Here are the poems to vote for in the third week of the sixth Daily Poem Project (the poems on Poetry Daily from Monday, March 15, to Sunday, March 21):
March 21: Isis Unveiled, by Edward Hirsch (vote only on the first poem)
March 20: Waiting on Judgment in Prison, Regretting, by Hŏ Kyun, tr. Ian Haight and T'ae-yŏng Hŏ (vote only on the first poem)
March 19: Personal Estates, by Sandra McPherson
March 18: Vandals, by Jennifer Boyden
March 17: To a Jornalero Cleaning Out My Neighbor’s Garage, by Eduardo C. Corral
March 16: Little Diary of Getting Old: viii, by Carlo Betocchi, tr. Geoffrey Brock
March 15: Watchful, by Bob Hicok
HOW TO VOTE: You can send your vote to me by email or as a comment on the blog (or as a comment to my Facebook link to this call for votes). If you want to vote by commenting but do not want your vote to appear on the blog, you just have to say so in your comment (I moderate all comments on my blog). If you want to vote anonymously, that's okay, but please choose some sort of pseudonym so I can keep track of different votes by anonymous voters. I will post comments as they come in.
Please make a final decision and vote for only one poem (although it is always interesting to see people's lists).Here are the poems to vote for in the third week of the sixth Daily Poem Project (the poems on Poetry Daily from Monday, March 15, to Sunday, March 21):
March 21: Isis Unveiled, by Edward Hirsch (vote only on the first poem)
March 20: Waiting on Judgment in Prison, Regretting, by Hŏ Kyun, tr. Ian Haight and T'ae-yŏng Hŏ (vote only on the first poem)
March 19: Personal Estates, by Sandra McPherson
March 18: Vandals, by Jennifer Boyden
March 17: To a Jornalero Cleaning Out My Neighbor’s Garage, by Eduardo C. Corral
March 16: Little Diary of Getting Old: viii, by Carlo Betocchi, tr. Geoffrey Brock
March 15: Watchful, by Bob Hicok
HOW TO VOTE: You can send your vote to me by email or as a comment on the blog (or as a comment to my Facebook link to this call for votes). If you want to vote by commenting but do not want your vote to appear on the blog, you just have to say so in your comment (I moderate all comments on my blog). If you want to vote anonymously, that's okay, but please choose some sort of pseudonym so I can keep track of different votes by anonymous voters. I will post comments as they come in.
Please VOTE BY FRIDAY, MARCH 26! But I will still accept votes as long as I have not posted the final results. (March 28 at the latest.)
Feel free to pass on this call for votes to anyone who might be interested!
The winner of week one was Trick, by Sam Willetts.
The winner of week two was Ecclesiastes, by Khaled Mattawa.