Showing posts with label taliban. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taliban. Show all posts

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Pakistan reiterates NWA offensive will hit Haqqani network: Good get Jalaluddin

Jalaluddin Haqqanni

They are going down finally: Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Afghans kill at least 60 from Haqqani network in major hit before America leaves Afghanistan

                    Economic Times

           Jalaluddin Haqqanni

Haqqani leadership is now going down: Now I see success

  Senior Haqqani leader shot dead in Islamabad: The commander, Ahsanullah Ahsan, and the intelligence official say that Nasiruddin Haqqani was killed Sunday night on the outskirts of Pakistan's capital in area called Bhara Kahu.
The Afghan Haqqani network was founded by Jalaluddin Haqqani and is one of the most feared militant groups fighting U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Nasiruddin Haqqani is Jalaluddin Haqqani's son. His brother, Sirajuddin Haqqani, currently leads the group.

 Nasiruddin Haqqani shot dead:  The details of his death are still unclear, but reports say he was killed in a shooting incident in the city of Rawalpindi, next to Islamabad, on Sunday night.Another Haqqani brother, Badruddin, who had been the group's operational commander, was killed in a drone strike in August last year.
Nasiruddin's elder brother, Sirajuddin Haqqani, now leads the group, while Jalaluddin remains its figurehead. As the group's main fundraiser, Nasiruddin frequently travelled to the oil-rich sheikhdoms of the Middle East to solicit donations.

 *U.S. Drone Strike in Pakistan Kills at Least 16: The strike was the deadliest since Pakistan’s new prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, took power a month ago and demanded an end to the drone attacks. A local government official said the house was being used by the militants for the past few months. 

Jalaluddin Haqqani legendary leader who fought the Soviets and his son, Sirajuddin hate the fact that infidel's are on their land and of course have openly vowed to attack and kill as many as possible until we leave. They have been the ones behind all the attacks on bases ans government buildings and have admitted it. 

It is only common sense that they are behind the continuing  spate of attacks on NATO trainers by so called rogue Afghani's. We have essentially brought all segments against us leaving peacefully and forming a Government to their knees with the exception of the Haqqani's who have lost many fighters and top commanders including recently Badruddin another son of Jalaluddin.

This is not enough though. In order to stop the Haqqani network we are going to have to take out the top. We know some in the ISI, military, and Government have been complicit with them since the Soviets wee in Afghanistan so they know where they are. I hope now we have taken out the top.

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Haqqani 101: With the death of Osama Bin Laden we were asked what his death would mean for the war in Afghanistan. Like the so called war on terror which includes the Taliban, Al Qaeda of every creed, and extremists of every ilk looking to carry on Osama's vendetta against the west, it will serve to fuel their cause like many other issues. His death should mean just the opposite and it does to all true Muslims.

In searching though I found them to be known rapists and murderers and of course not true Muslims or faithful followers of Muhammad and true Islam. Some of the Haqqani's and commanders have even been captured and held after traveling to Saudi Arabia for the haj and gathering donations for their cause.

The Haqqani's and their legendary stature are holding the so called terrorists force together. Their stature is legendary and hard earned. The Haqqani network and their increasingly foreign fighters have become the main focus after 9 years of fighting. The Haqqani Network's North Waziristan leadership -- usually called the Miram Shah Shura consists of a number of Haqqani family members and closely associated long-serving commanders.

At the top of the network is Sirajuddin Haqqani, who oversees the group's political and military activities and is the main liaison to the Mullah Muhammad Omar led Quetta Shura Taliban, the Taliban's leadership body (named for the capital of Pakistan's Baluchistan province). He is also one of the network's liaisons to Pakistani Taliban figures and AL-Qaeda.

He travels regularly into Afghanistan " or should I say did as he now claims to be based in Afghanistan" to coordinate with field commanders and occasionally to Peshawar and South Waziristan to connect with militants there. Remember Bowe Bergdhal? There are many field commanders in Afghanistan, but turnover is high because many get killed or captured. The most prominent is Mullah Sangin, who is believed to be holding Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl a captured U.S. soldier and Zakim Shah the movement's shadow governor of Khost province.

There are many field commanders in Afghanistan, but turnover is high because many get killed or captured.

Jalaluddin Haqqani legendary leader who fought the Soviets and his son, Sirajuddin who directs operations are increasingly the targets of drones and now manned NATO aircraft in Pakistan as the Pakistani's have been leery to go in the area for whatever reason. Many are being killed, I heard over 80 in a week with no civilian casualties.

