Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts

Saturday, April 23, 2016

T for Top Ten

T is for Top Ten.

For T, I'm going for a Top Ten list of various topics from cats to coffee; from Korea to Bali. Isn't the Internet an amazing thing!

First up is..

1) 10 Things Cats Hate. Planning on getting a cat for a pet? This list is a good start.

2) Many of us need coffee to start the day. Take a look at the 10 Things Coffee Does to Your Body - the good and the bad of it.

3) Heard so much about Bali but not sure what is in store for the kids? Here are 10 Best Things to Do With Kids in Bali

4) It's been reported that in Malaysia diabetes is on the rise, maybe in the world too, I don't know. The worse part is that people are not aware that they have diabetes because Type 2 diabetes has no symptoms. Here's for awareness...Ten Things You Might Not Know About Diabetes.

5) 10 Things Great Managers Do

6) 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Money

7) 10 Things You Can Do to Save the Ocean

8) Other than K-Pop what else do we know about South Korea. Find out what 10 things South Korea does better than anywhere else.

9) 10 Things to Look for When Buying a Used Car

10) 10 Things Teachers Want Parents to Know

This is my ten of Top Ten. Do you have any list to share?

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Best Airlines in the World

B for Best.

Today, I choose to blog about the Best Airlines in the World.

Malaysia, with a population of about 30 million people, is just a small young country in the Southeastern corner of the world, i.e. Southeast Asia. Despite that Malaysia has scored some accolades in the world, for example, Malaysia's Air Asia has been voted the World's Best Low-Cost Airline. This has been released by Skytrax, an expert on air travel.

The World's Best Low-Cost Airlines - 1. AirAsia

Voted as the best low-cost airline, AirAsia operates at the lowest unit cost in the world of just US $0.023 per available seat kilometres.

AirAsia’s other airline AirAsia X follows it on the list - 2nd placing. Third comes Norwegian Air Shuttle. Check out The World's Best Airlines across different categories..

Image source:

This post is part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. Interested enough to join the challenge? Hurry you have less thatn 1 day and 23 hours left to sign up.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

What does this 7th (Ghost) Month hold for us

In the Chinese community, the 7th month of the lunar calendar is one to be wary of. It is believed to be associated with the influence of more negative forces resulting in a higher incidence of accidents and deaths hence my warning about being careful in the previous post.

Read about what this sinister 7th lunar month holds for us. The 7th month is also known as the Ghost Month in which offerings are made to stray spirits who are released to freely roam among us. The prayer ritual takes place mid-month at sundown, i.e., 14th and 15th day of the month. These would be on 9 and 10 August respectively. Offerings (of incense and food) are made along the roadside usually outside one's own residence (Psst.. you may want to keep off the streets at these times.)

Some Do's and Don'ts of the Ghost month for your reference..

I'm looking forward to the 8th month though... of lanterns and mooncakes.

In the meantime, I leave you with what's being predicted for this 7th month..

We are in the 7th lunar month of 2014, the infamous Ghost month, which is from the 27th July to the 24th August. This month can be a rough one for the majority. Generally, there will be problems brewing, with some hideous manifestations. Individuals will form groups and some will become outcasts. Compared to other lunar months, this month will certainly see heavy sanctions on more organizations, government bodies or countries. Also, there will be more negative impact on those who work in government bodies, the public sector; even public figures will not be spared.

Authoritative figures will exercise their power by making harsh decisions and executing extreme measures. Many will be intimidated while others will resort to revolt. Power shifts will be inevitable. People and material resources will be sacrificed along the way. For example, there will be major organizational changes where some will be promoted, others demoted, and still others will lose their jobs. Such phenomena will also affect politics.

This lunar month will not favour finances. Some people’s income will be affected which can imply loss of jobs or business deals. For others, it will merely mean that this will not be a good time for investments. Adopt a conservative approach to finances. Keep expenses in check.

There will be a lot of health and safety issues. For the majority, health will be weak. It will be important to improve your immune system. Among different illnesses, the risk of having cancer and tumour will be higher than others. There will be many different forms of freak accidents and man-made troubles like wars. This will not be a good month for traveling overseas. Try your best to reduce traveling frequency or avoid all high - risk activities.

It will be best to stay alert, keep a low profile and minimize the impact this 7th lunar month can bring to you.

For those who need to cleanse their crystals or have been using their crystals actively, you might want to use the moonlight of the 11th August 2014 to do so.

Article source:
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Yes, It's Party time!

This being the holiday season and all, the Dictionary has aptly drawn up a list of 8 Party Words for us to revel in.

After the 10 Words for Happiness, I couldn't resist sharing this set of yet another list of 'happy' words, words that are most appropriate for this time of the year. 

So, happy partying whichever revelry or merry-making you will be partaking in. 

1. Masquerade [mas-kuh-reyd]
A masquerade is a festive gathering of people wearing masks or other disguises, often elegant, historical or fantastic in nature. Writers have been dazzled by masquerade balls since the term entered English in the late 1500s ultimately from the Italian mascherata. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet the "star-crossed lovers" meet at a masquerade.

2. Fete [feyt, fet]
A fete is a festive celebration. It comes from the French word of the same spelling, meaning "feast." It’s counterpart in Spanish is fiesta. Fetes sometimes have religious associations, but not always.

3. Shindig [shin-dig]
A shindig is a large party, usually with dancing. An Americanism that emerged in the mid-1800s, it might be influenced by the earlier terms shindy and shinty. Shindig is a portmanteau of shin and dig, no doubt referring to the movements of the legs while dancing.

4. Salon [suh-lon]

During the Enlightenment, it became popular for leading thinkers of society, from artists and musicians to philosophers and politicians, to gather together in the home of an intellectual for an afternoon or evening of lively conversation. Salon comes from the French term meaning "lounge." In the late 1600s, salon began to refer to a well-furnished room in a home, designed for entertaining guests.

5. Wing-ding [wing-ding]
Though less common than shindig, wing-ding is another term to describe a party. A rhyming reduplication of wing, this term evokes the flapping motion of a bird’s wing. When it first entered English in the 1920s, it was an Americanism to describe a fit of rage, though by the 1940s, it could also refer to a wild party.

6. Clambake [klam-beyk]
When English speakers started using the term clambake in the 1830s, they were referring to an outdoor party in which clams were cooked, traditionally on hot stones. Over time, the word took on a more general sense of a "picnic"--no clams required. By the 1930s, clambake could be extended to refer to any type of lively social gathering, even one that didn't feature food as a focal point.

7. Prom [prom]
In the United States, a prom is a formal dance held at the end of high school, usually for seniors. It was first used in English in the late 1800s, and is a shortening of the word promenade, which comes from the French meaning "a leisurely stroll." A promenade could also refer to the march of guests into a ballroom during a formal ball. In the UK, prom is used to refer to promenade concerts in which some of the audience stands.

8. Soiree [swah-rey]
A soiree is a party held in the evening, especially one held for a particular purpose. English speakers have been holding soirees since the late 18th century, when the term entered the language from the French soir meaning "evening." Soiree ultimately comes from the Latin sērus meaning "late."

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Malaysia has 3 beaches on CNN's World's 100 Best Beaches

What a glorious morning this is! Blue skies and bright sunshine and on a Sunday too!

Malaysia is like this most of the time if you're wondering about the weather here. Humid, yes. Haze, not right now, but great to be outdoors most days - perhaps to a beach?

25. Sun Island Beach, Maldives

Speaking of the beach, three beaches in Malaysia made it to CNN's updated list of the World's 100 Best Beaches. Better yet, all three are in the top 50.

Coming in at..

49. Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi, Malaysia

49. Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi, Malaysia
CNN says:
Most tourists on Langkawi flock to Pantai Cenang beach, but the quieter Tanjung Rhu has an earthy beauty and serene atmosphere. The long beach area is surrounded by ancient limestone caves, rippling waterways and dense mangroves.

Highlight: The Four Seasons Resort offers boat tours around the mangrove forests.

If you are planning your next island holiday or a Malaysian holiday, here is CNN's 10 best islands for a Malaysia holiday to check out.

21. Juara Beach, Tioman Island, Malaysia

CNN says:
Less developed and less polished than Thailand, Tioman Island's Juara Beach brings an all-natural, quiet vibe to the beach experience. This isn't the place for parties or nightlife, unless you like your parties hushed and your nightlife nonhuman.

Worth knowing: Various travelers report sand flies on the beach.

And at
13. Pulau Perhentian Kecil, Malaysia

Now will you look at that! Yep, that's right here in Malaysia.

13. Pulau Perhentian Kecil, Malaysia

CNN says:
Malaysia's Perhentian Islands are to beach bums what Kobe beef is to carnivores; once you've experienced it, nothing else quite matches up.

The two main islands are the backpacker-happy Pulau Perhentian Kecil (Small Perhentian Island), and Pulau Perhentian Besar (Big Perhentian Island), which has slightly more expensive accommodations.

Highlight: The blue waters off Pulau Perhentian Kecil invariably contain turtles and small sharks.

I'm sure you'd want to know which beach tops the list of the World's best beach. It's

1. Grande Anse Beach, La Digue Island, Seychelles

CNN says:
Secluded and easy to skip because it takes some effort to get here, Grand Anse on La Digue is the archetypal beach, the benchmark against which others must be judged. It's a must, especially if you're a surfer.

Worth knowing: The waves can be boisterous and there's not much shade.

Hey Rurousha, the Boulders Beach in Cape Town comes in at #22!

CNN says:
Boulders Beach is home to 3,000 jackass penguins, which are often spotted waddling in and out of the sea. The best place to see the penguins is from a viewing boardwalk constructed on nearby Foxy Beach.

And another one in South Africa, coming in at

78. Jeffreys Bay, South Africa

CNN says:
Jeffreys Bay's legendary breaks attract top surfers to the annual Billabong Pro ASP World Tour surfing event. Nearby lagoons make ideal venues for boardsailing and canoeing. The Seekoei River Nature Reserve, a haven for rare birds, is nearby.

Highlight: Migrating whales pass by the bay to give birth every season.

You're scoring another one too for Japan..

58. Akajima, Okinawa, Japan

The islet of Akajima is popular among Japanese day-trippers during summer, but foreign travelers are a rare sight. It retains a sequestered charm even during peak season. The beaches are spotless, usually dotted with just a handful of surfers.

Highlight: Further inland, a quaint Ryukyuan heritage house is open to visitors.

Ai Shiang, Bondi Beach makes the cut too.

44. Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

CNN says:
For an iconic all-round great city beach you can't miss with Bondi. The wide curving crescent of white sand can get incredibly busy, but that's only because the surfing is gnarly, the sands are clean and the nearby eateries are fantastic.

Highlight: After a day in the sun you can chase down the day with a meal at Bondi Trattoria, one of the best Italian restaurants in the city.

Here's another..

88. Byron Bay, Australia

CNN says:
Pubs, cafes and bookshops host buskers, musicians, artists and drift-ins who walk the streets barefoot and bleary eyed. There's a lingering scent of the Flower Power generation, while surfers wait for perfect waves.

Highlight: Every year, the Byron Bay Bluesfest attracts some of the biggest names in world music, and with it, thousands of Sydneysiders.

PandaB, Fiji is also on the list. So is one in Hawaii..

46. Natadola Beach, Fiji

CNN says:
Probably Fiji's finest beach, Natadola Beach is one of the few places in the country that's good for swimming 24 hours a day. A luxury resort backs onto the beach and attracts vendors selling coconuts and beach fashion accessories, so you'll need to put distance between you and the resort if you like solitude.

70. Punalu'u, Hawaii, United States

CNN says:
No sugary sands and idyllic swimming conditions, but you will find a dramatic black basalt shore and might spot green and hawksbill turtles, as well as dolphins and whale sharks, if you snorkel off this Big Island beach.

