Showing posts with label art journaling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art journaling. Show all posts

November 09, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Fifty-Two

Hey Journal Gang!

Time. Flies. We’re a bit stunned to realized that this is the one year anniversary of launching the Antiquaria Journal Club! So much has happened. It’s been such a fun journey sharing these prompts with you along the way, and we hope you’ve found some joy partaking in the art of journaling alongside us. Thank you so much for following along, reading our posts and sharing your journals with us throughout this adventure. ❤It really means a lot to us, and we love seeing your work!

We thought it would be fun to do a little throwback and remember alll 52 prompts from this year. Every week a memory, and a chance to explore new thoughts and techniques. 

So..What was your very favorite prompt from the past year? What did you enjoy about it? Take a peek at the full list below, and roll with whatever is currently inspiring you the most! 

  1. What was the best part of your day?
  2. What are you thankful for?
  3. Describe your day in 3 words
  4. What's inspiring you?
  5. What's the weather like today?
  6. What are your holiday traditions?
  7. Make a list of your favorite 2019 memories
  8. What are your intentions for 2020?
  9. What things are you interested in learning about?
  10. Color theme of the week: Blue
  11. What is your mood today?
  12. Describe your day with a haiku 
  13. What are your self care practices?
  14. What do you love about Winter?
  15. What's on your bucket list?
  16. What are you looking forward to?
  17. What do you love about Spring Forward?
  18. What do you appreciate about your friends and family?
  19. What have been your silver linings during this tough time?
  20. What's your personal mantra today?
  21. What was the best part of your day, vol.2
  22. Write a letter to your future self
  23. Nature and Journaling: Outdoor scavenger hunt
  24. How are you embracing kindness this week?
  25. Make a list of your favorite Mom memories
  26. What are your strengths? List 7 things you excel at
  27. What are 3 things you're looking forward to today?
  28. Write a list of Summer to-dos: Quarantine edition
  29. Describe your day in 5 words
  30. Write about what changes you'd like to see in the world
  31. Describe your dream ______
  32. What were your highs and lows this week?
  33. Make a list of your favorite things
  34. What recipe is your current go-to?
  35. Art Therapy/Moods in color
  36. Accomplishments you're proud of this year? 
  37. Haiku-revisited
  38. What are you ready to let go of?
  39. Show your Stickers/Washi! Create a fun spread using things in your toolbox
  40. What are you most looking forward to in Autumn?
  41. What simple pleasures do you enjoy most?
  42. What have been your highlights of the Summer?
  43. How do you strive for balance in your life?
  44. What are your favorite cozy weather hobbies?
  45. What changes have you experienced lately?
  46. What is the weather like today?
  47. What are 7 things on your Fall 2020 bucket list?
  48. Write about a time someone helped you
  49. What have you been thriving on lately?
  50. Make a Halloween themed spread
  51. What are your hopes for the next year (or 4?)
  52. Wildcard! Revisit your favorite prompt from the past year

We hope you enjoy seeing the full collection of prompts and having fun with all the options this week. Whatever you end up choosing as your inspiration - Happy Journaling! 

The Antiquaria Team 

November 02, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Fifty-One


Hey Journal Gang,

How was your Halloween?! Did you find some creative ways to celebrate this year? So fun to see how people adapted and embraced the new circumstances. Candy scavenger hunts, fancy small spooky dinners and DIY candy delivery shoot systems. That’s a ‘new normal’ Halloween for you!

It’s always nice to have some lighthearted things to look forward to, especially these days. This week is a strange one, because as we all know, the election is tomorrow. It seems as if things have been building up to this for so long - the anticipation and uncertainty of it all is a little (ok...more than a little) overwhelming. Are you feeling that too? It’s a strange time; like a bizarre grand finale to this bizarre year. With all this can come some busy thoughts! Perfect time for some journaling therapy. 

This week we encourage you to use your journal as an outlet to filter through some of those vibes of..whatever this is. Sometimes it just helps to just vent and connect words to abstract thoughts and worries, as if somehow writing them on a page takes away a bit of their power. It also helps give some perspective. 

If you’ve already voted, heck yes! We love seeing so much engagement in the process this year - it’s so amazing and important, in every election! If you haven’t voted yet, coordinate with some friends and make a plan to - there's still time! 

We aren’t sure what the future holds, but we have hope it can be brighter, with more peace and progress for us all. 

All the best, friends❤

Happy Journaling,


The Antiquaria Team 

October 12, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Forty-Eight

“My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.”

Fred Rogers

Hey there Journal Gang!

May this Monday greet you with feelings of hope for the week ahead. How have you been feeling about your journaling practice lately? Hopefully it’s consistently been a useful tool to help you channel some creative energy and process emotions, no matter your journaling style. 

Did you catch the Fred Rogers, (also known as national treasure Mr. Rogers!) quote above? The concept of helping others, and being helped by others, is in my thoughts this week. No (wo)man is an island. We’ve all received help in various forms from those in our lives along the way to find ourselves at the point we are now. Our families, our friends, significant others, teachers, classmates, co-workers, doctors, workers of all kinds, non profit organizations members, and even occassionally, through random acts of kindness, total strangers in happenstance circumstances. 

Help exists in many forms and in a wide range of impacts. From foundational sacrifices our parents (and those that came before them) made to help us thrive, to the seemingly insignificant, like a friendly permissive wave in passing traffic from someone we will never meet. Emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, and ways in between. None of us exist in a vacuum, but together in a society and as fellow humans! 

This concept is on the radar as the general feelings of divisiveness and tensions within our political discourse and throughout our cultural awareness are elevated. Mid-October feels like a liminal space; on the threshold of an unknown. Even so, the fact remains we are all SO much more alike than we are different. Embracing the mindset of service, helping when able and allowing oneself to humbly be helped, can allow for so much positive impact, improved relationships and overall feelings of unity. 

So, this week seemed like a good chance to think back to those in our lives who've helped us in any capacity, large or small, along the way. Goal for the week: Seek gratitude and opportunities to carry out acts of random kindness. Join us? :)

Happy Journaling!


The Antiquaria Team 

September 21, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Forty-Five

What changes have you experienced lately? What helps you adapt to change?


"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go."

Hello Journal Gang, and welcome to the first week of the best month of the year (in our opinion!) Once the moon sets and the sun rises, it will officially be Autumn, and the approach has made itself apparent on these cooling nights. The transition of the air is so refreshing and we feel the internal/external shift happening. The days are still beautiful and warm, perfect for venturing back outside after hiding away from the heat and haze. In short, being outdoors in this season brings a lot of joy. 

Working in the yard this weekend, I noticed a few of the cherry tree’s leaves have started shifting into dappled fiery tones; a sure sign that sweater weather is on its way. As I worked to plant a new rose bush, I admired the tree and noticed an increase in fallen leaves on the ground; dotting the mulch with their unique crispy curled forms. Earth doesn’t resist the natural changes of the seasons, but embraces them with beauty and grace, transforming and evolving in new form. Forever striving to be more like this. 

Getting outdoors is like an escape from expectations, deadlines, screens, the news and stress. It’s active meditation. It’s an attempt to emulate the cherry tree, by letting things gracefully fall away for awhile. What activity is your escape in this way? We hope you are finding time for it these days.❤

As we move further into this year, some changes have settled in and we’re adapting, well enough. Other changes, the ‘what ifs’ that haven’t quite happened yet, are the most difficult to deal with still. This year is causing a lot of uncertainty and anxiety, especially as we fly towards the election. Can you relate? Not knowing what will happen, and how it will affect’s so easy to cling to fearful thoughts and worry.

Knowing what to hang onto and what to let go of and action steps you can take can be such a helpful skill, not only for bettering your mental/physical/spiritual health, but for living a life you want to live and contributing to a world you want to be a part of.

We recently did a prompt on letting go/embracing change and felt this was a good time to revisit that theme. Can you relate to hanging onto worry or stress? Struggle with the lack of control of it all? (because same). This is the perfect time to do a self check-in your journal and focus on how you can reprioritize, revitalize and take action.

Wishing you all a wonderful first week of Fall!

Happy Journaling,


The Antiquaria Team 

September 07, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Forty-Three

Hey Journal Gang, 

Happy Labor Day! Hopefully you’ve been able to embrace some time over this holiday weekend  to unwind. What are your favorite ways to decompress, find your equilibrium and ease your mind of stress lately? It’s so important to strive to find that delicate balance within your headspace - and your schedule. Often easier said than done! We feel a work/life balance is super important; we always try to keep the big picture in mind.

It seems this year the scales have been thrown all out of whack, across the board. No matter your circumstances, if you live on planet earth, you’ve probably experienced disruptions of some sort on the work/life/mind spectrums in 2020. Our normal strategies and routines have had to adapt and shift. Anyone else felt a learning curve there? 

The path to success is not a straight line. Some days will be hectic, you’ll be tired, running late with too much to do and not enough time to do it. Other days you’ll have nothing to worry about (and nothing on the to-do list!) except puttering around the house. That’s the best, no? As long as your average balance-ratio is feeling good and true to yourself, that’s what’s important. :)

What have been your go-to techniques for releasing worry and allowing yourself to take a breather? What has your work life been like this year, is it different? How so? How do you strive for balance in your life? What does that look like for you?

