Showing posts with label Safia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safia. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gaddafi's wife and daughter flee to Tunisia, this is big

Gaddafi's wife, daughter in Tunisia - source: The wife and daughter of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi crossed over the border into Tunisia several days ago, a Tunisian security source told Reuters. Gaddafi's wife Safia and his daughter Aisha came to Tunisia with a Libyan delegation, the source said. Can you blame them?

High profile defections in Libya gaining momentum, it is really looking like Gaddafi's regime is going down. NATO is stepping up pressure on the Libyan government's strongholds with targeted aerial attacks and psychological warfare operations. Wing Commander Mike Bracken said Tuesday NATO has air-dropped leaflets and broadcast messages to troops loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi asking them "to return to their barracks and homes".

A Tunisian official told the German Press Agency dpa on Tuesday that Libyan Oil Minister Shukri Ghanem had crossed into Tunisia and was on the island of Djerba. The Tunisian official, who wished not to be named, said he did not know the purpose of Ghanem's stay upon Djerba, an island some 500 kilometers south of the capital Tunis, but that he had crossed into Tunisia late Monday.

The Tunisian state news agency TAP had reported on Monday that a number of Libyan officials were in Djerba in official meetings aimed at resolving the crisis in Libya. A Libyan official in Tripoli denied rumors that Ghanem may have defected and fled the country, telling dpa instead that he was on a diplomatic trip. Yeah a diplomatic trip all right, like all the rest of the military and Government officials jumping ship. I love it!

Russia has called on Libya to stop using force against civilians and fully comply with UN resolutions. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who met two envoys of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in Moscow, said the answer "cannot be called negative"
Okay I'm impressed.

A network of high profile Libyan defectors, including the former regime stalwart Moussa Koussa, are helping Nato to destroy Muammar Gaddafi's military sites, including bunker complexes from which much of the war has been run, according to senior officials in Libya. Nato planners have stepped up their operations over the capital, Tripoli, and the western mountains in recent days,

Three more Libyan military officers have defected from Moamer Gaddafi's regime and escaped by boat to Tunisia, state-run Tunisian news agency TAP reported Monday, citing unnamed Tunisian officials. 'Such defections have occurred several times in recent days, with an influx of defectors coming to Tunisia by sea,' the official said.

I am stupefied that Gaddafi and in this case his envoys insist NATO and the rebels must also stop targeting civilians. They are protecting the citizens that's what much of this is all about. Gaddafi is putting targets on his own supporters back to force NATO and the rebels to kill them to get at him, his weapons, and his murderers. We now have proof.

Gaddafi is also issuing Viagra to his murderers instructing them to rape and impregnate as many women as possible. Several hundred women are so far known to be raped in this way. These people call themselves Muslims? That religion was founded under great principles that most Muslims adhere to. The more I hear about the perversion of Islam to practice murder, rape, and other practices against everyone's laws the more I am sickened that the wider the problem seems to be.

Many see an impasse but I do not as long as we can make life miserable for those that support Gaddafi. Keep pointing out that the coward has built his destruction structure underneath places where they live their daily lives. He points out we are bombing playgrounds, Imam's, and hospitals but the scum is hiding underneath them. The people can end this and now. Take the Gaddafi's out!

It really looks like Gaddafi's Libya is going to unravel, knowing how volatile that country is going to be you really have to wonder what kind of hell Libya is going to be. Once again am going to say be careful what you ask for you may get it and you know what you have but you don't know what you're going to get!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma