Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Monday, December 15, 2008

Isn't it Spring Yet?

Waiting for Spring

This shot isn't from our new snow fall but it could be. All around us is white and COLD!

We're headed up I-5 to Portland tomorrow to pick up our grandson at the airport. I'm a bit nervous. Its a three hour drive and the freeway was closed because of ice several times today. They expect the same tomorrow but with more snow. We will be back Wednesday if the roads cooperate. Good thoughts and prayers appreciated.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Snow Gate

I'm quite sure this is the hottest day in history. Well at least for this summer. Its too hot to go outside to see how hot it is. I'm so tired of this hot hot weather. Hopefully this shot will cool us all down a little. Can you feel that cold breeze blowing off the snow?.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Crater Lake part 2

The day we went to the lake only one mile of the rim was open but later in the year one can drive the entire 33 mile rim. There are places to pull of to enjoy the view all along the rim drive.

Crater Lake 3

A small volcanic island, Wizard Island, rises 764 feet above the surface of the lake on its west side. A small crater, 300 feet across and 90 feet deep, rests on the summit.

Crater Lake 4

This one is not my photo but gives a better idea of how remote the lake is.
USGS Photograph taken on December 10, 2005, by Mike Doukas

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Majestic McLaughlin

We are very close to Crater Lake here. There are still 55 inches of snow at the top of the mountain.

I'm headed out of town now and will post pictures of the lake when I get back home Sunday night.

Majestic McLoughlin

Monday, May 21, 2007

Mt. McLoughlin

Two weeks ago and friend and I drove up to Crater Lake National Park, Oregon's only National Park. The Lake is absolutely breathtaking but I'm posting some of the gorgeous scenery along the way first.

Mt McLoughlin is a volcano south of Crater Lake. It last erupted about 20,000 years ago. It's highest peak is 9454 feet and it is covered with snow year round.

Mt. McLoughlin in Oregon

Sunday, January 21, 2007

One more snow-at-the-beach shot

What I like about this shot is that the water and the sky are the exact same color.

Snow and Pier

Thursday, January 18, 2007

More Snow At The Coast

More snow on the beach but it doesn't show up too well in this shot. You can see the Yaquina Head Lighthouse in the distance. This is near Newport, Oregon.
Beach and Snow

This shot isn't artistic but shows snow on the sand dunes. Another amazing thing.
Snow on Dunes

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Snow On The Beach

This scene is quite rare. It almost never snows at the coast. I was amazed to see it and I talked to a local in Florence, Oregon who had never seen it right on the beach either.

Snow on Beach

Friday, January 12, 2007

...and more snow...

Thanks for all your comments on the other snow photos. You guys are great. This is another batch from yesterday. Then I promise I'll move on to something else.





snow and sheep

I need my ocean fix so I'm headed to the coast. Will be back Sun or Mon.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Annie, yes we did!

We did get covered with snow today. It was so beautiful. So I grabbed my camera, skipped a couple hours of work and headed to high ground. The good thing is that I had the roads all to myself. The bad thing is that the reason I DID have the roads all to myself was because they looked like this.

I got so many shots I really like but I won't lay them all on you at once.

In a few places I ran into blizzard conditions

snow blizzard

I hope the snow isn't all gone in the morning.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Snow and Barn

One more snow picture. I THINK I'm almost finished with them, unless we get more snow. This is that old loooong falling down barn from a few weeks ago. Had to go back and catch it in the snow.

Snow on barn

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Phantom Mountain

One more photo from our snow day. I drove up above town to get this shot. Fog often settles in the Roseburg Valley and on this day, with the low fog and the sun on the mountain, it looks like the mountain is floating above the town.

Phantom Mountain

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

More Snow

Two more shots from my “mad woman run” yesterday morning. It warmed up today and melted the last of the snow :( . Hopefully we’ll get some more this winter.

Sheep in Snow

Lookingglass in Snow

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This is a rare sight for this area. We hardly ever get snow and when we do it’s usually gone in a few hours. So when I awoke to snow this morning, I called work to say I would be late and spent an hour running around like a mad woman capturing every flake I possibly could before it disappeared!