Take some time this week to recharge and pat yourself on the back for doing your best and truckin’ through this tough year. 

Happy Journaling!


The Antiquaria Team

August 10, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Thirty-Nine


Hey Journal Gang,

How did your journaling go last week? Somehow it feels a bit lighter entering a fresh Monday after having taken a mental inventory of thoughts or actions to release. It’s amazing how much emotional energy and mental real estate things can take up at times. We’ve been reassessing, focusing on new projects, releasing negative energy where we can and planning for the future in a positive light. Hopefully the same goes for you!

This week we want to just let loose and revel in the delights of art journaling..time to raid the 
toolkit!! We are obsessed with cute journaling supplies and are always on the lookout for new stickers, washi and stamps to incorporate into our collections. It’s been awhile since we’ve taken full inventory of our journaling supplies, so we thought it would be a blast to create a full spread with the materials themselves as inspiration!

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing all the colorful components scattered about on the work table, and enjoying the process as the page comes to life. This week, check out your stash, choose a few items that speak to you and that you enjoy seeing together - then roll with it, and have fun!

Do you have a favorite set of stickers or a new roll of washi you’ve been wanting to try out? Now’s the perfect time!

Happy Journaling!
The Antiquaria Team 

August 05, 2020

10 Journal Prompts for Summer

As we enter the month of August, the official halfway point of Summer has arrived. The late Summer season has begun, but there are weeks yet until we say hello to Autumn…and plenty of opportunities left to embrace the spirit of the season in our journals! We’ve compiled some of our favorite summery-themed prompts to keep you inspired and help you find your journaling groove well into September. 

We hope you’ve been able to find some joy in your Summer so far, despite it being far from typical. May these prompts infuse some good vibes into your current journaling routine!


August 03, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Thirty-Eight

“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.” 
Happy Monday Journal Gang! Grateful to start another week and continue to move forward with some plans and personal goals we have in motion. Things are crazy in the world right now, but aiming to find things to be thankful for helps keep the overwhelming thoughts from spiraling. We hope you’re feeling good and enjoyed exploring the whimsical world of Haikus last week! Did you have a favorite haiku? If so, drop us a comment - we would love to hear it! Not only is it fun to write Haikus, but it’s a treat to read them too.

The past few months have held a lot of changes and transitions, assessing and reflection. A phrase that has been on the radar quite a bit lately is ‘mental load’. The pandemic, uncertainty, unrest, politics, economics, relationships, huge changes in routines and social interaction - ahhh!  Having ALL of these components concurrently in states of constant flux can be…heavy. The result can be stress, anxiety and burnout. So we’re wondering…what are we ready to release and let go of?

How can we be productive and stay creative without burning out during all this? What is taking up valuable mental real estate that serves no purpose except to exacerbate abstract worries and doubts? It could be assessing the inner world of self talk, or changing how you engage with media. Which habits do I have that are not serving me well, and how can I  release those? Am I holding onto things from the past that no longer add value to my life? What can I let go of in order to help others more? What changes can I make to maintain my own equilibrium, while making a positive impact? These are some of the questions we’re asking ourselves for this week’s journaling sessions.

So..think of what’s been on your mind and how you’ve been feeling over these past few weeks. How is everything affecting you? What's changed or stayed the same? What habits, thoughts, actions or ideas are no longer serving you at this time? Taking a step back and doing some journaling about these things can help us figure out where to make adjustments in order to stay present and grounded. Easier said than done, but journaling is such a great tool to help us get there!

May you find peace in releasing all those things❣

Happy Journaling,
The Antiquaria Team 

July 27, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Thirty-Seven

Hello there Journal Gang!
Happy Monday to you all. How did your journaling go last week? As we find ourselves winding down this hot July, over halfway through the year, it felt like a good chance to review the year so far and reflect; on the goals we’ve reached (yay!), ways we’ve adapted, goals we’ve completed, things we've struggled through, ways we can improve, and new goals to strive for. It always helps to take a step back and check in on how you’re doing and where you stand. What was your number one proud point or goal you’ve reached so far this year? 