I wish we would quickly kill the two head Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan as our invasion of their country even to kill Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters who were known killers of NATO forces may be the straw that broke the camels back. People in Pakistan are increasingly marching to have the drone attacks stopped. Fine! If you want the drones stopped then stop the Haqqani's. We know someone there can kill or stop them at will.

I would hate to see the Haqqani network unite with Pakistan " who they once had close ties with particularly the ISI", against us as Pakistan is still furious and rightly so though it may be a ploy to placate civilians. I wish we would just come home. I do not want to see the scenario I discussed many times and that is taking on Pakistan from the Gulf and don't forget Iran!

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who wants us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Drug cash turning Taliban into wealthy criminals thanks to us

Poppy field Afghanistan

Drug cash turning Taliban into wealthy criminals - UN report:  As Nato retreats from Afghanistan, the Taliban are rolling in cash and the movement is turning into a wealthy criminal enterprise, according to a United Nations report.  After a "bumper year" for earnings from narcotics and other illicit activities including kidnapping and unlicensed mining, some factions have become "mafia-like crime syndicates" motivated more by money than by religion, says the UN body monitoring sanctions on the Taliban.
The millions of dollars a month pouring into its coffers may keep the fighting going even longer - with some Taliban seeing peace as a threat to their profits. Despite its ban on opium poppy cultivation when in power, the Taliban's best earner is from Afghanistan's illegal drugs trade, according to the UN - and its income has soared following last year's record harvest.

You know, my first thought when I saw this record opium Prodution in Afghanistan I thought back to previous discussions on Afghanistan and the failure Bush guaranteed there, in Iraq, and the entire middle east, when he ignored all advice to the contrary and attacked Iraq not to unseat Saddam but to get our military into the midle east. That is for another discussion!

I remember amidst discussions of the Taliban being too tough to fight, Al Frist suggested we allow them to partake in the Afghan Government. I recall a story where the Taliban was actively building schools for towns that did not have them. I then remember that I also did a story in 2006 when it was announced that Afghanistan had a record year harvesting 6,700 tons. More than the entire world market could consume.
 Production increased 49 percent from the year before. The estimated 6,700 tons even broke the world record of 1999, when 5,764 tons of opium were produced globally. Taking into account that the insurgency derives a significant amount of revenue from drugs, I decided to research just what has happened to the Opium trade since we attacked Afghanistan.

First it seems to me that criticism of Bush aside, I think we could have gone about this differently too. I don't know why we could not have done a surgical strike or even used unmanned aircraft as we have since, and then tried Diplomacy.
 Instead as Bush attacked Iraq and created an insurgent and sectarian civil war where there was none. He attacked Afghanistan and created an over abundance of opium. I was stunned when I got to thinking about opium production when the Taliban was in power and researched it.

The following information is from a story by the BBC in 2002. First, The Taliban banned poppy cultivation in 2000 so in 2001 production was down to 185 tons. Then by 2002 production went up to 3,400 tons That is around 18 times higher than last year's unusually low figure of 185 tons, which followed the ban on cultivation imposed by the Taliban in the last year of their rule.
 I have to wonder what they were growing in lieu of opium to survive and I don't know about this but the increase is blamed on poverty-stricken farmers taking advantage of the power vacuum and it is not the fault of Kabul or the U.N.

Every year but one since we attacked Afghanistan opium production has continued to climb. This year Production has increased again dramatically. It is no ones fault of course and no one knows how to control it. The 2007 report shows that In 2006, Afghanistan accounted for 92 percent of global illicit opium production, up from 70 percent in 2000 and 52 percent a decade earlier. The higher yields in Afghanistan brought global opium production to a record high of nearly 7,300 tons, a 43 percent increase over 2005 and it just keeps going up and enriching their sinister actions.

The area under opium poppy cultivation in the country has also expanded, from nearly 257,000 acres in 2005 to more than 407,000 acres in 2006 — an increase of about 59 percent. "This is the largest area under opium poppy cultivation ever recorded in Afghanistan," the report said. UNODC (U.N. office of Drugs and crime) Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa warned that Afghanistan's insurgency-plagued Helmand province was becoming the world's biggest drug supplier, with opium cultivation there larger than in the rest of the country put together.

She is right that controlling Poppy cultivation would go a long way towards bringing security to the Region. To me it would go a long way in defunding the Taliban but I haven't heard any real solution and to me, again if they were serious an answer is very obvious.