Highlight: Getting here involves a 20-minute trek through a wooded dirt trail, underlining the remote and undeveloped beach.

Alright, here's the list of World's 100 Best Beaches for your holiday-planning. Happy holidays!

Image source: CNN

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Unusual uses for Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold just about everywhere - in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in every country except Cuba and North Korea.

Often referred to simply as Coke, Coca-Cola has been found to be useful for cleaning purposes. But you already knew that.

With its acidic nature, Coke has been found to be effective in getting rid of rust, grease on clothes, that black crust in your pot or pan. It can even be used for cooking, as a painkiller, as well as for entertainment.

Here, watch this video for an idea to liven up your next party..

And here's proof Coke does get rid of rust..

Check out the Top 10 Unusual Uses For Coca Cola and be amazed.

Image source: Wikipedia

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Kuala Lumpur one of 10 Most Dangerous Cities in the World?

Along Jalan Sultan Ismail. Building on the left is the Shangri-la Hotel
KLites or Kuala Lumpurians, would you agree that Kuala Lumpur is one of 10 Dangerous Cities in the World? Why am I asking this? Because the 10Awesome site posted this list that has KL making it this year at No. 6, even ahead of Johannesburg, South Africa, that's listed at No. 7.

I'm not making this up. Read what it says about Kuala Lumpur..

6. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Malaysia also takes pride in its spectacular landscapes, a culture that begs to be discovered and explored and… a history of violence that made way too many victims. Presently, the state’s capital is said to be one of the most dangerous cities in the world, as the crime rate increased with 70% in the last three years. It wasn’t a peace on Earth display before either, but now things seem to keep getting worse.

No wonder they say not to believe everything you read on the Internet. This piece makes it sound like we can get gunned down or daggered at every turn. Sigh.

The article didn't say what kind of measurement system was being used. Anyway, here's the list of 10 Dangerous Cities in the World..

1. San Pedro Sula – Honduras
2. Ciudad Huarez – Mexico
3. Maceio, Brazil
4. Acapulco, Mexico
5. Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
6. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
7. Johannesburg, South Africa
8. Caracas, Venezuela
9. Marrakech, Morocco
10. New Orleans, U.S.A

Share your thoughts in the Comments.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

46 Places to Go in 2013 - NY Times

Holiday-seekers practically have the world at their feet, what with budget airlines and budget hotels plus a million free seats on AirAsia.

There is a whole lot of places to explore in every corner of the world, from one list of hot spots that CNN suggests on their Top travel destinations for 2013 to more recommendations by New York Times in their The 46 Places to Go in 2013. Let's take a look at this countdown.

Topping the list of 46 places is Rio de Janeiro - because the world will be there in 2014, for the World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Click on image to enlarge it..
That must be Christ the Redeemer on the top left, illuminated, statue of Jesus of Nazareth. According to Wikipedia, it is considered the largest Art Deco statue in the world and the 5th largest statue of Jesus in the world.

Coming in at second place is Marseille, the second largest city in France. An ancient port town on the Mediterranean, it has become a vibrant ethnic melting pot. Marseille is also home to an increasing number of contemporary art and avant-garde performances.

Nicaragua comes in third. The article says it's eco and the food is good. Enough said.

..then Accra in Ghana while Bhutan comes in at fifth spot.

6 Amsterdam
7 Houston
8 Rossland, British Columbia
9 New Delhi
10 Istanbul

11 Singapore (yes, Singapore at 11th) - Spot green shoots in a financial capital.
15 Mongolia
16 The Big Island, Hawaii
17 Philippines - A surfing and beach destination goes luxe.
20 Ningxia, China
27 Changbaishan, China
28 Porto, Portugal
30 Koh Phangan, Thailand - A party island goes upscale and family-friendly.
31 Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka
33 Bangkok - Still the party city of Asia but for a more sophisticated crowd.
42 Mergui Islands, Myanmar - Live-aboard diving in a remote archipelago.
44 Washington, D.C.
45 Casablanca, Morocco
46 Paris

No Malaysia. Even Sri Lanka makes the list, no offence. Surprisingly, Japan doesn't either.