This week we want to revisit on of our very favorite prompts we’ve done throughout the course of Journal Club so far. We seriously had SO much fun doing this prompt and found ourselves mentally crafting poems on the fly! Describe your day with a Haiku. What’s a haiku? A haiku is the essence of minimalism in poetry form. Refer to this post for a throwback to week twelve and for the inside scoop on haikus! It’s easy to be a little intimidated at the thought of having to craft a poem, if that’s not something you’re in the groove of doing, but we promise that anyone can join in and write an amazing haiku. 
The formula is simple | 5-7-5
  • Three lines
  • First line - 5 syllables
  • Second line - 7 syllables
  • Third line - 5 syllables

and you’ve got yourself a haiku! Fun and easy. We love this form of poetry because the simplistic format forces you to slow down, ponder and carefully choose your words to convey your desired message. You can be playful and funny, conceptual and poetic, emotional; leaning into metaphors and nature-based imagery. The tone and personality of your Haiku can be absolutely anything you want, so have fun with it!

We can’t wait to start writing more haikus and hear some of yours as well♥

Happy Journaling!
The Antiquaria Team

July 20, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Thirty-Six

Journal Gang! Hey there. Thank you for dropping by to check out this week’s prompt! How is your journaling going lately? Bailey just started a new book (yay!) and Sarah has been experimenting with paint again on the mixed media paper Midori journal insert. It’s definitely felt really good to be revisiting leaning into a quiet creative mode when the world feels a little too..much. Which can happen rather often these days!

How did the mood journaling go for you, were you able to give it a try? If so, we hope it was fun, insightful and a bit cathartic. It’s always interesting to see how moods and feelings will manifest in a visual way. The end result can be a useful gauge as an honest self check-in. 

Speaking of check-ins, we are halfway through this crazy year. What. Even. Is. This. Year!? It’s been a topsy-turvy ride, that’s for sure. This realization had us thinking back to December, January, even February, and how much things have changed. Specifically, thinking back on some of our earliest prompts and the perspective we were holding at that time. When we crafted our intention lists for 2020, so many things we not even on the radar at that time, for better and worse, and so many circumstances have shifted. Curious, we wanted to refer back to that list. Which intentions do we still hold? Which are still possible, or even priorities at all? Which ones have we accomplished so far? Maybe some of them aged like wine, and maybe some aged like milk. (Travel more...yeah, right!) But that’s life! We can’t predict the future, and this year has been a blunt reminder of that fact.

So what do we do when things don’t go according to plan? The best we can with what we have, where we are, one day at a time. Learn, stay informed, speak up, work hard, take care of ourselves and try to be excellent to one another. Always retain a base of positivity (even if we tend to cope with cynical humor at times, ha!)

Refer back to your list of intent for this year, and see how it’s changed. See what you’ve been able to accomplish despite one of the most collectively stressful times in decades. You could even make a revised list for the rest of the year, with a ‘new normal’ in mind. What things have you accomplished that you are proud of this year? Even if it’s “waking up each day”, give yourself some kudos for keepin’ on keepin’ on throughout this whole deal. Because you’re doing great.

Happy Journaling! 
The Antiquaria Team 

July 13, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Thirty-Five

Hey Journal Gang, how was your weekend?

We always appreciate some low key time during these two days to rest, maybe get a few things done and just take a spell to appreciate small things. We all have our own ways of turning down the volume on the world. Poking around in the garden. Reading. Cooking. Netflix. Day drives to nowhere. Listening to music. Snacks. Naps. Hikes. Riding. Painting. It’s important to make time to let yourself just ‘be’, you know? You don’t have to feel guilty for not always being ultra productive. (Does anyone else struggle with that?) Especially in this ‘new normal’ -  we’re navigating through each day a bit like…what now? What next?? How??? It can deplete your energy quickly. Last week our team chatted and had a check in over zoom, as we do these days. We talked about the range of emotions we’ve been dealing with lately, and shared our experiences, both over the last few months and what we’re currently going through on an individual level. 

We all have different daily realities surrounding not only our roles at Antiquaria, but in our own lives and families. We’ve all felt quarantine and the ever-extending threat of covid in varied ways. We have our unique challenges to deal with, but even then, the majority of the underlying emotions are similar. We’ll elaborate on all this soon with a dedicated post, featuring interview blurbs, thoughts, grey clouds and silver linings.

Our chat was a really great reminder on the importance of checking in with yourself on where you stand; mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. It’s ok to be having ooone hell of a time navigating through this, especially as things really have no end in sight. It’s ok to be angry at times, anxious, feeling unmotivated and having signs of mental fatigue or burnout! It’s ok to be feeling great and productive if that’s how you feel! No matter where you are, know where that is and honor it. Having that awareness gives you power.

