 

Now you live in 'Melika you watch your step. You give dem trouble, where you want to run?  (Hey what passport you carry ah?)

 Remember how you so happy to go to 'melika, you publish picture of yourself, naked except for the red nappy  - like a selfie - next to Statue of Liberty?

Well, Alvin, be careful.... even 'melika not always so chin chai man!

A 19th century cartoon of a Chinaman with pigtail taking over the Statue of Liberty 

Kam sia,

L. K. Mah


Back to Ash

Thank you Mah Lai Kwai.

Muslims in Malaysia  can expect many more wannabe  "Je suis Ah Bin" on You Tube and other websites.

Just keep calm, don't get yourself hyperventilated by jibes from this yellow culture.



boh chap  -  can't be bothered

angmo  -  caucasian

malaikwai  -  a pejorative term used by Chinese (in Singapore and Malaysia) for Malays.  There's also                        angmokwai (red face devil) for  Caucasians and kalingkwai for Indians.

ah beng  -  a stereotype of young Chinese men in Singapore and Malaysia.  It's like the term 'Mat' for                   young Malay men and 'chav' for the English.

chickopet and hamsab   -  a flirt and a dirty old/young man whose brain is located in the groin area.

kam sia  -  thank you

sai  -  faeces

cin cai  - relaxed and easy going

yellow culture  -   the late Lee Kuan Yew described any form of culture that is non-Asian as 'yellow'                                during the early days of Singapore's independence.  I remembered when the song                                  "Puff, the magic dragon"  by Peter, Paul, and Mary was banned as a result of Lee's                                 'cleansing'.  However the reference to 'yellow' has many other meanings.  It can                                     mean 'cowardly' or when used with the banana, it refers to a westernized                                              Chinese - yellow on the outside and white on the inside.

bak kut teh  -  pork bone tea soup

And talking of pork and pigs ......