For the full list and why you would want to be in these places, visit NY Times' The 46 Places to Go in 2013.

Image source: NY Times

Monday, January 7, 2013

Top travel destinations for 2013

Crossing into a new year prompts new lists of things to do and places to visit. What's your travel destination for 2013? If you are at a loss, let CNN help you with their list of top travel destinations for 2013.

When compiling their list of 2013 hot spots, they took into account a set of factors including economics of the places, major events, some savvy marketing influence, pop culture. They also canvassed travel sites, travel experts and organizations to identify up-and-coming destinations based on bargains, significant events and important new services, such as added airline routes and major hotel openings.

Here is their list of 7 hot spots for the year:

1. Scotland tops the list

Scotland has dubbed 2013 as the "Year of Natural Scotland" with many outdoor events and special deals planned around the Year of Natural Scotland, highlights include: the Dumfries & Galloway Wildlife Festival 2013 (March 29-April 14); Heb Celt 2013 music festival (July 17-20); Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight (September 7-22); and, of course, The Open Championship golf tournament (July 14-21).

(The 2012 James Bond thriller "Skyfall" was filmed in Scotland's dramatic countryside and misty highlands.)

2. Rabat, Morocco
Marrakech or beachside charm of Essaouira have long been the focus of travels to Morocco. All this will change in 2013 with the shift to Rabat, the elegant capital city in the northwest of the country, having been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in July 2012.

The rest of the 7 are:

3. Košice, Slovakia
4. Sub-Saharan Africa
5. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, United States
6. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
7. Colombia

For details, visit CNN's Top travel destinations for 2013

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Travel and Leisure's lists of World's Best

My morning began with following a trail around the world (virtual, of course) on the world's best of something according to Travel and Leisure magazine.

Did you know that Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) made it to T and L's list of World's Most Beautiful Airports? When I was clicking down the list, I was half hoping that KLIA would make the cut. Never mind it came in last on the list but hey, it made the list!

A few others who made the list include Kansai International Airport, Osaka; Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok Airport; Marrakech Menara Airport, Morocco; Incheon International Airport, South Korea; and TWA Terminal, John F. Kennedy Airport, New York City. Commenters are asking why is Singapore's Changi Airport not included.

Chek Lap Kok Airport

Marrakech Menara Airport, Morocco

Also visited the World's Most Beautiful Buildings, one of which is this one, Tiger's Nest Monastery in Bhutan which is precariously situated on a rock outcropping some 2,600 feet above the Paro Valley (which is itself about 7,000 feet above sea level). Paro Taktsang — or the Tiger’s Nest Monastery — is a breathtaking sight dating from 1692.

Among other World's Most Beautiful Buildings is this box of light, Christian Dior Store, Omotesando, Tokyo

..and the Burj Al Arab, but of course - a 60-story sail-shaped hotel, which sits on its own private island. Awe-inspiring!

The Chrysler Building, New York City, is another on the list.
Day or night, its stainless-steel crown still dazzles like nothing else. This is possibly the only building in the world that is decorated with automotive hood ornaments: the big eagles on the 61st floor were copied from a 1929 Chrysler. - T&L

I even visited the World's Strangest Places - Man-made or otherwise.

How's this for a strange place, the Blood Falls in Antarctica.

The scarlet tint derives from a community of sulfur-eating bacteria that dwell deep beneath the glacier in underground lakes—their crimson iron-oxide excretions dye the ice. But death does lurk in the vicinity: so arid are the McMurdo Dry Valleys that when lost seals and penguins wander irreversibly inland, they never decompose. Their mummified remains are strewn about, completing the ghoulish picture. - T&L

Eye of the Sahara, Mauritania
The Eye of the Sahara is clearly visible from space.

