Monday, August 22, 2011

August pages

In our Yahoo group, our theme this month for our 4x4 pages is books to love.  My page turned out like this:

I grabbed some old American Crafts paper and went to work.  The hearts are a mix of leftover collage paper and a stamp from Stampin Up.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Unreal....almost 3 months without a post?

Yeah, 3 months without blogging?  Unacceptable! :)  Lots and lots of things have been going on here.  First, some pics of bubby!

These were taken while on vacation in VA.  Dylan got to meet his Grampie for the first time :)

So what's been going on?
-Well, Dylan is approaching the 6 month mark in a couple weeks.
-We are working on lots of tummy time, grabbing at things and trying to say 'momma'.  Pretty soon he'll be scooting and crawling!
-Flying my mom out for a couple weeks in a few days to hang out, take a class with the oh so awesome Dina and have lots of snuggle time with Dylan.
-Refinanced the house, saving us $400 a month on our mortgage!
-Saddened with the sudden passing of one of our kitties last week, Max. We are thinking he was struck with acute kidney failure....he was 12 years old and it unfortunately hits kitties in their later years.
-STILL don't have much time for crafting.....although now that Dylan has been going to bed sooner and sleeping upwards of 12 hours a night, it's a definite possibility it will pick up here in the near future!

So that's it kiddo's! I will have pics up soon of what we have been doing in our yahoo group!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Seriously? It's really been over a month since I last updated? 

Well, things are good here! Dylan is getting SUPER big!!!  Here are some photos to share:

He is now 13 weeks and is happier than ever. He is constantly smiling, cooing, giggling. Here are some of his loves:

-loves Skyping with Gwammie & Gwampie
-loves playing with his tongue
-adores cookie monster!
-loves getting baths
-loves getting horsey rides from his brother, Jackson
-gets a kick out of watching Sesame Street
-especially loves watching his daddy and always follows him with his eyes
-loves doing pull ups with mommy

His little personality comes through more and more each day.  I can't wait until he's able to sit up on his own, grab things, discover his hands/feet/other body parts, crawl, talk, walk, etc.  

Friday, April 15, 2011

I finally created something!

So every month our Yahoo group creates 4x4 pages based on a theme, and April's theme is Scrabble pieces.  I am constantly inspired by the amazing Dina Wakley, so I decided to use some techniques I have learned from her and make a nice, vibrant background.  I then sewed random circles, swirls and lines using white and cream thread and then used the Scrabble letters to make pages for each member of the group.  I used Paynes Grey paint around the edges of the Scrabble pieces and then added some glitter.  I really like how these turned out and are probably my favorite pages done so far.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where has the time gone??

Has it really been 3+ weeks since I last posted? Time flies when you're having fun, huh?  Well, here's an update on the kiddo: He'll turn 6 weeks on Friday, weighs in at almost (if not over) 10 pounds.  He's more alert during the day and drinks a ton of formula!  He's already outgrown several outfits and is in bigger diapers :) Here are some photos from a shoot my friend did for us...Dylan was 2 weeks old in these:

Mom is still here, but only until 4/16 (by the way, go check out her blog for some exciting news!!!!!!!).  The good news is that I'll be going back east in October to visit family for about a week!  We bought a web cam and right now we Skype with Grampie every weekend, and will look forward to doing it in the future when Grammie gets home :)  I really haven't created much in terms of art lately, but I am super excited to be attending Dina's class this Friday!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patty's Day update :)

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!

My mom and I did this mini shoot with Dylan today and the pictures turned out great so I had to share :)

So far everything here has been wonderful.  Dylan is getting bigger and has become more awake and alert now. His facial features are really starting to come in now, and he is looking more like his mommy and Grampie more and more every day.  Tomorrow he will be 3 weeks old :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mini photo shoot with Dylan

My mom and I wanted to try out doing a mini photo shoot with Dylan tonight, so with a bean bag, a blanket and some fuzzy fabric, this is how they turned out:

We had a professional come into the hospital and do some photos and a friend is coming by on Tuesday to do photos as well.  In addition to that, my mom and I have already taken and printed out well over 200 photos of this little guy. Can you say mommy is obsessed???

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Meet Dylan Patrick

So here he is in all his cuteness.  Born February 25th at 11:06pm.  6lb, 14oz and 20 inches long (much smaller than what the ultrasounds were picking up!) After about 12 hours of labor the poor guy just didn't want to come out so we had to have a C-Section.   We enjoy every single minute with him.  The pain was definitely worth it and it's true what they forget about what you went through once you hold him.  We have tons and tons of great pics of the little guy and I'll be posting more soon:)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Update :)

Well, I am back home.  After a week in the hospital with great blood pressure, they released me.  Since I have been home my blood pressure has been wonderful.  I am still being induced next Friday, so hopefully no later than Sunday baby Dylan will be here :)  I have been resting at home and just taking it easy.

We had another growth ultrasound yesterday and found out baby Dylan weighs in at 7lb, 8oz...and I am only 35 weeks! So it's a darn good thing he's coming out in a week because at the rate he's growing, I'd be looking at pushing out a 10 pound baby had we made it to our original 3/18 due date! PHEW!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Here we go...

So let me fill you in as to what's going on.

I am stuck in the hospital and will be delivering anytime within the next 3 weeks.

I went in for a regular check up, had very high blood pressure and after a bunch of tests found out I have mild Preeclampsia and have to be monitored and have my vitals checked every 4 hours.

I was really bummed at first to find out I had to stay here, but realized that this is all for the good of the baby and I can live without having to do stuff at home. I have a wonderful support system here that has bent over backwards to help me while I am here.  Needless to say this will more than likely be my last blog post for a while....

I'll keep you all posted :)