Showing posts with label John Casteen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Casteen. Show all posts

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Fifth Daily Poem Project, Week Four Call for Votes


Here are the poems to vote for in the fourth week of the fifth Daily Poem Project (the poems on Poetry Daily from Monday, March 9, to Sunday, March 15):

March 15: Joel Brouwer, The Fork
March 14: Zach Savich, On a Pose of Virgil's
March 13: Frannie Lindsay, Old Man Swimming
March 12: David Schloss, The Myth
March 11: John Casteen, Chain Song
March 10: B. H. Fairchild, On the Waterfront
March 9: Harry Clifton, Rakestreet

HOW TO VOTE: You can send your vote to me by email or as a comment on the blog. If you want to vote by commenting but do not want your vote to appear on the blog, you just have to say so in your comment (I moderate all comments on my blog). I will post comments as they come in.

Please make a final decision and vote for only one poem (although it is always interesting to see people's lists).

Please VOTE BY FRIDAY, MARCH 20! But I will still accept votes as long as I have not posted the final results. (March 22 at the latest.)

The winner of week one was Sherod Santos, Film Noir.
The winner of week two was Edward Field, Cataract op.
The winner of week three was David Bottoms, A Chat with My Father.