Showing posts with label Dean Winchester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dean Winchester. Show all posts

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Devil's Vinyl

Watching Constantine right now, which is similar to the movie with some Supernatural & Doctor Who thrown in the mix."

Entyway, first Constantine's house is like a TARDIS (bigger on the inside,) then he has some psychic paper.  (Are U Whovians awake now?)

Then some Blues singer (wake up SPNers) sells his soul to a Crossroad Demon but he dies B4 his 10 years, so Conny (Constantine's nickname from  now on) HAS 2 see why the demon is "collecting his chits" early.

Which brings us to Papa Midnight (who is evil in this incarnation of the story but coincidentally played the dude who killed Sam on that 1 episode of Supernatural.)

Now I will continue watching so I don't have to get out of bed OR try to remember urrythang later.


Wait 4 me. . .


Just like on SPN, when devilish shit goes down, it is freezing and NOT burning.

Dumbass demons were TOLD not to touch the record with bare hands, but did Chunky Duff Goldman demon listen?

Time to FFWD.  BRB.

Conny's character is similar to my CBFIMH (Celebrity Boyfriend In My Head) the CHARACTER of Dean Winchester, not Jensen Ackles. I ain't not never had the pleasure of meeting  him, except in my X-rated dreams. Haven't had one of those in a while. FIX THAT TONIGHT, God. Thanks in advance!  😜

Maybe it's not Sam's killer? All colored people look alike to me.

Anywhoo, I didn't watch Constantine on Friday bcuz that was Doctor Who marathon day? ICRS so who knows what I did Friday except pick up my meds.

Buh bye now. Gotta publish this tonight.

Love y'all! Mean it.


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