Today, we were in the car, listening to Taylor Swift. I was thinking about how Ms. Swift writes all her own music, and how her particular combination of talents -- the writing and the singing -- are pretty impressive. Out of the blue, my daughter piped up from the backseat:
"Mom, you know what I don't like? I don't like it when a singer has a really great voice, but then sings with it in songs that are, I don't know, kinda, ya' know, dumb."
(Somehow, I knew she wasn't talking about Taylor Swift, but I thought it was interesting that we had been mulling over similar topics…)
She went on:
"I think it's just sad when a singer with a really great voice uses it in really stupid songs. Like Miley Cyrus! I mean, she's got a great voice, but she isn't using it the way she could! She sings dumb songs!"
And the capper:
"I liked her better with more hair and clothes."
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Sadly, I think Ms. Cyrus would be pleased as punch by this.
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Not sadly, my daughter rocks.
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