For the sixth straight year, the amount of land under opium cultivation has fallen in South-east Asia. From 1998-2006, that region's share of world opium poppy cultivation had decreased from 67 percent to just 12 percent, largely due to declines in cultivation in Myanmar, the report said. South-east Asia's total opium production in 2006 was just 370 tons, it said.,2933,286732,00.html
All the while Afghanistan's production has grown exponentially and has more than replaced it. 2013 Opium Cultivation in Afghanistan Soars to Record - WSJ

 we cannot even control poppy cultivation let alone the Taliban. We cannot control cultivation so to me the obvious answer is to control the market. Buy all the poppy's produced and control what is done with them. It seems to me that we could find an alternative use for it, keep the people employed, save lives and gain friends while undermining the Taliban. Doesn't this sound feasible? Why are we not doing something along this line?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Bowe Bergdahl finally released from "captivity"? in Afghanistan

FILE - Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in an undated image provided by the U.S. Army.

*FBI: Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's parents have received threats

*Bergdahl Says he was Tortured by Taliban Captors


* Bergdahl Tried to Escape Taliban, Was Kept in Cage

US soldier freed from captivity in Afghanistan:According to a senior defense official traveling with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in Singapore, once Bergdahl climbed onto the noisy helicopter he took a pen and wrote on a paper plate, the "SF?" - asking the troops if they were special operations forces. They shouted back at him over the roar of the rotors:

 "Yes, we've been looking for you for a long time." Then, according to the official, Bergdahl broke down. Bergdahl, of Hailey, Idaho, is believed to have been held by the Haqqani network since June 30, 2009. Haqqani operates in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region and has been one of the deadliest threats to U.S. troops in the war.

It has been a long road:

Friday, June 21, 2013

Taliban offer to free Bowe Bergdahl for Guantanamo prisoners

 Taliban offer to free US soldier for Guantanamo prisoners: The Afghan Taliban are ready to free a U.S. army soldier held captive since 2009 in exchange for five of their senior operatives imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay as a conciliatory gesture, a senior spokesman for the group said Thursday. The offer follows this week's official opening of a Taliban political office in Doha, the capital of the Gulf state of Qatar.

This would be great! Remember when Bergdahl was first captured retired Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters an ex army intelligence officer I have yet to find any proof of combat duty is willing to condemn PFC Bergdahl for desertion. He said if Bergdahl betrayed his fellow soldiers by deserting while in Afghanistan that he would not mind if the Taliban killed him and save the US time and money. I know Peters is a Faux news pundit but I refuse to believe him or anyone there will condemn a fellow American to serve their Political purpose.

I felt for this man, this is Afghanistan not the US. Do you remember the nonsensical rhetoric coming from Fox news? Fox News Contributor Ralph Peters: Taliban Should Kill Captured US
Bergdahl was captured June 30th 2009 under what is still unknown circumstances. Two US officials said Bergdahl appears to have just wandered off his post unarmed.

 I also heard he just wandered into Town to visit Afghani's he thought had befriended him. I also heard he was drunk and wandered off base to be picked up by the Taliban. Also that he was grabbed by civilians and turned over to the Taliban. I am stunned to hear betrayal and desertion even from a Faux pundit.
I mean come on. This is Afghanistan. We are perceived as the invaders the infidels the enemy unwanted in their country. I can not envision anyone being that naive, that anti American that stupid as to go A.W.O.L. in Afghanistan. We heard the horror stories over the years. These people are among the most feared ruthless combatants in the world. Walk into their hands? Come on! Wandering into the Sahara Desert naked would be preferential.

Bergdahl is an American an American soldier an adventurer by those who know him. I refuse to believe he is totally stupid! Faux pundit Peters has an obvious proven pension for murder.A while back I remember him advocating the murder off journalists by our military. Peters calls for military killing of Journalists

I guess they can be thankful they are going to Stateside prisons because in the past he has also advocated killing all the prisoners in Gitmo. I do not have to remind you that many were known to be innocent.

Many people including me wanted to see Bergdahl rescued first and then find out the truth. Despite the idiocy expressed by Faux news pundits Bergdahl had a lot of Americans very concerned. Capture of US Soldier, 23, Shakes Small Idaho Town

It was bad enough knowing the Taliban had captured him. I really felt for him knowing the Haqanni's had him. They are ruthless! Sirajuddin Haqqani travels regularly into Afghanistan to coordinate with field commanders and occasionally to Peshawar and South Waziristan to connect with militants there. Now Bowe is free and it is time to celebrate. I stillwish  the Haqqani's would be killed.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Afghans kill at least 60 from Haqqani network in major hit before America leaves Afghanistan

                    Economic Times


Haqqani leadership is now going down: Now I see success

  Senior Haqqani leader shot dead in Islamabad: The commander, Ahsanullah Ahsan, and the intelligence official say that Nasiruddin Haqqani was killed Sunday night on the outskirts of Pakistan's capital in area called Bhara Kahu.
The Afghan Haqqani network was founded by Jalaluddin Haqqani and is one of the most feared militant groups fighting U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Nasiruddin Haqqani is Jalaluddin Haqqani's son. His brother, Sirajuddin Haqqani, currently leads the group.