The Boneyard, Arizona
Old fighter jets never die; they just go to the Boneyard. This dirt lot near Tucson is the final resting place for roughly 3,000 retired military aircraft. While some can take to the skies with little more than a spit and polish, others—some up to 60 years old—are gradually being harvested for spare parts. - T&L

More World's Strangest Places..

When we travel we tend to look out for strange and funny signs. These here are some of the World's Funniest Signs as selected by Travel and Leisure and sure to get you smiling to start the day.

Don’t Drive Your Car off a Cliff!

What’s funnier? That they charge for throwing rocks? Or that they trust you to ’fess up?

Given the warning, you have to stop and wonder which is scarier.

More World's Funniest Signs..

Want more? Visit the Travel and Leisure website.

All images are from Travel and Leisure

Saturday, June 9, 2012

CNNGo's list of World's 10 Most Loved Cities

Hey Rurousha, your city from yonder made it to the World's 10 Most Loved Cities on CNNGo's list coming in at No. 9! How cool! Wait, there's more. Your (Hero) city tops the list. Not fair, you get to live in two of the world's most loved cities!

Apparently, all cities are not created equal. CNNGo trawled the Internet for media "best of" praise, solicited recommendations from local correspondents, bloggers and travelers, scraped the bottom of every Internet and press barrel we could find for reasons not to include these conurbations, and still come up with what we think is a definitive list of the world's most loved cities. They found out that:

San Francisco has its Tenderloin, food snobs and bridge tolls.
Cape Town has its great white sharks and 17-hour commutes from New York City (which has its own issues).
Montreal has an underperforming hockey team and ridiculously cold winters.
And let’s not even get started about Tokyo.

Bottom line: travelers love places in spite of all their imperfections. Or perhaps because of them.

Here's the list of the World's 10 Most Loved Cities. Are you living in one of them..

10. Barcelona, Spain

9. Cape Town, South Africa

8. Montreal, Canada
7. New York City, United States
6. Paris, France
5. Petra, Jordan
4. San Francisco, United States
3. Santiago, Chile
2. Shanghai, China
1. Tokyo, Japan

Read more about the cities on CNNGo's World's 10 Most Loved Cities..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

TIME's The Top 10 Everything of 2010

Here's a little trivia quiz for you. Look at the list below and guess as to what it is that all of them have in common.  Here goes..

- Kanye West, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
- Animals Fight to Survive the Oil Spill
- Tiger Woods, to Everyone, for Cheating on His Wife
- United Unites with Continental
- Vuvuzela
- Conan O'Brien
- Curtains for Joran van der Sloot?
- The Facebook Movie: The Social Network
- Lady Gaga
- Sarah Palin v. Levi Johnston

Not a clue? Alright, more for hints..

- Freedom by Jonathan Franzen
- The New Naturalism
- iPad
- The Oil Spill — and What It Didn't Change
- Netflix
- Conan v. Leno: Tonight Show Smackdown
- Rolling Stone, November 2010
- Toy Story 3
- Beaked Toad
- Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

Still nothing? You are not alone. I wouldn't have the answer either.

In 50 wide-ranging lists, TIME surveys the highs and lows, the good and the bad, of the past 12 months and came up with their Top 10 lists. Listed here are just the 20 Number 1's in the list of 50 categories including Top 10 Albums, Top 10 Apologies, Top 10 Biz Deals, Top 10 Buzzwords, Top 10 Fashion Statements, which Lady Gaga tops, and so forth.

Here's TIME's full list of The Top 10 Everything of 2010

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Time Magazine's "Top 10 Everything of 2009"

In less than three weeks, we would have come to the end of yet another year and 2010 looms before us.

Time Magazine has rounded up the year with their list of Top 10 Everything of 2009, yeah, Everything good and bad . The list is categorized into four categories.

In the News, Politics and Science category, you'll find the Top 10 Animal Stories, Green Ideas, New Species, even Oddball New Stories among others.

Under Arts & Exhibitions you'll find Top 10 Albums, Art Exhibitions, Plays and Musicals, Magazine Covers and so forth.

