
Showing posts with label Skewatch Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skewatch Friday. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2011



1st day of spring but nothing to sing about. It was cloudy and forcast is snow in some parts of New Zealand. But if you look carefully, there is a rainbow, a promise of good weather?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Skywatch Friday: One Tree Hill


The obelix monument is on top of One Tree Hill extinct volcano. The cloud looks like smoke come out of the monument,


The monument and the one tree were one of Auckland's most obvious landmark. However, the One tree Hill has become None tree Hill. Tourists often ask this question ,"Why is it called One Tree Hill, when there is no tree?"

Until 2000, a radiata pine tree stood next to the obelisk. This tree (one of two pines) had been planted to replace a sacred Māori Totara tree, the tree which had given Maungakiekie its English name. This totara had been cut down by a white settler in 1852 for firewood.

However, in the early 1960s during a jamboree, a group of overseas Boy Scouts cut down one of the two newer pines. The remaining tree was later attacked twice with chainsaws by Māori protesters (partly because it was not a native New Zealand species and thus considered an insult). The first attack happened on 28 October 1994, the anniversary of the 1835 Declaration of Independence.[2] A second attack on the 5th of October 2000[3] left the tree unable to recover and so it was removed due to the risk of it dying and falling down.
