Showing posts with label bathroom woes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bathroom woes. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Latest In-Stall-Ment

My new job and I have excellent bathroom compatibility. Mine is the only office on one level of the building. There is a large well-lit bathroom in the main hall. I don’t use that one. I prefer the one down a secluded hallway that I like to pretend is all mine. It has two stalls. Number of encounters with another person in “my” bathroom over the last five months? Zero.

This is much better than at my old job teaching high school. That bathroom was carved out of a corner of the teachers’ lounge. Picture this: 8-10 people pulled up around an old cafeteria table, using their whopping 20 minute break to munch away on PB& J and discuss Mark Twain or Toni Morrison or Monica Lewinsky. Dusty textbooks lined the walls, and 3 feet away? A unisex bathroom. The creepiest part? The door was one of those slatty panels. Not sound proof. Not odor proof.

You can imagine how weird it was to be eating my mug of Progresso soup around a full table while mere feet away one of my colleagues was using the facilities. Don’t even get me started on how gross the concept of having magazines in there was.

The alternative was to use the student bathrooms. I was lucky to have one directly across the hall from my classroom. I liked the shocked looks on students’ faces when I’d stand up and they would see a teacher’s head rise above the 4 foot high stall walls. I could almost see their brains going back over whatever urgent, inane, and perhaps illicit matters they had just been chatting about. Drawbacks? Occasional cigarette smoke, the F –Bomb scrawled on the wall, and the lack of soap and paper towels. Your tax dollars at work.

I avoided this bathroom for the most part until my last year teaching. Pregnancy and block scheduling (1 hour 50 min classes) meant that I would frequently need to run across the hall in mid sentence and get back in the classroom before the students knew what was going on.

My most recent gig, 9.5 years at home with the kids, gave me comfortable bathrooms, lots of soap and fluffy towels, and an utter lack of privacy. When the kids finally got old enough to leave me alone in there, which took a while because as toddlers they appeared to be budding gynecologists, we adopted the dog. She does not like to be alone. She can open doors. Call me crazy, but I do not enjoy having her all up in my business while I’m in the bathroom.

So, we may hear a lot about the benefits and drawback of certain jobs. I make 1/3 of what I made when I was a teacher. Yep. You can read that line twice. But I do have a pleasant place to potty in peace.

I’m thinking of adding a throw rug and some potpourri.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Desperate Times

Have you ever got caught in the bathroom without tp? And you need a lot? And the only one home is the cleaning lady? And you don’t feel like the 2 of you are close enough to have her lend a girl a hand in this situation? So you search the trash can for used Bounce sheets and dryer lint? No? Well, you didn’t miss much.