So this week ask yourself, How the heck am I feeling today? If you love making art normally but feel uninspired to the max lately, use this week’s journaling time as an approachable easement back into that groove. If you just want to write it all out venting style no art involved, perfect! Again - there's never a wrong way to journal.

How are you holding up lately? What's been your saving grace over the past few months? Let us know below!

Here’s to better days.

Happy Journaling,
The Antiquaria Team 

July 06, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Thirty-Four

Hey Journal Gang,

How was your 4th of July weekend? Lots of complicated feelings this year, but we hope you were able to celebrate in your own way, stay safe, eat some good food and maybe even catch peek of a few fireworks here and there. They are always such a pretty sight to see. One thing that’s a central theme of many holidays - food! Cooking, grilling and enjoying the freshest produce is very much a social/summertime activity. It has us thinking of the nature of food and the customs surrounding the act of making and sharing meals. It’s something every human on the planet can relate to! We all eat, out of both pleasure and necessity, and every culture has their own rituals around food; sourcing, preparation and sharing. Recipes are passed down, adapted, and serve as a way to connect the past and the present. Food is so much more than just fuel for our bodies - it’s like an integral part of our social fabric as well.

Since the quarantine started, have you been finding yourself exploring the culinary world at home more? We totally have. The shift into staying home, experimenting with growing gardens (so rewarding! Even with a learning curve) and making more of our own meals has really been a silver lining though all this. We’re rediscovering old favorites (plus putting a few unique new spins on them, too) and seeking out ways to get creative with ingredients in the pantry.

From baking bread (hello, sourdough!) to growing veggies and trying new varieties of herbs: finding fresh (ok, pun slightly intended) ways to appreciate food is amazing.

So..what are some of your go-to tried-and-true recipes? This week choose one (or a few!) that you are loving right now, and make a fun journal spread about it. Next week we will share some of our very favorite dishes with you all as well! We look forward to seeing what you love to cook up and can’t wait to try some new things.

Bon Appétit, and Happy Journaling!
The Antiquaria Team 

June 15, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Thirty-One

Hey Journal Gang,

Happy Monday to you all - it’s journal prompt day! Making Mondays a little better since November 2019. It’s a bit surreal that this is our 31st week since the inception of journal club. It feels about half as long! Time flies gets..weird? Is that a saying? Because it totally seems accurate. :)

Hopefully you had a chance to do some journaling last week and ponder how you would like to see things to change for the better. It can seem like a long list! Over the past few weeks we’ve seen people come together and the wheels starting in motion towards enacting some of those changes. We’re staying hopeful and always trying to look for opportunities to make our little personal corner of the world more aligned with some of the changes we wish to see. Every effort counts!

Things we’d like to see..speaking of that, let’s, for fun, take a peek into our daydreams. Vacations are on hold, but that doesn’t stop us from planning and making lists of all the places we’d like to explore! Working in the garden during quarantine had/has us seeing all of the possibilities (and effort) that goes into a dream garden. All of the shifting of life lately has a way of making you take step back and perhaps wonder what your true goals are, what they look like and even how to reach them. The first step in reaching a destination is deciding where you would like to end up, no? 

Describe your dream ________

What is your role? What does it entail? What do you love about it? Do you have your own company or work for a cool one that aligns with your values?

Are you into the homesteader life or do you see yourself in the bright lights of the big city? What aspects of your desired lifestyle are you drawn to and why? Do you want a big family? Or maybe the nomadic explorer life is more your vibe. Write about where you see yourself on the daily in an ideal future!

What does it look like? What plants are there? Are you growing food, or maybe prized roses? What climate is it in? How do you incorporate enjoying your garden into your life?

Tiny house life? On the road in a custom RV? Modern Farmhouse? Loft apartment in NYC? Small single family home with a garden and land? Historic Victorian fixer-upper? Cool Mid Century Mod house surrounded by trees? Where is it located? Envision your dream house!

Travel Destination
A faraway remote tropical island? Nepal? Alaska? Southern Italy? Australia? Japan? If you could go anywhere in the world, logistics aside, where would you go and why? What would you do while you’re there? 

Literally any other ideal dream thing that resonates for you
Journal all about it! You can choose one of the above examples, all of them, or come up with a whole new category.

Maybe you’re already living the dream in some of these categories, which is awesome. Heck yes! Maybe you feel you have a ways to go - that is totally relatable and ok too! Very much so. No matter where you are, take a little time to indulge in some of your ultimate goals and just have fun with it. Dream it do it babes.

Hope you all have a great week!

