Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Speaking of Liberty

A great passage from Lew Rockwell's book, Speaking of Liberty (available at

The head of state makes a speech to a packed house of legislators, and is cheered to the rafters for his flurry of visionary policy ideas. He calls for the restoration of cities and towns, and the revival of the nation’s industrial base through new spending programs. He makes more housing a national priority. He promises more education spending, new resources for the armed forces, a secure system of old-age pensions, and more equitable healthcare delivery. He takes the credit for a purported economic boom, and further promises to surpass all previous records in national productivity.

No, this isn’t (Bush's)[1] state-of-the-union address. It was Stalin’s 1946 speech, which concluded as follows: “The Soviet people are ready for it! Under the leadership of the Soviet government, with Stalin at its head, the Soviet people will transform the law on the new Five Year Plan into life.”


[1] This passage is based on a speech made during the Clinton administration. The same can as easily be said for the Bush administration.

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