Showing posts with label U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Taliban admit they can not win in Afghanistan and must talk with outside forces

KABUL, Afghanistan - Dozens of men and women took to the streets of Kabul on Wednesday to protest the recent public slaying of an Afghan woman accused of adultery whose gruesome, execution-style killing was captured on video. The footage, which surfaced recently, shows the woman being shot multiple times about 10 days ago in Parwan province, north of the Afghan capital. The gunman was encouraged by people who stood nearby, smiling and cheering.

The people know the horror they are to exist under forever if they do not stand up and eliminate them.

 Dozens of Afghan civilians die in bloody day: More Taliban success!

Taliban: 'We cannot win war in Afghanistan' A senior Taliban commander has said insurgency will not win the war in Afghanistan, conceding that the only way forward for the group is to settle with other political forces in the country.

The leadership knows the truth – that they cannot prevail over the power they confront," he said. "It would take some kind of divine intervention for the Taliban to win this war," “At least 70 per cent of the Taliban are angry at al-Qaeda. Our people consider AL-Qaeda to be a plague that was sent down to us by the heavens,”

US, Pakistan, Afghanistan Call on Taliban to Join Reconciliation

Bombs, clashes in Afghanistan kill 35 including seven NATO soldiers: A surge in Afghan and coalition forces during the past two years routed Taliban fighters from many of their strongholds in the south, but the insurgents stepped up their attacks this summer to take back key areas. The civilians, including women and children, were killed in a trio of blasts in Arghistan district, along Afghanistan's border with Pakistan.
KABUL -- At least 35 people, including seven NATO soldiers, were killed in a string of roadside bombs and clashes on Sunday, one of the most violent days in the country for months. A bomb killed six NATO troops in the east, the coalition said without elaborating, after an insurgent attack in the south killed one foreign soldier.Twenty-eight Afghan civilians and police were killed in southern Kandahar and Helmand provinces, officials said.On the same day, major donors in Tokyo pledged $16 billion in development aid for Afghanistan over the next four years as they try to prevent it from sliding back into chaos once most foreign troops have left by the end of 2014

US, Pakistan, Afghanistan Call on Taliban to Join Reconciliation: Foreign ministers from the United States, Afghanistan, and Pakistan met Sunday on the sidelines of an Afghan donor conference in Japan to discuss cross-border cooperation and security. They called on Taliban fighters to join Afghan reconciliation efforts.

In a joint statement following their talks, Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul, Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said al-Qaida's core leadership in the region has been decimated, reducing the threat to peace and security that led the international community to intervene in Afghanistan in 2001.

Remember just recently when angry Afghan's chopped off the ears of a Taliban who was trying to set a roadside bomb? Believe it or not despite all the recent setbacks to the contrary, now that Burhanuddin has taken over the talks with the Taliban and the people have finally started to stand up against them I feel very good about the future for the Afghan people Democracy or not.

Get the talks going full bore. I want us to get the hell out of Afghanistan like we should. If we are lucky enough to have that happen and I have my doubts, the people have a choice. They will still have their tribes but otherwise they have the choice of Mullah Omar who will kill them if they do not live the way he says or the corrupt drug dealer Hamid Karzai.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hamid Karzai says Taliban chief Mullah Omar can run for Afghan presidency:

Hamid Karzai says Taliban chief Mullah Omar can run for Afghan presidency: Mullah Omar, the one-eyed Taliban leader who has been on run since the United States toppled his regime in late 2001, is one of the world's most wanted men and is leading a Taliban insurgency aimed at ousting Karzai. Karzai has repeatedly called on Omar and other insurgents fighting against his administration to renounce violence and accept peaceful reintegration. "I repeat my call on all Afghans, those who aren't the puppets of others and have (only) issues with us at home – they're welcome for any talks," he told a news conference.

"Mullah Mohammad Omar can come inside Afghanistan anywhere he wants to. He can open political office for himself but he should leave the gun. "He along with his friends can come and create his political party, do politics, become a candidate himself for the elections. If people voted for him, good for him, he can take the leadership in his hand," Karzai said

What is Omar going to do kill everyone that doesn't vote for him? Anyway you look at it the Taliban are indigenous to Afghanistan and are going no where. When we leave if we do they are instantly going to claim what they want. At this point in my mind they should be allowed to claim certain parts of Afghanistan such as Helmand province as their territory and be allowed to live as they want there as long as they leave the rest of the country alone.