Happy Journaling♥
The Antiquaria Team 

June 08, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Thirty

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, 
but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
~Maya Angelou

Hey Journal Gang,
Another week, another prompt and 7 more days of journaling await us; 7 more chances to explore the benefits of keeping a journal. We hope last week’s prompt helped you channel your experiences after navigating through each day. Sometimes just summarizing things in a few strong words speaks volumes. The past few weeks have held so many emotions. As a country we’re experiencing so many things: Sadness, fear, anger, uncertainty, solidarity and even traces of hope as our collective voices ring louder and more persistent than ever, across the political and social landscape. It can all be a lot to process; time and time again we find refuge and healing through creative outlets, like journaling. We hope the same is true for you.

Have you found that your journal process has changed over time? If so, that’s normal! We’d be interested to know how your journey has shifted. Change - the only constant in life. Change as a concept has been on our minds a lot lately. As a country, and individuals, we have collectively come together to demand racial justice and sweeping changes to the systems in place. Even international communities are gathering to show support in our struggle. Covid continues to linger, as question marks '?' hover abound. Within our own lives, we seek to make personal changes, or ask for the strength to accept changes that we have already had happen.

Some change is transparent and clearly defined; easy to understand and interpret in a context we can relate to. Other changes are more abstract, complex or difficult to define. Change in motion tends to fall under this hazy category. This type is more difficult to deal with. Does the caterpillar know what will become of it, while it’s in the chrysalis? 

That is 2020 in a nutshell so far. We can plan all the plans, and expect all the expectations..but sometimes we just have to ride that wave (or those waves!) that comes towards us, as best we can. By the time this year is over, we’ll all be professional surfers. ;)

So think to yourself…what changes do you want to see in this world? In our country? In your town? In your own daily life? You can focus on all of these, or choose certain areas that are the top of your values and priorities right now. Try writing steam of consciousness (whatever comes to your mind with no editing), or if lists are more your style, give bullet journaling format a go. You can later break these things down into small actions steps by asking yourself, “How can I, today, be a part of the solution to this problem, or contribute to this change? What action can I take?” Even the seemingly smallest actions can ultimately create huge momentum.

Self-reflection is healing and can change the world when the insight from that reflection merges with action. Use the power of journaling to collect your thoughts, and empower you to contribute to the changes you seek.

Stay Strong, Stay Safe and Happy Journaling,
The Antiquaria Team 

June 01, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Twenty-Nine

Hey there Journal Gang, how are you all doing this Monday? Were you able to brainstorm up some creative Summer activities to look forward to? We’d love to hear some of your favorite ideas in the comments♥

At times, like recently, it seems as if each day, the weight of the world is a bit heavier than the day before. There is so much going on - things are changing at lightning speed. People demanding action, tides shifting, and situations constantly evolving. Uncertainty. It can all be so very much to process. We want to approach this week from the perspective of mindfulness and taking some time to decipher the events of the day, internal and external. Words are powerful - translating thoughts, fears, hopes and wishes and beliefs into them is a grounding experience.

This week, take a few moments to write a few words that come to your mind and encapsulate your experiences each day. What are you thinking about? What are you hoping for? What emotions did you encounter? How do things in your life or current events make you feel? You can approach this from any perspective that resonates with you on a personal level. If you haven't dabbled much in art journaling, now is the perfect time to give it a go - incorporating artwork can give you a boost in therapeutic effect! 

Sometimes the best catalysts for positive changes, are the hard times. You are all in our thoughts. Thank you for being a part of the Journal Gang and following along with our journey. We love daydreaming up prompts to share and love seeing your journals. Here’s to seeing more encouraging changes in the world; health, happiness, prosperity and equality for all.

Happy Journaling and Stay Strong!
The Antiquaria Team 

May 25, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Twenty-Eight

Hey there Journal Gang! Happy Memorial Day to you all. Our thoughts are with all the men and women that have sacrificed everything in the line of service for our country; their families, friends and community. True grit. 

Memorial Day represents the ‘unofficially official’ start of Summer. This year has been a rollercoaster ride so far..with everything unfolding and changing quickly, it can be tricky to know how to feel, what to do or when to make plans. Can you relate? It’s the unofficial start of Summer, but we’re left wondering - what will Summer even look like this year? In a typical year, right around this time vacations would be beginning to pop up on our studio calendar. Trips to gardens, museums and breweries would grace the weekends. Sadly, this year...they aren’t! So..what should we do instead?

Let’s think on it! Summer is typically such a lively and adventurous time of year. We thought it would be helpful to make lists of revised goals and plans for Summer 2020 - quarantine edition. How can we still feel like we’re enjoying the spirit of Summer when many traditional activities are off the table for now? 

