A reader named Kenny reached out and asked if I'd be interested in some Sega Japanese cards he had of some Angels. We corresponded a bit since I didn't know what these cards were, and struck up a trade. Kenny collects Yankees so I sent him a stack and he sent the Japanese cards along with some other Angels cards.
Here's the first Japanese one:
2006 Konami Digital Entertainment
No idea what this is or how it was released.
Looks like a typical game-type card, Pokeman-ish.
Cute Japanese animation on the back.
I'm assuming that's Jarrod Washburn on the mound for the Mariners.
Then there were these cool Sega-Gens,
I don't know anything about these.
2012 Topps Sega Card-Gen
Nice looking cards.
Kenny was kind enough to write out the translations on the 4 cards above.
If anyone is curious I'll send you a scan.
Anyhow, pretty cool to get some Japanese cards, my first.