Then in the Business, Tech & Sports, you'll find Top 10 Sports Moments, Worst Business Deals, Gadgets, iPone Apps and Video Games.

And under the Pop Culture tab, you'll find Top 10 T-shirt Worthy Slogans, Buzzwords, Apologies, Awkward Moments, Feuds, even Top 10 Pariahs, etc.

Here's the complete list of Top 10 Everything of 2009. There are too many to link so if you're interested you can visit the site. This is very good for general knowledge.

* Albums
* Animal Stories
* Apologies
* Art Exhibitions
* Awkward Moments
* Best Biz Deals
* Breakups
* Buzzwords
* Children's Books
* Crime Stories
* Editorial Cartoons
* Facebook Stories
* Fashion Faux Paus
* Fashion Moments
* Feuds
* Fiction Books
* Fleeting Celebrities
* Gadgets

* Green Ideas
* Heroes
* iPhone Apps
* Late-Night Jokes
* Magazine Covers
* Medical Breakthroughs
* Movie Performances
* Movies
* New Species
* News Stories
* Nonfiction Books
* Oddball News Stories
* Pariahs
* Pictures of the Year
* Plays and Musicals
* Political Gaffes
* Quotes

* Religion Stories
* Scandals
* Scientific Discoveries
* Songs
* Sports Moments
* T-shirt-Worthy Slogans
* TV Ads
* TV Episodes
* TV Series
* Tweets
* Underreported Stories
* Untruths
* Video Games
* Viral Videos
* Worst Business Deals

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Malaysia Made Top 10

10. Mexico
9. Switzerland
8. Spain
7. Malaysia
6. Italy
5. Poland
4. China
3. Russia
2. Brazil
1. Greece

Make a guess. What do you think these ten countries have in common? A mish-mash of countries big and small, European and Asian.. Haven't the faintest idea?

These countries top the list of Horniest Countries. Yep! Malaysia made the cut. Oh boy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

50 Things Malaysian

Malaysia will be celebrating her 50th year of nationhood come August 31. Preparations are in place for a grand celebration nationwide. Everywhere you go, you see decorations and other forms of commemoration, the most common being the Malaysian flag either hoisted on flagpoles, flown from balconies of apartments, on vehicles, etc. Even the malls are having their Merdeka Sale. The dailies are doing their usual call of duty of reminding the people of this important national event.

In the joyous spirit of Merdeka, The Star asks fellow citizens to think of the things that we share and love, that we all know to be Malaysian by look, taste, smell or sound. They are looking for 50 things to make our definitive list, the things that define Malaysia.

Below is the current list of suggestions so far. I submitted a few the other day. Let's see if they get included. The list is still being fine-tuned, so if you think you have better suggestions, why not contribute to the list.

50 Things Malaysian

01. Nasi lemak
02. Nasi kandar
03. Roti canai
04. Teh tarik
05. Kajang Satay
06. Ramly Burger
07. Char koay teow
08. ABC (air batu campur)
09. Rojak
10. Yee sang

11. Lah
12. Maachan
13. Brudder
14. Ta pau
15. Cin-cai
16. Aiyo
17. Malaysia Boleh
18. Yam seng

19. Tunku Abdul Rahman
20. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
21. Tan Sri P. Ramlee
22. Sudirman
23. Mat Rempit
24. Ah Long
25. Lat

Buildings & Places
26. Genting Highlands
27. Penang Bridge
28. Putrajaya
29. Sepang International Circuit
30. Petronas Twin Towers
31. Mount Kinabalu
32. KL International Airport
33. Chow Kit Road
34. Malacca
35. Dataran Merdeka
36. 24-hour Mamak stall
37. Pasar malam

Culture and Others
38. Proton
39. Balik kampung
40. Open house
41. Baju kurung
42. Longhouse
43. Baba-Nyonya
44. Malaysian hospitality
45. “Malaysian time”
46. Joget
47. MyKad or identity card
48. Unclear road signs
49. Vision 2020
50. Ang pow in many colours