So what sorts of things can we put on a list? Think of things that you’d like to do, but maybe typical wouldn’t follow through with, if all of the traditional alternatives (vacations, outings, etc) were available. 

Drive-in movie theatre 
Get out of the house, fully reclining seats, your own snacks, movie, fresh air and personal space? This checks all the win boxes. 

Join an Online Book Club
Or make a list of all those books you’ve wanted to read, but never had time to..and then read them! There are SO many good books. Reading a book under a shade tree is just really…nice.

Sketch, Draw or Paint Outdoors
This is another great way to get some fresh air and practice a craft too! Your reference objects right there at their very best, in living color. 

Work on Your Living Space
No matter your budget or current space, there are always small touches you can do to jazz things up. Very rewarding to improve a space and make it feel more cozy. 

Even if you only have a small balcony! If you have a yard, amazing! If not, you can totally still garden. Herbs and tomatoes are great for a small balcony or window garden. 

Fancy Cheese + Wine Picnic 
Even wear a pretty dress if you like! Lift your pinky finger high as you drink for the full effect. 

Sidewalk Chalk Art 
Just for kids? No way. Have kids? Make and epic sidewalk mural together!

Lawn games 
Grab some beer and hey, pretty much at the brewery..right?

Hiking a local trail 
Do a little research on your local area to see what trails would be best. So so many great trails and parks out there.

Take an Online Course or Workshop
Choose something fun and engaging that makes you feel excited!

Do you have an idea for something we could add to the list? Let us know in the comments! This is definitely going to be an unconventional Summer. But who knows - maybe we’ll find some joy along the way, spend some nice time outside and have a few stories to tell? That’s the spirit of Summer, after all. 

Hang in There, Be Well and Happy Journaling!
The Antiquaria Team 

May 18, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Twenty-Seven

Hey Journal Gang! We’re back this week with another prompt to inspire some journaling magic! How has your journaling been going over the past few weeks? For us, some weeks are more productive than others, but we enjoy doing our best to always come back and find solace in this creative outlet as much as possible. It’s a grounding activity with a lot of artistic freedom involved. At times, writing is more of a focus. Other days/week it’s more graphic and art journal based. You can make your journal 100% whatever you’re feeling at the time. Again - no wrong way to journal!

Last week we took a step back to view ourselves objectively for a little morale boost. What things did you reflect on and give yourself credit for? We’re sure the list was long - you have a lot to offer! This week we’re taking more solace in the little moments of the day, with a fresh spin. Our very first journaling prompt (can you believe we founded journal club over six months ago now?!) focused on recognizing and embracing the #1 best highlight of the day. It's a prompt we like to incorporate into different weeks, because it can incite gratitude and give some perspective. When times are uncertain or stressful it can be especially cathartic to find the little gems in each 24 hours we’re given. Every day has something to offer! Some days it’s a bit easier to recognize than others, but that’s life, and totally ok. 

Having positive things to anticipate can help you appreciate the here and now as well, make goals and enjoy planning. So many things have been disrupted this year because of Covid. Aside from all the of major disruptions to life and work, a lot of fun and life milestone plans - vacations, ceremonies, weddings, family gatherings, etc. - have also been put on hold. Disapointment is only natural. We remain hopeful that we can at some point carry on with our lives and find a new normal where we can safely do those things again. Won’t that be amazing? In the meanwhile, we’re looking to the every day experience and finding smaller things to look forward to.

Your morning coffee, taking a walk, video chat with a friend, an afternoon nap, 20 minutes peace and quiet to yourself, a journaling session, watching a movie, tending to your garden or plants, cooking dinner, baking bread, playing an instrument, writing a letter, receiving a package, going for a joy ride, getting some takeout, doing a fun activity with your kid(s). These are a few things that make these days better!

So what are your things? What moments of your day do you look forward to, especially now? Revel in those moments, and journal all about it!

All the best, and Happy Journaling! 
The Antiquaria Team

May 11, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Twenty-Six

“Hide not your talents, they for use were made,
What's a sundial in the shade?”
-Benjamin Franklin

Hey Journal Gang! How was your Mother’s Day Weekend? Hopefully it was lovely and you were able to connect with your mom and the other special mamas in your lives, one way or another! It’s more difficult - if not impossible - to see our families these days, but that’s just making us all-the-more grateful for the mail service and ways to stay connected through technology. I mean..quarantine, without internet, in 2020? Hard to even imagine! 

How would you fill your time? How would you stay connected? What hobbies would you dive into? What talents or skills would you embrace and develop? What would you change about your daily routine? What would you learn about yourself? What are you good at, what do you love doing? 