 Nasiruddin Haqqani shot dead:  The details of his death are still unclear, but reports say he was killed in a shooting incident in the city of Rawalpindi, next to Islamabad, on Sunday night.Another Haqqani brother, Badruddin, who had been the group's operational commander, was killed in a drone strike in August last year.
Nasiruddin's elder brother, Sirajuddin Haqqani, now leads the group, while Jalaluddin remains its figurehead. As the group's main fundraiser, Nasiruddin frequently travelled to the oil-rich sheikhdoms of the Middle East to solicit donations.

 *U.S. Drone Strike in Pakistan Kills at Least 16: The strike was the deadliest since Pakistan’s new prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, took power a month ago and demanded an end to the drone attacks. A local government official said the house was being used by the militants for the past few months. 

Jalaluddin Haqqani legendary leader who fought the Soviets and his son, Sirajuddin hate the fact that infidel's are on their land and of course have openly vowed to attack and kill as many as possible until we leave. They have been the ones behind all the attacks on bases ans government buildings and have admitted it. 
It is only common sense that they are behind the continuing  spate of attacks on NATO trainers by so called rogue Afghani's. We have essentially brought all segments against us leaving peacefully and forming a Government to their knees with the exception of the Haqqani's who have lost many fighters and top commanders including recently Badruddin another son of Jalaluddin.

This is not enough though. In order to stop the Haqqani network we are going to have to take out the top. We know some in the ISI, military, and Government have been complicit with them since the Soviets wee in Afghanistan so they know where they are. I hope now we have taken out the top.

Haqqani 101: With the death of Osama Bin Laden we were asked what his death would mean for the war in Afghanistan. Like the so called war on terror which includes the Taliban, Al Qaeda of every creed, and extremists of every ilk looking to carry on Osama's vendetta against the west, it will serve to fuel their cause like many other issues. His death should mean just the opposite and it does to all true Muslims.

In searching though I found them to be known rapists and murderers and of course not true Muslims or faithful followers of Muhammad and true Islam. Some of the Haqqani's and commanders have even been captured and held after traveling to Saudi Arabia for the haj and gathering donations for their cause.

The Haqqani's and their legendary stature are holding the so called terrorists force together. Their stature is legendary and hard earned. The Haqqani network and their increasingly foreign fighters have become the main focus after 9 years of fighting. The Haqqani Network's North Waziristan leadership -- usually called the Miram Shah Shura consists of a number of Haqqani family members and closely associated long-serving commanders.

At the top of the network is Sirajuddin Haqqani, who oversees the group's political and military activities and is the main liaison to the Mullah Muhammad Omar led Quetta Shura Taliban, the Taliban's leadership body (named for the capital of Pakistan's Baluchistan province). He is also one of the network's liaisons to Pakistani Taliban figures and AL-Qaeda.

He travels regularly into Afghanistan " or should I say did as he now claims to be based in Afghanistan" to coordinate with field commanders and occasionally to Peshawar and South Waziristan to connect with militants there. Remember Bowe Bergdhal? There are many field commanders in Afghanistan, but turnover is high because many get killed or captured. The most prominent is Mullah Sangin, who is believed to be holding Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl a captured U.S. soldier and Zakim Shah the movement's shadow governor of Khost province.

There are many field commanders in Afghanistan, but turnover is high because many get killed or captured.

Jalaluddin Haqqani legendary leader who fought the Soviets and his son, Sirajuddin who directs operations are increasingly the targets of drones and now manned NATO aircraft in Pakistan as the Pakistani's have been leery to go in the area for whatever reason. Many are being killed, I heard over 80 in a week with no civilian casualties.

I wish we would quickly kill the two head Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan as our invasion of their country even to kill Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters who were known killers of NATO forces may be the straw that broke the camels back. People in Pakistan are increasingly marching to have the drone attacks stopped. Fine! If you want the drones stopped then stop the Haqqani's. We know someone there can kill or stop them at will.

I would hate to see the Haqqani network unite with Pakistan " who they once had close ties with particularly the ISI", against us as Pakistan is still furious and rightly so though it may be a ploy to placate civilians. I wish we would just come home. I do not want to see the scenario I discussed many times and that is taking on Pakistan from the Gulf and don't forget Iran!

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who wants us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma