Corky at Pack War had a 2000th post contest recently, and I WON!
Reaching the 2000th post, that's a big accomplishment. Just checking out his sidebar you can see that he's been doing this since at least 2009 (Hey, same year I started this blog!) except that he averages about 220 posts a year, and I'm probably around 150 a year.
Got a ways to go to get to my 2000th.
So being the lucky winner, I got first choice of a handful of great prizes, and I went with this one:
1993 Ted Williams #108 Buck Leonard signed
The 1993 Ted Williams set is one that I have been working on getting autographed for years.
Buck Leonard passed away in 1997 at the age of 87, a long time before I started this autographed set, so he was an automatic contest winning pick for me, I really wanted to add him to the set.
Super stoked to have this.
Corky threw in a few extras as well:
Sketch card created for the 1000th Post Contest by Corky
Is that awesome or what!?
I don't know if Corky actually saw that I collect the Animated Batman cards, I'm assuming he did, and created this card especially for me.
So cool.
2012 Leaf Certified #170, 279/999
2016 Panini Press Proof Red
And a few nice special Patriots!
I'd say that that's a pretty sweet package of contest winnings.
Looking forward to the 2500th Post milestone now!