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Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts

May 9, 2010

Nostalgia weekend!

Hello everyone!
How is your weekend?
Our weather last saturday is really cold windy and gray boring weather,
But it did´nt stop us of not going to the heritage folk museum.
They are having a spring opening.
They are showing a film about the old life style
from farming, cow milking, washing and cooking.
In general telling us, how do they live before.
Without cars, mashine, computers and electricity :)
It´s just about 5 mins drive away from home.
The old taxi, I think?
Sorry could´nt find the word in english.

This is the old stone crusher.
A old water pump...
oppsss! We do have this in my provence,
before we got a flowing water system.
This is one of the reason we have to visit this old museum
because she wanted to ride.
We also used this kind of woods for washing.
Ohh! the good old days washing with friends singing and eating.
( Sa suba ug sa sapa)
I love this kind of stuff.
I had some at home from my MIL.
More washing!
A old ice saw.
A bit scary saw.
A womans work at home making a mat.

When we get back home my boy decide to cook for our dinner.
While the big brother is making the main course.
The little sister is doing what?
My girl is making something for dessert.
Chocolate cake as she said.
My boy made a delicious spaghetti 
with meatsauce for our saturday dinner.
The spaghetti is perfect and the meat is really good.
Thanks my Dear son! you just make my heart melt.
Pssst! He do love to be in the kitchen looking when I´m cooking.

The result of my little girl. hehehe!
She forgot the melted butter and baking powder.
The choco cake is a little bit hard hehehe! but she did her best.
Chocolate cake for our saturaday dessert from my dear daugther.
I´m a proud mom of my kids!
Well, it´s not mother´s day yet in Sweden.
Anywhere else where in the world celebrated it allready,
Happy mom day to all wonderful mom out there!
Please enjoy your life mom your deserved the best like me!

Apr 20, 2010

Wonderful tuesday

Hello everyone todays weather 
is a little bit cold than yesterday.
So I decided to meet a friend and have a lunch together.
We been talking for 4 hrs and it was really nice to meet
and have a conversation about our everyday life.
Again we´ve been to our fave thai resto in the city.
After eating our lunch we walk slowly to Condeco café.
To have som tea and sweets like carrotcake and blueberry muffins.
Indeed I had a wonderful spring tuesday with a friend.
One more thing really made me satisfied today.
That the repo rate is unchanged at 0, 25 per cent.
Perfect for me hehehe!
Well that´s all from me today!
See you again tomorrow.

And how about you?
I hope youre day is fine and wonderful despite the weather.

Mar 25, 2010


The snow is melting and it´s wet and muddy outside.
Soo got my new Viking boots home for this wet season.

When the winter is gone the rain well come 
and a good flashy boots is perfect.

I just love the color, 
It´s brighten my day.

Have a bright friday!

Feb 5, 2010

Feb weather

Feb weather in Sweden, Gothenburg

I think she´s having fun with the snow.

Ja..they do having fun

Where is the road?

Thanks! snow is melting

Or maybe not yet.

The main road.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Jan 2, 2010


We went for a walk today it´s lovely weather and sunny.
Sharing you some nice shot from the nature.

It´s pretty to look at but it´s not funny to touch it.
I´m freezing!

I need sun.

I think this is beuatiful

It´s nice to have a warm wine when you come back home after walking.

Cheers for the winter!

Dec 2, 2009


In our nieghbourhood

Is´nt it a lovely weather? don´t mind the cold just wear proper clothes and you´ll be fine.

On my way to Norway, Oslo.
Ja! if Im going to turn left but no I´m going to drive straight today.

Hope you all have a good wednesday evening!

Wednesday weather

Today in Gothenburg, Sweden.
I share some lovely wednesday photos to all of you my Dearest blogger friends.

Outside the leaf and grass is frozen.

And it´s because it´s freeze outside I have to scrape the window.

Actually I do had a warmer in the car but it´did´nt work!
This is around eight in the morning.

Nov 10, 2009

Terrible weather...

I dont know if I can called it terrible weather but I can´t see the road it´s to windy rainy to drive this afternoon.

Look at the windsheld wiper is so fast that I almost cound´nt got a second to look at the road.
I must drive out because I have to bring my little girl to the vaccination center which is located about 5 minutes drive away from home.

Have a good night everyone°!

Oct 29, 2009

Lovely autumn weather

                                View from our window, beuatiful right?

  See you in the spring my lovely japanese maples.

Oct 26, 2009

Autumn holiday/Höstlov

Hello everyone!

Hope you got a lovely weekend...? asking me? I do had a lovely weekend with my family and friends.
Perhaps it´s a bit late to post about the weekend but better late than never.

Sometimes I felt sad why do I injoy eating lobster? huh! confused again?

We´ve been to a maritime museum in Gothenburg to look for aquarium fishes and to visit the biggest lobster in Gothenburg

 The inside of this thing is soooo delicious...

We do have fun my boy like subsmarines and boat specially when it´s about warship and my little girl like the fishes and all living things under the sea.

Sep 6, 2009

Lovely sept weather/ härlig Sept väder.

A really nice morning we got here in Gothenburg, Sweden no wind no rain and it´s sunny.

Lovely sunday morning...specially when I saw this one....Hope you seen it?

My lovely chocolate flowers with a bees on it.
It makes me really love sunny day for all the insect who help the flower to bloom were out and just give more lives to it....
What a lovely nature we´ve got in here in Sweden.

En härligt morgon vi har just nu I Sverige Göteborg mer specificera är jag i Hisingen.
Ej regn, vind, och det är sol söndag morgon.
Medan jag sitter och dricker mitt första koffein
ser jag dessa insekter... ben i mina choklad blommor. Inte det fascinerande när solen skiner kommer dessa djur och jobbar....
Vilken passionerad natur vi har i Sverige.

Sep 3, 2009

Rainy days!

What a weather? raining! Back home around 16:00 wet wet wet all over me...
If you only felt how I fel when autumn cames in...well not to mentioned the fact that I´m not alone of being unhappy person when autumn arrived.
Anyway I promised my self not to think about the darkness in the morning, the grey grass and the really really boring rain.
Would you please imagine to wake up 07:00 in the morning and its dark outside, grey and rainy at the same time windy. How nice to stay in the north.....
Well what ever is it I could only help my self to be positive and remember there is lots of event holiday and more happenings to come when autumn is here.

Vilket väder regn! Hemma vid 16:00 helt genom blått ju! pissregn ute...
Usch jag avsker host väder den är bara mörkt, kallt och regn, blåsigt också.
I allafall jag har lovat mig själv att inte tänka så mycket på vädret.

Någon som kan fantasera när man vaknar kl: 07:00 på morgonen och ser det hemsk mork utanför, gråt, blåt, eller blåsigt.
Det faktiskt skönt och härligt att bo i norden....(ingen som tvinga mig att bo här) eller jag menar sommarren :-)
Hur som helst Det finns faktiskt mycket som kommer att hända.
Det är snart helg....

Aug 28, 2009

Fall is coming?

Apparently, it´s time to start cleaning up! To early to feel cold. Fall is on the way^ Watchin tele with my family and having a blanket in my foot and i´m wearing socks because Ja! you know it´s getting....cold. Anyway it`s cozy when it´s dark outside to light candles in the coffee table with a snacks and good cup of tea together with the family on a friday evening. What do you think?