Showing posts with label salt and pepper shakers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salt and pepper shakers. Show all posts

Friday, April 9, 2010

PINK SATURDAY ~ 4-10-2010

Have  you heard that the "funnest" party of all goes on each Saturday at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound?!?  Please visit her to see what it's all about!

It is chock full of yummy pinkness and as sweet as this lil' pink and aqua telephone salt and pepper shaker set that my sweetheart of a friend Celeste of Celestina Marie's Designs sent me ~ reminds me of all our "marathon" phone calls, Celeste!!!

Forgot to share these two pics of pinkness with you from my Easter decor.....

Fridge magnet.....don't ya love it, Connie?!?

And here is a little hint of something that I'm sharing tomorrow for Silver Sunday,
so please stop back by!!


Sunday, February 7, 2010


Silver Sundays have almost beome as much fun for me as Pink Saturdays!
Just imagine, two days a week to lust over everyone's silverness and pinkness!!

I always enjoy showing our antique silvered mirrors reflecting pinkness, so this kills two birds with one stone!

The above scalloped beveled reverse etched floral mirror features convex flower centers and reflects my silver mint julep cup and crystal angel so sweetly.

This is a uniquely shaped ART DECO mirror with a beautiful ornate top.
I love featuring it with my vintage black vase, vintage flapper girl painted reverse glass picture, and my little black velvet dressform.

Silver and black are just really doing it for me these days!

A sweet friend Rhea of Sweet N Shabby Roses knows how susceptible to bling that I am, so she wrapped a package for me once like tell you the truth, I didn't even care what was INSIDE, I was just so in love with the vintage rhinestone brooch! Now it has a prominent place on my coffee table as a decorative banding around one of my candles.

Found these adorable little silverplated French Chef Piggies Salt and Pepper Shakers at an antique store last summer. The tiny shoe was a gift from my dear mother and is quite old.
I do love silver footed trays....
My talented sister-in-law gifted us with this snowflake candle snuffer for Christmas, even engraving the date on the side.

My friend Vickie of Visuals by Vickie gifted me with this pretty little French inspired bookmark and I added it to a little silver cherub placecard holder that I've had for ages.
Hubby surprised me recently with this GORGEOUS and EXTRA LARGE oval serving tray!
Yep, I think I'll keep him!! :0)

Next a few pictures of some of the silver ANGEL jewelry that I design.....
Autumn's Angel
~ designed with a spoon handle, bow, and Swarovski Crystal face and halo ~

Luggage Tag Angel
~ designed with a filigree bow and wings, luggage tag skirt with roses

Bree's Angel
~ designed with silverplated and goldplated elements, filigree wings, Swarovski crystal face and halo ~

Small Sterling Silver Spoon Angel Pendant

Now you know why my blog is called Angelic Accents. I chose this name many years ago when I first started designing jewelry as much of it has angel themes. Since then I have branched out, but the angels will always be my first love!

Thanks so much for stopping by to visit today. Please stop by and visit our wonderful hostess Beth of Gypsy Fish Journal to see her Silver Sunday post and the list of all the other participants. I can promise you that you won't be disappointed!! And starting next week this will become a monthly event held the 2nd Sunday of each month!

I'll be there ~ will you?!?!
