Showing posts with label Lockerbie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lockerbie. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Osama bin Laden killing could justify killing Col Gaddafi: No way! What the hell is wrong with us? Where the hell are we going with this?

Osama bin Laden killing could justify killing Col Gaddafi

There is no way in hell! What the heck have we come to? Osama Bin Laden was a unique case and his vendetta against the west is only increasing since his assassination and it will get much worse. Pakistan Taliban warns of retaliation: Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive footage that appears to show the group vowing revenge for Osama bin Laden's death. This makes absolutely no sense knowing Bin Laden betrayed them but will gain new terrorism converts which is the only goal

Osama Bin Laden was by his own decree America's number one enemy. He perpetrated 9/11 the worst attack on American soil in History and vowed to do worse still. Even in death he will do his damnedest to do worse. It was right for us to kill him. I do not understand though how anyone can compare the justification of killing Osama Bin Laden to justifying killing Moamar Gaddafi.

There is no comparison period! What the hell is wrong with us? We are not in the business of assassinating leaders who do not do our bidding or are we? Yes I agree we owe Gaddafi for personally ordering the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland that killed 270, mostly American's. Pan Am flight 103 Wikipedia I do believe we should press ahead with legal proceedings on that issue but even that does not justify assassination by us.

I firmly disagree with Gaddafi murdering thousands of his own people because they want their freedom and ordering his mercenaries to rape as many of their women as possible. Gaddafi and even his family has earned the ire of his own people, "his own people". I said from day one that Gaddafi will not stop killing as many as he possibly can before he is taken out.

If there was a way to totally neutralize Gaddafi's heavy weapons and defenses those rebels may stand a chance. Still, remembering Gaddafi's original statement that many thousands will be killed I am afraid he is getting closer to using his cyanide, mustard gas and vast reserves of chemical weapons. It is up to the rebels or one of his confidants to take out Gaddafi but assassinating him will do nothing. His entire family and all of his followers willow have to be taken out.

You know I firmly believe we should drop a MOAB (mother of all bombs) or a 30,000 pound bunker buster in the middle of his compound designed to dig 7 or 8 stories underground before detonating and take as many of them out as we can. They are not going to relent period. In this current situation Gaddafi is guilty of committing crimes against humanity, crimes against his people not ours.

In closing: There is absolutely no comparison between what Bin Laden did and what Gaddafi is currently doing unless we are looking for justification to assassinate him and impose our will once again. What the hell have we come to? What would this mean to the future of the unstable worlds stability?Think of the myriad of repercussions. Mind boggling! When are we going to draw the line?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma