Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

~~ Bit more testing (and yeah I’m still bored) ~~

Posted by Ania On Thursday, November 05, 2009 3 lovely comments

Testing Windows Live Writer further, esp w/piccies.

And well. Being sick and home apparently means I remember that I actually have children, in the sense that looking in Lightroom I can’t find any piccies of the kids (apart from once when I asked Amalie to help me w/holding a project for me) for a whole month until I imported these piccies. One whole month without having taken any piccies of my own children. Duh. Total.Shame.On.Me.


Testing. Piccies.
Sort of thought the layout in the prev. post was a bit muddy when I downscaled it, hence it’s in full size in the prev post. Need to test it further. And show that I actually do have children. Or something like that.


I was awake for like two hours on Halloween. Had to snap a few piccies of the kids :)

(Ok I’m lying now. I was awake for however long it took to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire w/the kids). (Yes Adrian is borrowing my old slr. My hopes is that he’ll be interested in photography. So far no luck. Amalie’s reeeeally interested in being in front of the camera though.)


Love that the kids still love to play together. Yesterday they turned half the living-room into their own house.

(Amalie is running towards the camera yelling “Lemme see!! Lemme see!”)

Ok. Testing three things atm. Diff. ways to display the piccies (loves! So easy!), scheduling and the overall sharpness/muddiness of the piccies when published (prob just me who’s messing around).


What else?
I’m soooo excited about Lightroom 3.0!!! I particulary noticed this bit: “state-of-the-art-noisereducer” – sounds oh so fancy and hopefully awesome! (Oh, and that the Boutwells are working on some presets for Lightroom. O.o)

My layout about Eli actually won the contest “Scrapping the Music – på norsk” had for Knutsen & Ludvigsens “Dum & Deilig”. I’m just delighted I actually was able to join one of their contests…K&L ruler (one of the best concerts I’ve been to was their reunion-concert w/DumDumBoys ♥♥♥)…. Whee, thank you so much!! :)


Not gonna complain about how sick I am – I’m all about positive thoughts & am hoping by the time this post hits the Internet I’m feeling good enough to actually scrap some!! (don’t you hate it when you’re like, feeling you should have been able to do a zillion things all at once but only manage to do….nada? :( )

3 lovely comments

Think I'm done - for now anyways.

Things to note/todo:

  • Not sure if I like the current way the linkstuff is displayed - plus pondering about trying to trim the # of least it gave me a chance to update some old links and stuff..
  • I *think* this format is more heavy on the connection (aka will take some time loading - at least the first time) - which is why I am limiting the number of posts displayed at the frontpage to five at a time plus opted to not have a galleryslider/any blinkies and stuff. Really appreciate feedback from you on this one - does the blog take way too long to load - both first time and the fifth time when you return? Please do let me know so I can evaluate this template (although w/this much time I've put into it atm I don't think I'm gonna swap anytime soon :p)
  • The comment-section is displayed at the top of the posts now - uh? I *think* I want it where it usually is at - the bottom - but can't figure it out in the html. Anyone knows - feel free to share ;p UM Vin over at the Blog-doctor ROCKS!!! When I couldn't find the right info for my template over at his blog he was so nice&quick to help me out in emails!! YAY!! Thank you so much!!
  • I can't seem to edit the way the same comment-thingie is displayed (not at the frontpage at least - but I've customized how it looks inside the singleposts kinda) - I've seen several do so - please share any interesting info you've got if you feel like it.
  • I miss the customized blogger"bar" at the top - the one allowing you to hit the dashboard / quickpost new posts /quickedit layout and stuff when logged in - not sure how to get it back? Added the dashboard manually at least..but would prefer to have the original thingie on top...Edit: it's intact in the "Layout->page elements"-section, called navbar and it's blue, at least here. Yet it doesn't show on the blog itself. Hm.
    Edit2: LOL. I added a metadata-tag at the wrong spot in the html-code and lo and behold, the bloggerbar showed itself. Do not ask me why or how - but guess I'll keep that metatag at the wrong place still...doesn't seem to do any harm anyways :p
  • Need to find out how to edit the timer on the slide on top - prob in the javascript. On the todo-list for tomorrow. It kinda swaps stuffz a bit too fast for me liking....what do you think?
    I'm so good ;p. Figured this out (so easy, just had to actually look at the file ;p). Is the timer on the slider ok now? You can click on the "stop" next to the image to stop it.
  • I'd like to add a "follower"-widget, but I don't really want to include who's following and stuff (kinda feels like a pissing-contest to me and it feels a bit awkward to me...or maybe rather embarassing ;p)....I'd love to make it easier for people to follow me if they want to though, so....any ideas? Anyone know the directlink to where to do that kinda - follow someones blog?
    Nevermind me again - figured this out. I *think*. Mind testing it for me? (you can unfollow if you want after I guess ;p) Just would like to know that the link I found actually works. Links both on the top of the blog and on one of the the sidebars. It's text-only.
  • Suggestions to more stuff to add to the "Useless stuff about me" section? I was originally just thinking sb-related stuff like contact and stuff, in case people missed the top bars ;p
  • Anything else I've forgotten? I'd really appreciate feedback here folks ;p
  • Any questions welcome too :)
And for those wondering: This is a free template called Zinmag Primus 2.0 by you can find the template here :) It's a bit of work customizing - but way easier than Zinmag Primus 1.0 which I first downloaded and started tweaking until I found out they released a newer, easier version ;p

NB! If you are uploading the blog-images to photobucket, make sure you upload them in the largest resolution possible (1024x786px 17" screen) to prevent garbling/problems w/images.

And I just can't post w/o photos so....

Just a random everyday photo. Rly.

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~~ heads up! ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1 lovely comments

Bored of this blogtemplate.
Gonna swap format soon.
Expect some wonkiness & lost links and whatnots for a few days.

Thanks! :)

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Or well, rather - there's general issues w/ sitemeter (a web-based counterservice which I have been using) and Internet Explorers of certain releases: if you're one of those whose blog is affected by this annoying problem, simply just remove all of your sitemeter-widgets/snippets of code. It's a fault that lies within Sitemeter (and IE) afaik - go to their site if you use IE and you'll know what I mean - it wasn't corrected after eight hours (atm) which's a lot for impatient internetusers :p

Anyways. I was using both sitemeter and statcounter and I guess I'll stick to statcounter only from now on :p

3 lovely comments

~~ Oh I was tagged too! ~~

Posted by Ania On Monday, August 13, 2007 2 lovely comments

Was tagged again! :D By two great and unique gals - Banglamarie (she's so creative and crazy talented with a lot of things, not only scrapping) and Silje (whom I kinda feel I'm starting to get to "know" through forum and blog/layouts....a totally cool chic w/mad coloring skills like her friend Christine). *still blushing* It's kinda silly how words can make you ...I dunno...embarassed in a positive, good way. Gee.

I could add a number of girls to the list of RGB but let's face it, we all (yeah, I guess me included) rock in each our different ways. Rock on! :)

*off to "rock" the lawnmower* (hah hah hah :p)

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Posted by Ania On Sunday, March 18, 2007 2 lovely comments
Editing my blog, changing layouts etc.
Basically just testing around..
This will have to do for now. Not happy about the header, will most likely replace it whenever I find the time. I feel green! Yay!

For Synnøve: headers

And add "display: none;" to the header1 section in the html code or something like that to remove the display of your title but *still* keep it intact for browsertitle/search engines (read through the comments in that post, several useful suggestions)

Edit: Hot damn I'm so good! See! I customized this template to be wider in the post-section without losing the yummy rounded corners. Was less work than I first thought - just needed to edit the gif's & host them at my own server :) The blog should be customized for people with 1000xsomething screen resolution. If you want to know how to do this on your own blog; go here :)

I'll update the blog with some new stuff tomorrow I hope - now I'm gonna eat taco & raid in wow!

Ps. Drop by Minneriket meanwhile ;)

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~~ Psst! ~~

Posted by Ania On Tuesday, December 05, 2006 0 lovely comments
Look! Header! Wanna know how (beta)? Here:

Atm I still have to keep the title like that, doesn't seem like I'm able to remove the text field without disturbing the browser-title, ohwell :p

0 lovely comments

~~ Blogger Beta! ~~

Posted by Ania On Monday, December 04, 2006 3 lovely comments
Yay! Finally got around to swap to Blogger Beta, and I'm satisfied so far....only problem is kinda to get my old header to work, I *think* I know how to fix it - but it'll req a bit of the html-codes are full of Widget-snippets...which is also the name of the little ball inside a Guinness can mind you (yep, learned that one Guinness :D).

Anyways. This weekend's been a nice one -- got around to do a Christmas Cookie Can and the basics of a new Christmas minialbum - both for the various challenges at Minneriket. Also got around to scrap a layout for a contest - used Chatterbox this time - and that's about gd time! I feel a bit sad when I haven't scrapped with some specific papers/products in a while -- CB being one of them -- I feel like I'm letting them down and feel sad... silly eh :p

Yeah! Endelig fikk jeg testa ut Blogger Beta -- og det ser da greit ut så langt :) Eneste dumme er at jeg ikke har fått til customized header enda, men jeg *tror* jeg vet hva som må til - må bare finne ut om det stemmer og sånn....får se...trenger litt mer tid :)

Har ellers gjort en del i helga -- laget juleboks for småkaker, gjort ferdig grunnlaget for en julealbum inspirert av Nellas i DT-sidene for Hobbyhimmelen og laget en LO til en skissekonkurranse på Minneriket. Og så har vi bakt julekaker -- kakemenn!! Etter Ellys nydelige oppskrift!! Anbefales virkelig, og guttungen fikk brukt kakeformene han fikk hos McDonalds (han var med pappaen på basketkamp og etterpå gikk de på McDonalds :) )

Jeg har forresten fire skilletabs i boka mi - "dagbok", "juleoppskrifter" og "gaver" - aner ikke hva jeg skal bruke den fjerde til - noen ideer? Tanken er iallefall å bruke denne samme boka år etter år.....:P

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    -Get off the cross we need the wood-