Hypotheticals aside, we can still ask ourselves these questions! Something about the upheaval of our settled-into lives has a way of shifting the perspective. Maybe you’ve been working from home, had extra time and an opportunity to dive into a project or engage in a novel and refreshing hobby. Maybe you’re working harder than before, leaning into your strengths and skills, reinforcing your love for what you do, even if it’s difficult right now. Maybe you’re in an in-between phase, re-evaluating and asking yourself ‘what’s next?’ No matter where you find yourself on the spectrum, it’s always a good time to think about what you value, what you excel at and give yourself credit where credit is due. Listening to the inner voice and exploring things that draw you will bring joy and fulfillment.

So what are your strengths? What are you good at and what do you love doing? Do these things align? If not, what actions can you take to align them? This week, take a few minutes each day to do something feel passionate about, and jot it down in your journal. If you aren’t sure what you’re good at, ask your family and friends for their take on it! Sometimes it’s difficult to see ourselves objectively or avoid only focusing on shortfalls, real or perceived. Don’t be shy! Lean into your strengths and take a moment to acknowledge and admire them. You are valuable! 

Keep on keeping on, and Happy Journaling!
The Antiquaria Team 

April 27, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Twenty-Four

“Life is mostly froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone.
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own.” 
-Adam Lindsay Gordon

Hey Journal Gang, Happy Monday! 

Hope you all are hanging in there. How did your nature walk journaling fusion go? A bit of time outdoors is worth it’s weight in gold these days! Seeing nature spring back to life as we march further into Spring is so pleasant to be able to indulge in. Can’t wait to see how you are bringing inspiration from nature alive in your journals.

Like a walk on a lovely afternoon, beautiful and striking it’s purity - kindness. This year our lives have changed suddenly, forcing us to adapt quickly and do our best to embrace the current reality we face. We’re navigating keeping distance while staying connected in new ways. This time hasn’t been easy for most; being apart from friends, family, concerns about health and facing economic insecurity. In times like these, even the smallest gesture of kindness can give someone else strength to make it through the day. The world can always use a few more random acts of kindness!

So this week, keep your heart and mind open. What random acts of kindness have you witnessed? How can you share that with someone? Whether it’s sending a card to a friend, dropping off a gift for someone, baking or cooking to share, checking-in with an elderly neighbor, kind words to the grocery store clerk, sewing masks to donate, decorating your windows with messages of solidarity — these small acts are like a rock thrown into a pond. The waves extend far beyond its origin in ways that can't even be fully quantified.

Remember self kindness, too! Depending on your phase and circumstances in life, this stay-at-home period has manifested in various ways for different people. So whether you are working daily, have less time free than ever, more free time than ever, or a curious mixture of the three…embrace the principles of self-care as much as you can, according to your needs. Keep on trying your best, and everything will fall into place. Better days shall return again.

Stay Kind, and Happy Journaling,
The Antiquaria Team 

April 20, 2020

Antiquaria Journal Club | Week Twenty-Three

Hey Journal Gang!

Happy Monday to you! We hope your journaling last week was cathartic, relaxing and uplifting. Reflective writing has a certain magic about it in that way!

This week we want to try something fun and shift into the visual perspective, while getting outside to move our bodies and enjoy some some fresh air. An outdoor scavenger hunt, which we will then translate to our journals! After all, Spring is here and the weather is getting nicer each day. It’s good for your soul to move and get some sunshine, don’t you think? Definitely!

How does it work?

Nothing clears the head like a relaxing walk on a beautiful day. We want to merge journaling with the outdoors by enjoying the time outside, and then translating what we found into a journal spread! This is a perfect activity for when you’re feeling cooped up and just need a break. Taking alll the walks lately. Can you relate?

You can take a walk around your neighborhood, on a trail, or even do a little scavenger hunt in your own backyard. As long as you’re getting outside and having fun, that’s what’s important! Here are some ideas for things to keep an eye out for during your scavenger hunt:

  • A Spring bloom
  • Something smooth 
  • A texture
  • Something shiny
  • Something sharp 
  • Something white 
  • Something yellow 
  • Something you hear 
  • A unique shaped leaf 
  • An animal
  • Something you think is a treasure 

Snapping photos as you go is a super quick and easy way to record your findings. That way, you can remember everything you found, and have references later for lists or illustrations when you're working on your journal! If you're into collage, you could print the photos or use a polaroid camera if you have one. You could even take your journal along and record things in real time - no wrong way to do this, gang! We’re excited. Can’t wait to see what you all discover and share too!

Happy Hunting and Happy Journaling,
The Antiquaria Team
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