KABUL, Afghanistan - Dozens of men and women took to the streets of Kabul on Wednesday to protest the recent public slaying of an Afghan woman accused of adultery whose gruesome, execution-style killing was captured on video. The footage, which surfaced recently, shows the woman being shot multiple times about 10 days ago in Parwan province, north of the Afghan capital. The gunman was encouraged by people who stood nearby, smiling and cheering.

Also remember the people just recently cut off the ears of a man who was setting IED's near their town? The people know the horror they are to exist under forever if they do not stand up and eliminate them or give them their own section of the country to keep their barbaric laws as they see fit. All they have to do is stay there and keep their barbaric laws to themselves.

Taliban: 'We cannot win war in Afghanistan' A senior Taliban commander has said insurgency will not win the war in Afghanistan, conceding that the only way forward for the group is to settle with other political forces in the country.

The leadership knows the truth – that they cannot prevail over the power they confront," he said. "It would take some kind of divine intervention for the Taliban to win this war," “At least 70 per cent of the Taliban are angry at al-Qaeda. Our people consider AL-Qaeda to be a plague that was sent down to us by the heavens,”

US, Pakistan, Afghanistan Call on Taliban to Join Reconciliation: Foreign ministers from the United States, Afghanistan, and Pakistan met Sunday on the sidelines of an Afghan donor conference in Japan to discuss cross-border cooperation and security. They called on Taliban fighters to join Afghan reconciliation efforts.

In a joint statement following their talks, Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul, Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said al-Qaida's core leadership in the region has been decimated, reducing the threat to peace and security that led the international community to intervene in Afghanistan in 2001.

Remember just recently when angry Afghan's chopped off the ears of a Taliban who was trying to set a roadside bomb? Believe it or not despite all the recent setbacks to the contrary, now that Burhanuddin has taken over the talks with the Taliban and the people have finally started to stand up against them I feel very good about the future for the Afghan people Democracy or not.

Get the talks going full bore. I want us to get the hell out of Afghanistan like we should. If we are lucky enough to have that happen and I have my doubts, the people have a choice. They will still have their tribes but otherwise they have the choice of Mullah Omar who will kill them if they do not live the way he says or the corrupt drug dealer Hamid Karzai.

The Taliban are indigenous to Afghanistan and are going no where. If Mullah Omar is smart enough not to run for President give him his own principality there. When we leave if we do they are instantly going to claim what they want anyway. At this point in my mind they should be allowed to claim certain parts of Afghanistan such as Helmand province as their territory and be allowed to live as they want there as long as they leave the rest of the country alone.

The people know the horror they are to exist under forever if they do not stand up and eliminate them or give them their own section of the country to keep their barbaric laws as they see fit. All they have to do is stay there and keep their barbaric laws to themselves.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Karzai apologizes for fraud says Afghanistan will control its security in 5 years!

Afghan President Sworn in to 2nd Term

That I would have to say is a lot more than a little optimistic don't you think? President Karzai's inauguration audience reflected the concern coming from the whole international community. 17 NATO foreign ministers were there including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The situation is serious and Karzai must step up. However eliminating corruption and controlling Afghanistan in 5 years is a bit optimistic I think though I would love to see it! British foreign secretary attends Afghan President Karzai's inauguration

I recommend that you read the link and see what the people think is necessary before Karzai can achieve his stated goals as they are right on. I have said numerous times what many of the people are saying. Karzai's entire corrupt cabinet must be replaced but that will never happen. That has to happen to stop the rampant Government corruption in a country that was is 179 out of the top 180 corrupt countries. Karzai inauguration: Views from Afghanistan

That will not however do anything to stop the corruption throughout the country much of it controlled by Karzai family and friends. Not just opium production but the main supply route to Kandahar where contractors use bribes to keep from being attacked by the Taliban. That said the people interviewed in the above link certainly nailed it and agree with me and Pakistan. Pakistan wants us to keep a military presence in Afghanistan and even increase it which I do not want to see because that will not work but only to add us to Afghanistan's graveyard of Nations.

I agree with the Afghan citizens interviewed and with Pakistan that we should put Karzai to the test and concentrate our efforts on securing the Afghanistan Pakistan border to contain militants in Pakistan so Pakistan can eradicate them if possible and keep them from migrating into Afghanistan to complicate our efforts. Border security is key to the success of both Pakistan and Afghanistan and should be a prime concern and the effort of Afghan forces can be spent training up and killing the militants that are already in country!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma